Showing posts with label Ukraine war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine war. Show all posts

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Listen Up


This is long but worth the watch. Erik Prince tells it like it is, and thanks, LL, for the link, old but gold:

Make of this what you will, and while you're at it, reflect on previous invasions of Russia, not least Kursk.

Your Friend,


Sunday, March 23, 2025

Just Take A Day Off

Unlike our adversary the Devil, I try to take a day off on Monday. It doesn't always work, far from it, but today it does, at least so far. And what a day it is, sunny, clear, bright Texan weather, a lull before the ferociously incoming heat of summer. Beautiful, and with it, lazy Mexican music floats across the air from Eduardo's yard only to meet Seven by Seven and Riding a Raid. I tell you, it's a veritable battle of the bands.

Speaking of which, d'ye think 47's got a chance at defeating the pernicious, partisan, fraudulent, unconstitutional lawfare being waged against him by off-the-hook rogue judges? It seems he's appealing to SCOTUS, good luck with that, but perhaps the old I'm going to ignore you gambit's the best play. Who knows, situation developing.

Not unlike the war in Ukraine, curiously. Word has it that UKR reps left their peace meeting in Riyadh "thunder faced." Who knows, maybe they were told the US cash spigot's about to be turned off. Or not, let's see. That in mind, I don't recall voting to spend a single penny on the Cocaine Fuhrer. Regardless, grilling's on the menu for later.

Roger Out. 



Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Operation Potok

Keen-eyed observers of the war in Ukraine may have noticed Ukrainian positions in the Kursk pocket folding up like a deck of cards, with the Russians recapturing over 12 settlements and 100 square kilometers of territory in 24 hours. Unusual, to say the least, in a war that's been typically measured in meters. So why the sudden collapse?

Partly because of Operation Potok (Flow), which saw some 800 men infiltrate into the Ukrainian rear near Sudza via a 15 kilometer stretch of gas pipeline. Arriving at their staging posts undetected after a week of piping, the Russian combat teams moved onto their various objectives. A major engineering, logistical and tactical feat. RWA waxes lyrical from the Russian side:


"It's hard to comprehend the scale and difficulty of this mission. Getting enough oxygen and water into the tunnel, setting up the logistics (soldiers need ammo! They need food!), dealing with the physical challenges — walking 15km through a narrow tunnel with a low ceiling (my back hurts just thinking about it) —, the psychological pressure, the darkness... and yet...


"They sent several hundred (800, apparently) soldiers through that tunnel. Everyone always had enough food and water. After exiting the tunnel, the soldiers immediately went on a forced march and into battle — they captured several key strongpoints, set up a perimeter defence & held the line until their comrades broke through to them.


"This was a genuinely superhuman feat. Not just the march, not just the sheer amount of soldiers that crossed that pipe, but, after going through this nightmare willpower challenge, IMMEDIATELY going into combat, and WINNING, kicking the enemy out of his trenches and strongpoints, disrupting his logistics, causing chaos and panic in his rear, and then absorbing the pushback while fully encircled on all sides — it's UNBELIEVABLE. And yet we know it happened!"

Yes it did, and there's no shortage of video to prove it. Has there been an operation like it, on an equivalent scale in modern times, maybe in Vietnam? I can't recall one, but that's just me. In the meanwhile, Russians are streaming videos from inside Sudza, Ukrainian troops are attempting to retreat and Zelensky's asked for a 30 day ceasefire. Here's some pipe footage:

Feel free to disagree, but I'd say Operation Potok is one for the history books. Whether Russia agrees to a ceasefire remains to be seen.



Tuesday, March 4, 2025


EU Kaisarin Ursula von der Leyen is all behind the Rainbow Bloc sending billions of Euros to Ukraine, and is warmly in favor of 2TK's incisive military plan to put "boots on the ground" and "planes in the air" to support Cocainsky's faltering Eastern Front against the Russians.

But Ursula, we're confused. How can you invade Russia when you've banned your country's rousing armored anthem, Panzerlied? Aristocratic Ursula did that in 2017, when she was Germany's historically useless Minister of Defense, in case you were wondering. 

According to Rueters, Germany's armed forces are at 50% readiness and some may remember Ursula's Bundeswehr resorting to training with broomsticks due to a lack of machine guns.


How many Rainbow Euro Panzers are actually ready to roll into Ukraine? I don't know, but I do know this, they won't be singing Panzerleid. President Trump is, meanwhile, excoriated and scorned by Democrats and their paymasters for attempting to negotiate peace.

