Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts

Saturday, November 30, 2024

We Love Our Rulers


Think of lovable old Joe Biden, how we love him! He was loved so much by everyone that he won an entire 81 million votes. The most popular president in the history of popularity.

Then there's Two-Tier Kier, he's right awesome. Kill 'em in the womb, kill 'em at the tomb, and all to save the holy NHS. While you're at it, kill the farmers too. Go, BlackRock stooge.

Oh, You're Not Gay, You Puking Bankster

And don't forget Macron, France's phony little corporate huckster bankster. So loved by all.

Germany Will Defend The West From Putin, by Gayness

What about Germany, do they even have a Leader? Questionable. But not to worry, they're deindustrializing as we speak. 1945, anyone? Please, serfs, criminalize the AfD.

But perhaps Old 47 can reverse this sickening trend. I hope he does, and Sgt. LSP tells me that the troops are already starting to talk like troops, instead of walking on rainbow eggshells. "Dad," he says, "None of the three trannies in our Brigade are deployable, and now they have to go." Good, and so they should. Why were they even there in the first place.

You know the answer and I won't bang on. Except to say...

Love & Obey your Rulers,


Monday, October 28, 2024

Who Are These Ciphers?


They don't even bother to campaign.

La Malinche

And why would they?

Because the result is fixed. But the question is, fixed towards whom. Maybe that's up for debate, wewait with bated breath, or not. Game of Thrones, anyone? As always...

Your Call,


Saturday, March 9, 2024

Tucker Rips Biden's State Of The Union


Did you watch the ranting, deranged Old Crook speak the other night? I won't comment, Tucker says it all, crazy talk. You'll note, in passing, the Democrats baying for war while Mike Johnson nods in agreement. 

There will be a reckoning,


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Presidential Prediction?

You Wicked Old Mountebank

Who's going to be the next President of the, ahem, Free World? El Senor Trump, Joe "Wicked Old Crook" Biden? Kamala  "The Whore" Harris? Good question.

For what little it's worth, I don't see the Crook getting too far, he's just too unpopular, despite his 81 million vote 2020 rig, and he's clearly ancient and demented as well as an old fraud and a crook. No one really likes him, even his own party, why would they. So the 2024 vibe doesn't seem to lie with Pedo Joe. But what about the Cackling Whore? No one likes her either, not a good candidate.

Orange Man Bad

Then there's the Orange Pinata, Trump. He's popular, no doubt about it, the man fills stadiums, but the Uniparty hates him, he's a threat to them. So do you see the Golden Golem of Greatness being allowed by our rulers to ascend, once again, to the Oval Office? I'd say that was unlikely, but even so, there has to be some kind of viable opposition to keep the pretense of our one two party state vaguely credible. You know, your vote counts, sorta thing, which it obviously doesn't, but whatever.

Cynical doomerism aside, who will the Power that controls us run against Orange Man Bad. The Old Witch, Hillary? Surely not, that pantsuit's already sailed. Feeble Joe and the Cackler are clearly a bust, so... who? Mitchell Obama, swooping in from Martha's Vineyard like an ill-omened bat? As a kind of final black Democrat rally before the Latino influx replaces that unfortunate demographic?

How Very Bipartisan

Possibly, but what do I know, not much except this. Trump is surely the only viable GOP candidate, Biden/Harris are a bust and Mitchell's an outlier, which leaves us at an impasse. There has to be someone, some person anointed by Power to act as the figurehead of State and preserve the facade of freely elected governance. Who will it be?

Your Call,


Friday, September 15, 2023

So Who's Next?


So who's next, who will be the leader of our great Unconstitutional Non-Republic in 2024? Will it be Dementia Corpse Crook Biden? He can't even climb the steps to Airforce One, what a pathetic joke even though he is the most popular president figure in the history of history. Will it be Cackles Whore?  Everyone loves this Delta Minus Semi Moron, have a look.

I don't see it, but maybe Killery's going to make a comeback and go for total, absolute power one more time. Dammit, her turn. Unlikely, too much peaked, spent force type of thing, but maybe the Golden Golem of Greatness, Trump himself? 

Will he ascend the throne? I'd like it if he did, most awesome, but everything's against it apart from actual popularity and as we know, that doesn't count when it comes to elections.

Then there's Big Mike Michelle. Imagine it swooping in from leftfield from its Vineyard oceanfront mansion, perhaps on a Gruesome Newsom running mate tip. Just think, our very first POC trans woman President. Roll out victory rainbow flags all 'round the world for this bestial satan. 

But what about an RFK/Tulsi ticket? I call not a chance in Hell, but it'd be cool. Feel free to weigh in, I know nothing.



Tuesday, August 29, 2023



Some ridiculous conspiracy theorists are speculating that demons, literal demons, are amongst us. How could they say such a thing? I mean, in the face of all the evidence.

