Showing posts with label ACoC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACoC. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Moar Pyramid


What was this thing powering? Here's a short press release:

Whatever it is or was, it's clearly not working now. Similar, when you think about it, to the ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada) and the venerable if barely attended Church of England.

Ad Astra,


LSP— Jay Anderson (@TheProjectUnity) March 20, 2025

Thursday, November 30, 2023

CIA Goes For UFOs


According to the UK's Daily Mail a top secret CIA office (Office Of Global Access or OGA) has been collecting crashed UFO debris since 2003 and even took possession of two intact craft.

Unnamed sources told the Mail:

There's at least nine vehicles. There were different circumstances for different ones, it has to do with the physical condition they're in. If it crashes, there's a lot of damage done. Others, two of them, are completely intact.


Wow, but we have to ask, if extraterrestrials are so technologically advanced that they were able to cross the icy void of interstellar space to visit earth, why would they crash, much less allow the CIA to get hold of their tech. It seems unlikely, which hints at a coverup, an inside job if you will.

Here at the Compound, we believe USGOV along with its secret police and espionage agencies have been infiltrated and possibly controlled by Off World interests for many years. Much like, if you pause to reflect, the Church of England (COE), the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) and the tellingly named TEC (The Episcopal Church).

So of course the OGA took possession of downed space alien craft, they're on the same team. Terrifying, isn't it. And perhaps you think this is some kind of weird conspiracy theory, think again.

Ad Astra,


Monday, October 2, 2023

Some Worldwide Anglican Non-Communion News


So what's going on in the Worldwide Anglican Non-Communion? Good question. The venerable and catastrophically shrinking Church of England is all about getting rid of CO2, which is a gas, carbon dioxide. Here's the Net Zero Bishop of Norwich, the COE's Lead Bishop on the Environment:

The Prime Minister said we can meet our climate targets without taking the carbon reduction actions the Government had previously announced. We can’t. Decarbonisation must permeate every aspect of our lives.


No more carbon for you, Church of Englanders, time to stop breathing. You'll be interested, punters, to know COE attendance is at a risible 600k per Sunday in 2021, down from over a million in 2009. All out of a population of what, over 60 million? Huh, you do the math. Then there's ACoC, the Anglican Church of Canada, which is totally gay. 

you risible old fraud

Check out Samizdat:

In advance of Ottawa’s Pride March on August 27th, Shane Parker, the bishop of Ottawa urged us all to read his letter “Global Interfaith Commission on LGBT+ Lives”. The heading for the letter is: “Declaring the Sanctity of Life and the Dignity of All”.

Not quite all as it turns out. The handwringing is reserved for 2SLGBTQI+ people because “all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions are a precious part of creation and are part of the natural order.”


Sanctity of life for all, except the unborn, obvs, which ACoC wants to kill. But not to worry, there's a new bishop figure in Peterborough. Look how lovely it is:

eyes left

I say, Colonel, what an attractive wife! Just kidding, Indian Army forever and good luck Peterborough.

Your Old Pal,


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Some Good News


Keen-eyed readers of this popular international mind-blog will have noticed ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada) left earth orbit many years ago for the icy void of deep space, but not the Diocese of the Arctic. So here's some good news from an unlikely source.

Anglican Samizdat reports on an interview at VOL:

The Diocese of the Arctic is unusual.

First, its bishop, David Parsons, is a member of a species all but extinct in the Anglican Church of Canada: he is a Christian bishop.

Second, the diocese is in communion with ANiC (Anglican Network in Canada) and is open to licensing its priests.

Third, the diocese does not support the recently adopted liturgies for Gender Transition and Affirmation or any of the other LGBT+ claptrap that obsesses other ACoC clergy.

Fourth, the diocese sees itself as the Anglican Church of Canada and the rest of the organisation as – something else. By implication, not a church.

Lastly, Parsons thinks, “that the great and terrible day of the Lord is coming, and many bishops are going to have a stark wake up as they stand before God and are asked why they have not stood against the doctrines of demons and devils. My fear is, that day will not be a day of repentance but just justice and judgment because the day of grace will be over.”


Did you spot that? the diocese does not support the recently adopted liturgies for Gender Transition and Affirmation or any of the other LGBT+ claptrap that obsesses other ACoC clergy. Wow. He just got out and said it. And again, many bishops are going to have a stark wake up as they stand before God and are asked why they have not stood against the doctrines of demons and devils. Exactly.

Well done, Bishop Parsons and the small but faithful Diocese of the Arctic, would that England's Anglo-Catholics and Evangelicals would be so bold. Regardless, we stand with you in the Diocese of Fort Worth.