Your Friend,


Thursday, February 20, 2025

European Elite Hate This



Less than a 70 years ago, well within living memory, Russia lay under the blood-stained tyranny of the  Bolsheviks and their successors. Those devils hated the Faith and attempted to stamp it out. They failed. Now their cousins in Corporate Rainbow Marxist Europa are howling and shrieking over the prospect of America walking away from its proxy war on Christian Russia.

you are utter fools if you think you can defeat this

Howl, shriek and rage all you want, Eurocrats, why should we pay a single penny in defense of the European Trans Rainbow? So go on, Brussels, London, Berlin, Paris and beyond, and send your mighty armies to Ost Front. Oops, you don't have armies because all those immigrant votes don't come cheap. Maybe you shoulda done the math.



Not One More Cent


I don't recall voting to give Cocainsky a single cent. Here's Douglas McGregor:

Let's keep in mind Zelensky represents transgender-ism, LGBTQ on steroids, the destruction of religion in his own country and widespread censorship.

All of these things were celebrated by the elites in Europe who are now angry that they have been excluded. 

All of these people are on borrowed time.


In the meanwhile, European rulers and the marionette MSM are seething and raging at the prospect of peace in the Ukraine and broader American/Russian detente. Seethe and rage all you like, you irrelevants, as you remember NATO without the US amounts to effectively nothing.

Not One More Cent,


Thursday, November 14, 2024



We are not, as in NATO GOV Establishment & Co, winning the war in Ukraine, which is really weird because we were told we were.

Russia was out of components to make weapons long ago, their economy was in tatters and their military was a total, pathetic joke. To that end, Rainbow Ukraine would steam through those peasants and hang a Trans Flag on the pinnacle of the Kremlin. Serious question, geostrat analysts, did you really think they could do this? I mean seriously.

That in mind, maybe you remember the rainbow Euro powers baying for war as DC opened up the cash spigot for Zelensky. Yes, but that was then, this is now. After a couple of years of industrial scale warfare, so obsolete except that it apparently isn't, it seems the Russkies have an advantage, namely industry.

The West? Not so much, coz we've off-shored it in joy of asset-strip profit. This means, roughly, that Russia can produce tanks, guns, shells and planes at approximately war-time scale and we can't. Our miserable proxy is suffering accordingly. See Kupiansk and everywhere else. Also, some reported 20,000 volunteers are joining  up to fight in the SMO a month. Ukraine? Not so much. Now ask yourselves this.

How much money did our beloved rulers get out of this bloodbath? How many people became even richer than they already were because we broke the Minsk Accords? Many. And all for what? In an insane grifting gamble against Russia. Like wow, come back Napoleon, all is forgiven. Anyway, let's see how this worm turns.




LL offers some basic analysis. Bear in mind that he's a total patriot and no friend of Russian expansionism, also a realist, which is apparently a rare thing in the West. Click link for graphics and all of that:


There are many reasons why Vladimir Vladimrovich wanted to seize Ukraine for Russia. Among those were the population of ethnic Slavs who could be integrated into Great Russia, which has a severely declining population. It is a large European country with a population of 44.13 million (2020. )

As the picture (right) illustrates, it is strategically positioned on the planet. If you’re a Russian, the concern that it would join NATO makes sense.

Beyond that:

The first uranium reserves in Europe.

Second place in Europe, 10th place in the world in titanium reserves;

Second place in terms of manganese ore reserves discovered in the world (2.3 billion tonnes, i.e. 12% of the world’s reserves);

Second largest reserves of iron ore (30 billion tons);

Second place in Europe with regard to mercury ore reserves;

Third in Europe place (13. place in the world) in natural gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters)

Seventh place in coal reserves in the world (33.9 billion tons)

The first in Europe in terms of land under cultivation;

Third place in the world (25% of the world) with regard to black barren soil (cherjoznom);

Ranked first in the world in the export of sunflower and sunflower oil;

Second place on Earth for barley production fourth place in barley for export;

Third biggest producer and 4th largest maize exporter;

Fourth largest producer of potatoes;

Fifth largest producer of rye;

Fifth largest production of honey (75,000 tons);

The eighth largest wheat exporter;

Ninth largest exporter of chicken eggs;

Sixteenth largest cheese exporter;

First in Europe in ammonia production;

Eighth largest in terms of the installed capacity of nuclear power plants;

Third largest exporter of iron

Fourth largest exporter of turbines for nuclear powerplants.

Fourth of the world largest manufacturer of rocket launchers;

Fourth larges exporter of clay;

Fourth world titanium exports;

Tenth largest producer of steel.

And the Big Guy only wanted 10% for himself…

Ukraine is losing the war. The weight of numbers is telling against them. Congress is trying to hold back the red hoard with taxpayer dollars, but the tide is turning. Russia is gaining leverage for a negotiated peace. The US Congress needs a reality check before they write another $200 billion check.