But there they are, in full display

Demons. And yet you still vote for them. That makes you part of the problem. Look, here's America's top witch with a fiduciary necromancer:

Out Demons Out,


Saturday, June 10, 2023

Evil Lost


I found this moving and you might too. Remember, not so many years ago these people were under the rule of the godless Soviet Beast, but they escaped from the talons of the Enemy. Do you wonder why this evil mountebank fraud would seek to destroy them?

you wicked old fraud

If they lost in Russia they can lose here too. 

Take heart,


Monday, May 8, 2023



Now imagine that was the Metroplex. Of course such a thing could never, ever, ever, ever happen here. So go on, load up the .50s and count yourself a lucky fella.

Your Best Pal,


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Sancs A Lot!


Everyone knows how the money laundering scheme in the Ukraine will rake in billions for our beloved Elite Overlords. But what about you, the pitiful serf? Here's a helpful infographic:

Yes, you're better off now because you've been taxed moar. And by all means disagree, go right ahead, and get raided at 3 am by our loyal Federal Stasi. Speaking of which, do you remember how the Soviet Union banned prayer in its schools? Not like us, at all. Whatever, go on Great Britain, take one for the team.

All hail our Hellscape Overlords,


Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Sol Invictus


The sun rises over Texas, incandescent, unrelenting, invictus, unconquered. Do we back down and hide, skulking like so many knaves in our air conditioned dens? No, we stride out to meet the challenge, all the way to the nearest Pick 'n Steal.

Sure enough, there's modern age debris strewn across the way. A rubberized glove, some ear defenders, but no weaves, dime bags (right price, Ed?), needles, losing lottery tickets and beat up VIP passes to Taylor Swift gigs. Such is life in this blighted second decade of the Great Reset.

No matter Green New Deal, whoever said life'd be easy? Here's our 81 million vote beloved ruler, Old Joe, whom everyone loves:

Your Very Best Pal,


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius


81 million people voted for this aged, corrupt buffoon. Except that they didn't, still, many millions did. Whatev, we can all enjoy the Age of Aquarius.

The 5th Dimension Age of Aquarius 1969 

Rock on,


Monday, May 23, 2022



Automata, robots if you like, mechanical devices that move under their own power. Aristotle the Philosopher described them thus, “A kind of puppet with the ability to move by itself.” And of course such things were no stranger to the ancient world.

Hero of Alexandria, Ctesibus and others produced automata, mechanical wonders to amuse and amaze. These were, apparently, employed for the advancement of theater and liturgy, amphitheater and temple, and not deployed industrially. They had slaves for that. And so to today.

A kind of puppet with the ability to move by itself. Extant? Here, have a look.

Who runs it? Good question, who's behind all those water clocks, differential gears and plastiskin. And yes, the tech's obviously not quite right. Perhaps that's why 81 million voted for this apparent human, even though they didn't. 

Your Old Friend,


Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Party Of Death


Democrats and the Left love abortion, it's like a sacrament to them, an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual anti-grace. A demonic sacrament if you like, and they defend it with religious fanaticism. Witness their shrieking fury over the  leaked SCOTUS draft  ruling, which would put abortion law in the hands of state legislatures.

Pan to protests, illegal but so what, outside the homes of Supreme Court Justices, vandalism of churches and the disruption/invasion of the Mass by enraged abortionists. How dare you attempt to limit us killing our babies. To put it another way, and here's the anti-grace, the Luciferian pride of the thing, nothing must stand in the way of my freedom to do what I want with my body, even to the extent of killing my child.

So much for radical autonomy run amok, for Crowley's do what thou will shall be the whole of the law or Sanger's No Gods No Masters!, all this imagined liberty degenerating into murder of the most heinous kind, of a mother's love for her child and the child himself. Such satanism.

Leaving aside the deep roots of Marx's you've got no value unless you're an economic producer, c'mon womyn, hurry up and be a wage slave and abort your kids, Democrats tried a home run around SCOTUS, attempting to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law. This failed in the Senate by 49-51 votes.

If it had passed, S. 4132 would have forced "states to legalize late-term abortions, remove informed consent laws, and prevent restrictions on gruesome fetal dismemberment procedures." That's right, if it had passed, point of birth abortion would have been enshrined in the law of the land.

Stand back for a moment and consider what we've become, a nation in which our ruling political party openly advocates and champions killing babies in the womb, up to the point of birth. Reflect, do you think that God would bless such a country?

Yes, these people are sick, and they're openly calling for war. And no wonder, their Father was a murder from the beginning.

Out Demons Out,


Sunday, May 1, 2022

Chevalier, Mult Estes Guariz


May Day, workers of the world unite. And with that can you hear the voices of Charles Martel, Raymond, Godfrey, Tancred, and Robert? We're taught, today, to scorn the first Crusade, how evil of them to fight for the Cross and the Faith. The same people, who by the way hate Christianity, urge us to fight for Democracy.

