Tuesday, August 29, 2023



Some ridiculous conspiracy theorists are speculating that demons, literal demons, are amongst us. How could they say such a thing? I mean, in the face of all the evidence.

But there they are, in full display

Demons. And yet you still vote for them. That makes you part of the problem. Look, here's America's top witch with a fiduciary necromancer:

Out Demons Out,



drjim said...


Beans said...

I know demon- and devil-possessed/owned/operated/controlled/infused people exist.

It explains my father-in-law.

Why he didn't explode and catch in flames when he entered the church for my wedding still bothers me to this day.

And when he died, at the graveside, I fully expected the casket lowerer to keep going for at least half an hour, then stop, then a creaky door would enter, blast of heat would come up, a deep voice would chuckle and say, "Welcome home, Doyle. Been waiting years for you!"

Sadly, it did not.

Then there was the stint at the mental not-prison because not-guilty due to insanity I worked at for 6 months. Saw 'people' that possession or outright demon/devil in disguise would be the only explanation.

Possessed people, people who've sold their souls, outright demons-in-disguise. They exist.

Funny how the medieval and renaissance Church was more successful than modern psychology and psychiatry.

Still, nothing a pool full of holy water and some blessed cinderblocks and rope wouldn't help solve.

Dr. Swankenstein said...

Get thee behind me, Biden: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Legion of evil.

Anonymous said...

Just a brilliant but under appreciated performance artist and the scion of probably the greatest and most philanthropic family in the history of mankind having a little fun winding up the hate-filled jealous rubes.

LSP said...

YES, drjim. Harming no one.

LSP said...

LL, Endor springs to mind.

Are you somehow suggesting Hillary should be brought to account?

LSP said...

Beans, they're out there. I know this.

Maybe we need a national exorcism? Seriously.

LSP said...

Dam straight, WSF.

LSP said...

Mike, have you seen the photos of her in the background of Bush (jr) and, I think, Michelle? They're on the ground floor of a yacht.

Hard to find these days, should've saved them.