So take heart punters, there is Good News, both in Christ and in his Church.

Have a beautiful Sunday,


PS. I take credit for coining the now ubiquitous acronym ACoC, so let's see some applause, international ortho/trad commentariat. Thx.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

God's Pronouns


I always thought they were He/His. Oh well, now we know. And here's some social media back up from the inclusively shrinking ACOC (Anglican Church of Canada).

The excellent Anglican Samizdat exclaims, "Antediluvian throwbacks like me who have always thought of the Holy Spirit as 'He' had no idea that the third person of the Trinity had undergone a gender transition." Yes indeed, but will there be a special baptismal rite for the pneumatic sex-change? Perhaps in England.

In related news, have you noticed how the aggressive chevrons on the LGTBQ++ flag are eating up the original rainbow? Like some kind of... takeover.

In the meanwhile, the same people who gaily fly this flag are championing all out war with ORCFORCE. Vicious rumors that trans refugees attempting to flee the Ukraine have been turned around and sent to Ost Front are entirely that, vicious rumors.

Over the Rainbow,


Saturday, January 30, 2021

UFO, ACoC or Space Junk?


Wes Snyder wasn't expecting to see a UFO when he developed film shot on North Carolina's Outer Banks, but that's what the well known coastal photographer appears to have found.

“I spent a night at the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse shooting time lapse photos in order to create an upcoming video. While I was looking through my footage I realized there was something in the video that I could not explain,” wrote Snyder on Facebook. “It’s much larger than your typical plane appears, and it’s moving way faster than clouds.”

While some believe the mysterious object is a space alien craft, others including Snyder think it's probably a piece of space junk, perhaps a satellite. However, there's a third possibility. According to an anonymous whistleblower within the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC), the unidentified aerial phenomenon is part of the off-world Canadian denomination

"It looks and acts like an alien spaceship or a piece of space junk, but it's just the Diocese of Toronto burning up as it hits earth atmosphere. ACoC left earth a long time ago, sometimes bits of it fall back down and burn up."

In related news, UFO entrepeneur Robert Bigelow has claimed that aliens are "right under people's noses." 

Here at the Compound we'd agree, but what is the Hatteras object? A UFO, space junk or the Diocese of Toronto? You, the reader, be the judge.

Ad Astra,


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Pentagon UFO Disclosure

The Department of Defense has finally declassified three previously leaked UFO videos taken by US Navy aircrew in 2004 and 2015. Labelled FLIR, GOFAST and GIMBAL, the films show unidentified aerial craft performing maneuvers beyond the capability of known tech. So what are these UAPs (Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon) and why have they been declassified now?

In answer, no one knows, including the airmen who took the video, they're clearly baffled and excited by the strangeness of what they're seeing. But we can speculate: Hi-Tech ET's, space aliens, extra-dimensional beings, ourselves from the future, demons, random ACoC experiments in theology, secret government tech?

In Space No One Can Hear You Scream

Your call, though I gravitate towards secret government tech or ETs. After all, it can't be the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) as that left the planet long ago, and if demons they'd surely be more aggressive. Are they us from the future or another dimension/timeline? If so, are they condemned to a continuous temporal loop? Bad place to be, see Many Dimensions

And why official Navy/DOD/Pentagon imprimatur now? There they are, telling us there's unexplained flying objects in the atmosphere and there it is. Fact. What is this, phase one of Full Disclosure?

You be the judge and stay tuned.

Ad Astra,


Monday, July 29, 2019

Abductee Says Do Not Contact Evil Aliens

Alien abductee Daryl Sims has issued a dire warning to humanity in an explosive online interview, do not contact aliens because they are malevolent and evil con artists: 

"When people have a positive contact experience, that means you have accepted the program. Some people have died as a result of attempting alien contact while others have been injured. 

  They Come to Help!

"You will experience a feeling of awe and that the aliens are here to help the planet and all these wonderful things – none of which they have ever done."

Sims continued, stating that abductees have been kidnapped by space aliens and regret the experience, they "don't like what happens":


"On the other hand, there is another group called alien abductees, who feel they have been kidnapped or taken without their will. These people often remember parts of the event, sometimes all of it and they don’t like what happens."

 A Typical Grey

Spokespersons for the Episcopal Church, Anglican Church of Canada, the Church of England and Pope Francis declined to comment.

Here at the Compound we urge extreme caution when interacting with extraterrestrials.

Ad Astra,


Monday, July 15, 2019

Oh Look, it's ACoC!

Just when you thought ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada) had vanished forever into the icy void of deep space than she reappears, boldly "crossing the rainbow."