Point being, you fight for what you most believe in and what is that; friends, family, unit? Yes indeed, but beyond that what? What idea or cause would you go to war for. And this is an issue, not least for the West which has ditched objective value and truth for opinion, read power.

So here we are, about to give Ukraine $33 BILLION to defeat the Russian Orcs in the name of the freedom to have trans bathrooms. Ahem, get even richer than we already are.

You'll be amazed to know that Russia's military budget is some $20 billion.



Thursday, April 28, 2022

Ice Cream Van Reflection


An ice cream van, remember those? wends its way through the leafy streets of this bucolic Texan haven. It's a noisy thing and I happen to know it peddles rather more than refreshing ices, maybe the cops will shut it down, please.

Speaking of which, there was a bust outside the Pick 'n Steal (Shamrock filling station) this evening. A couple of Tahoes, lights strobing, a POC with his shorts hanging low cuffed on the back of a beat up Honda, and a "caucasian female" 'splainin' to the Blue. Uh huh. 

Right Sector, which the Left supports, curiously

I didn't stop because I had a Mass to catch but you can imagine the low-level failed heist scenario. Whatev, the PnS is always getting ripped off, maybe the Nepalese who own it need to hire private security. 

In related news, our Beloved Leader wants to send $33 BILLION to Ukraine. Leaving aside the knotty question "why do they need the money when they're so clearly, obviously and literally winning" we have to ask. Who benefits from this?

What level of satanic insanity is this?

Don't say DC consultancies, firms like Raytheon, corrupt politicians and the whole MIC. No, say freedom loving people everywhere. War, it's said, is a racket and that wouldn't be so bad, perhaps, if it didn't actually kill people. 

In the old days leftists were against war, do you remember that?

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Wednesday Roundabout


Rolled into Dallas down the hellway that is I35. But it wasn't so bad, 80 pretty much all the way. Then disaster. Locked the keys in the rig.

Texas Farm Bureau had a solution, fortunately, and the truck was freed. Nice. In the meanwhile, Tucker's on downstairs. He questions the validity of our most popular president. And let's not forget, Biden's the most popular president in US history, with a solid 81 million votes.

a pal with a snake

That means, when you follow the logic, that a vote against Biden is a vote against the people. And being an enemy of the people? You do the math. Meanwhile, our beloved leader's greeting people who aren't there. 

What does this mean. That Biden's simply demented and out of place or that he's speaking to spirits, to ghosts of the dead and demons? I'm no exorcist but perhaps you'll be betting on the latter. Guinea on.

Vade Ratro,


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Some Kind Of Armageddon Joke? No, Just Our Joe


The president figure of America's in Poland where he spoke with the famed 82nd Airborne and pretended to be one of the guys while eating pizza. Just a regular man of the people, but why did he speak from a giant zero? Here, look:

A parable, perhaps, and why did the Old Crook tell the 82nd they were going to war in the Ukraine. A demented octogenarian slip of the tongue or something more sinister? Good question and the White House is saying it's just an honest slip because, you know, the Big Guy's such an honest man. Don't say 10%.

Putin got a bashing too, with Uncle Joe threatening to remove him from power, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power. God bless you all and may God defend our freedom." 

Freedom. Unless you're rotting in DC Gitmo for well over a year because of your brazen attack on our politico corporate managerial elite. Whatever, Breitbart won the dry award of the week, "It is unclear whether Biden’s comment was part of his prepared remarks."

That in mind, our beloved 81 million vote leader believes in first strike nuclear war and this brings us to a point. Regardless of your opinion on the rights and wrongs of the Ukraine action, why are powerful people openly and unapologetically talking of atomic conflict. And they are, 35% of Americans support them.

This, to me and perhaps you, is both heinous and diabolic.


Sunday, March 20, 2022



Here we are, it's 2022 and we've got a new Leader, a defender, if you like, of the Fourth Rainbow Reich. That's right, Vlad Zelensky, comedian and celebrity popstar. Here zhe is:

Wow, maybe that was a one off? Not so fast punters, look at zhir:

Huh, don't say degenerate actor, say brave leader of the rainbow free world for whom, apparently, we're prepared to go to thermonuclear war. Check out Great Britain's top spy chief, the head of MI6, and Joe Biden, the most popular president ever in the history of 81 million evers:

Transsexualism, says the Big Guy. The greatest civil rights issue of our time. So now we know. Thanks, Joe, let's beat the hell out of Russia.

In other news, leading elements of Team LSP went to a Foreigner gig last night. Uh huh, at Grey Eagle Casino, in Alberta. "Is this a tribute band? I was dancing in the front row," said one member of the fighting patrol.

Juke Box Hero,