Keen-eyed xenologists will note ACoC's new top bishop figure, Linda Nicholls, at the back of the tiny church's procession. 

Take Me To Your Leader

Whether the small and getting smaller off-world denomination will attempt to establish a base on earth or return to the vacuum remains to be seen.

Ad Astra,


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

I Saw A UFO On Sunday

A UFO? Don't you mean ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada), flying across the heavens on its way to the icy void of deep space? No, readers, this was the real deal.

Two days ago I stepped out onto Compound's back porch to take in the starry brilliance of a Texan night sky. OK, not as Milky Way remarkable as, say, West Texas but still, not bad. Then a light appeared in my peripheral vision, very bright, moving North to South. 

The exhaust looked a bit like this but more defined

I thought it was a chopper, perhaps a Careflight, or Law Enforcement chasing down some cultural enrichment. In a second it was in front and above me, moving fast. I looked up, noticing an intermittent jetlike red exhaust behind the craft. Weird, do choppers do that? then registered that whatever it was was silent, no noise whatsoever. 

No sooner noted than the light and exhaust blinked out as though they had never been, nothing was there, not even a silhouette against the starlit sky. So what was this thing?

Some kind of new, noiseless stealth tech, a visitor from another dimension, defying the laws of space and time? A Toronto deanery,  a liturgical dancer, Hillary's emails? Who knows, but there it was, silent and fast, and then it wasn't.

Make of this what you will,


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Pope Implicated in Alleged Sex Scandal Cover Up

There's something about the rainbow riding antics of the Worldwide Anglican Non Communion that makes it a fair target. 

Is ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada) lost in the icy void of deep space, is the CofE controlled by Mantis People and the Episcopal Church setting up Jesus Movement worship spaces on the Red Planet, all to the beat of heart warming liturgical dance? 

Good question but when it comes to the broader Church things get more serious. As in Pope Francis and other senior members of the Hierarchy allegedly covering up Cardinal McCarrick's gay sex abuse.

Here's Damian Thompson:

Pope Francis stands accused this morning (26 August) of covering up the crimes of ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, one of the most senior and sinister sex abusers in the history of the Catholic Church.
The allegation comes from the Vatican’s former apostolic nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 77, who has called on the Pope to resign.
In a devastating 11-page written testament, Viganò says Francis lifted severe sanctions imposed on McCarrick for sexual wrongdoing by Pope Benedict XVI, the existence of which has not been made public until now.
Viganò writes that he told Francis in person in 2013 that McCarrick ‘had corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance’.
But, says the former nuncio, the new Pope decided instead to cover up for the retired Archbishop of Washington – and made him one of his most trusted advisers.

It's scathing stuff and Thompson gets right down to it.

But the document’s (Vigano's) detailed allegations cannot to be dismissed on grounds of bias. Either they are true or they are false. If they are true, then Pope Francis has actively promoted the career of a sex abuser, knowing of the allegations against him – and sabotaged Pope Benedict’s attempt to protect the Church from any further crimes by Theodore McCarrick.

You can read the whole thing here and here.

Pray for the Church,


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Bishops Abandon ACoC!

Do you remember ACoC, the tiny Canadian Anglican franchise? Perhaps not, you've been busy watching Ice Ice Baby on a continuous loop. But press pause and listen up; ACoC's bishops are abandoning their dimunitive denomination in droves.

ACoC Bishop Figures

Archbishop Fred Hiltz, ACoC supremo, has announced his resignation. Michael Bird, Bishop of Niagara, Colin Johnson of Toronto, Donald Phillips of Rupert's Land and now Archbishop Privett of Kootenay and The People, have all told the world they're Xing out of ACoC.

Why are these bishop figures leaving the church they helped to destroy build? Here's Samizdat:

Time We Left This Planet

They are all liberal and heartily endorse same-sex marriage. Why have they all decided to leave now? Do they know something we don’t about the fate of the ACoC? Are they concerned that there is no future for them in the ACoC because they are all heterosexual? Have they reached that stage in life when ambition yields to the sad realisation that all the ecclesiastical mayhem that can possibly be inflicted on the Anglican Communion in one lifetime has already been wrought during their climb up the greasy clerical pole?

Return To The Source!

All good questions but let's apply Occam's Razor. Could it be that, work done, the Mothership is calling them home?

Food for thought, eh?


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

NASA Probe Unravels Great Red Spot Mystery

NASA's Juno space probe has captured dramatic photos deep within the heart of the Jupiter's Great Red Spot, revealing what appears to be the head of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justsin Welby.

Juno left earth in 2011, making its first pass over Jupiter's Great Red Spot in July, 2017. Astronomer's discovered that the Spot has deep roots, well into the planet's atmosphere.

"Juno data indicate that the solar system's most famous storm is almost one-and-a-half Earths wide, and has roots that penetrate about 200 miles (300 kilometers) into the planet's atmosphere,” said Scott Belton, Juno's principal investigator.

However, star gazing boffins were shocked to find the Archbishop of Canterbury in Juno's camera footage.

"It came as a shock," stated Belton, "We didn't expect to find Justin Welby so far down in the Red Spot, right there at the bottom,"

Others aren't convinced. "This is absurd. It's obviously not the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby," said one expert, "It's just hot gas. Red Spot Junior is ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada), we know that."

Juno continues on its journey out of the solar system and into the icy void of deep space.

Ad Adstra,


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

El Dorado

Imagine, for a moment, that you were a creature from another planet or even terrestrial continent, like ACoC or Jeremy Corbyn, visiting Dallas for the first time and that you knew nothing about it whatsoever. You arrive as the sun's setting. What do you see?

The Lost City of Z

Buildings made of gold, a veritable El Dorado. Full of thoughts of unimaginable wealth you return to your people and organize raiding parties, colonists to seize the gold. Only to find, when you reach the fabled City of Z, that the buildings are made of glass.

Gold or Glass? You Decide

I reflected on that as I drove through the metrospawl on the way back from my old pal, the dentist. And I imagined the ruin, the vast mound, that will be the rebar legacy of this conurbation when it comes crashing down, as it must.

A Typical Millionaire Degenerate

Speaking of which, Charlie Rose has come crashing down. Sic transit gloria degeneracy.



Tuesday, November 7, 2017

UFO Hunters Find ACoC On Mars!

Amazed UFO hunters believe they've discovered ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada) on the surface of the red planet.

Images of the crashed 1.3 mile long object were discovered in footage from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor, leading xenologists to conclude that ACoC had at last been found.

ACoC Enhanced

“I have processed, colorized and rebuilt the object and in my opinion it is ACoC," stated one expert, "The object is too degraded to enhance totally so I have rebuilt it using the points of interest, it's also over a mile long, so this must have been a mothership, either a Martian one or possibly an off planet alien species. That's when we realized we had found ACoC, but why did it crash?”

Why did it crash, on Mars?

Why Did It Crash?

That, readers, is a very good question.

Ad Astra,


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Anglican Church of Canada Spotted Over Yorkshire

Two stargazers were shocked when they spotted ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada) flying high above England's famous Yorkshire Dales.

Jayson Morehead, 21, and Keith Downlow, 23, got more than they bargained for when they went camping in the Dales to "look at the stars." 

"We were looking at the stars," stated Morehead, "When it just popped up on the horizon, blinking red, purple and rainbow [sic]. Then disappeared back where it came from. I was not sure if I saw it but looked at Keith and his face was white.

"It was there one minute, then next it lit up like a bolt of lightening. It was like a flash and whoosh, it was gone. If I'd blinked I would have missed it.

"It was absolutely incredible. The stars were dots in the night sky and the Anglican Church of Canada was the size of a 5p. It was hard to judge how far away it was but it was definitely higher than the hills."

Why the diminutive ACoC was flying above the Yorkshire Dales only to suddenly disappear remains a mystery.

Fred Hiltz declined to comment.

Ad Astra,


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Mystery Planet Home to ACoC?

The Anglican Church of Canada

Stargazing boffins have spotted a mystery world which may be home to the long-lost Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC).

Star Map

Astronomers at the European Southern Observatory discovered a world orbiting our closest star, Alpha Centauri, that's only four light years away. Because the mysterious planet inhabits the "goldilocks zone," allowing it to have liquid water, the planet may host life, and ACoC.

In Space No One Can Hear You Scream

Eager scientists are trying to find a way to send a gigantic robot probe to the planet to see if it's home to alien life forms. However, although close in astronomical terms, it would take 76,000 years to reach using present day spacefaring technology.

According to Nick Pope, a UK based UFO expert, the discovery is "game-changing."

Space Aliens

"This game-changing discovery may help us answer the question of whether or not the Anglican Church of Canada is in this universe," he stated, "Many people believe there are aliens out there and now it's possible they're our galactic next door neighbours."

The Church of England

The Anglican Church of Canada left earth orbit several decades ago and has yet to be found. Whether the tiny denomination will be discovered circling our nearest star is uncertain because of the distances involved.

Artist's Impression of a Light Sail Starship 

When asked if it was building a "light sail" to reach the far-off planet and make contact with the diminutive ACoC, Lambeth Palace declined to comment.

Ad Astra,