I 100% agree.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024



The above shows Russian batteries demolishing Ukrainian held Ugledar. You can imagine what it's like to be under that bombardment and some of you may have experienced something similar. Terrifying. I haven't, thank God, and neither have the US Neocons who are driving this.

It seems the plan was simple, even elegant. Provoke Russia into an action against Europe's largest, best supplied, best trained, NATO allied force in Europe and then laugh as the stupid Russkies fell apart with corruption, idiocy, and incompetence as they dashed themselves against the new Seigfried Line of Fortress Europa. And then, as they reeled in defeat?

Putin would be overthrown in a lesbigay color revolution, and Blackrock, Microsoft, Rothschilds, Madonna, Taylor Swift, Prince Harry, P Diddy and the US political Junta would take over Russia by proxy. What an awesome plan, and it almost worked. Putin's initial SMO floundered and failed, notoriously. But now? 

Autocrat Putler didn't asset-strip and off-shore his country's manufacturing base, which means literally Nazi Russia can actually make shells, missiles, bombs, planes, ships and guns. Unlike us. Huh. I guess we counted on a quick victory, resplendent with rainbow flags pride triumphant flying over the Kremlin.  Not so fast, kids, hasn't worked out that way.

At the very least, pause for thought. Here's Armchair Warlord (ret'd US Artillery Major):


Point being, let's stop this. Why should anyone die, and they are in their thousands, so that Pelosi, Romney, Biden et al will become even moar richer than they already are. 



Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Military Power


Military Power - Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle, by Stephen Biddle. The inimitable Armchair Warlord provides a synopsis:

Watching the slowly-developing advance of Russian forces across the line in Ukraine I've been brought back in mind of an excellent book I've read several times - Military Power by Stephen Biddle.

Using mathematical modeling, Biddle predicted that future wars would move slower at the tactical level than we were used to from the experience of WWII.  This was due to technological trends in the range and effectiveness of modern weaponry forcing armies to operate in a more dispersed, methodical fashion so as to minimize their exposure to fire in a sort of neomodern reversion to the conditions of WWI.  He also predicted that failures to do so would be punished with increasing severity as anything that could be discovered by increasingly omnipresent battlefield surveillance could be engaged effectively with precise and deadly weapons.

His recommendation on the optimum rate of advance for an army attempting to break through an enemy front line under modern conditions was a mere one kilometer per day; similarly he recommended that reserves be moved into position quite slowly to block such an advance to avoid their destruction by interdiction fire.  Only once that breach in the front is slowly levered open can forces then mass into fast-moving columns to strike into the enemy's lightly-held rear areas.


I'm no expert but reviews by those who are glow with praise for Biddle's work. For example:

"Stephen Biddle's Military Power is one of the most important contributions to strategic studies in recent decades. Presenting a very powerful case for a very surprising argument on a very important question, it will be controversial in some quarters, but critics will be hard-pressed to refute the case."―Richard K. Betts, Columbia University, author of Military Readiness.

"Fascinating, precisely written, indeed, brilliant, Military Power is among the most important books ever published on modern warfare. Stephen Biddle fundamentally rethinks the causes of victory and defeat in modern war and challenges almost the entire corpus of scholarship on assessing force capability and the role of offense and defense in determining war outcomes. Presenting his argument with power, balance, and subtlety, he synthesizes many partial historical explanations and provides a basis for understanding why so many 'rules of thumb' and other explanations are misleading. A landmark work."―Lynn Eden, Stanford University, author of Whole World on Fire.

"Steve Biddle may be the best American defense analyst of his generation, and this book is quite possibly his career masterpiece to date. Few are as well qualified as Biddle to weave together vivid descriptions of the modern battlefield, clear explanations of historical lessons, a detailed understanding of defense technology, and a sophisticated use of military models and war games. Biddle does all these things, helping the reader understand modern warfare more than does any other book on the market. His argument about trends in warfare transcends the popular theory that a revolution in military affairs is now underway. He replaces this theory with a more convincing, more historical, and less technology-obsessed view of the modern battlefield."―Michael O'Hanlon, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution.


You can buy Military Power on Amazon. It's most definitely on my list.

Ex Libris,


Saturday, December 23, 2023

Cologne Firefight


Could it be that we've mentally blocked the prospect of war, industrial scale war, from our collective unconscious? You know why, too horrible to behold. That in mind, why is England, with its mighty 150, snerk, tank fleet baying for war against Russia? Why, for that matter, is anyone. 

Surely it doesn't have to do with money. In the meanwhile, it looks like the Russkie's aren't going to fold anytime soon, which is weird because we were going to take Donbass, Crimea and Moscow by the end of the summer.

Of course I know nothing, but I do know this: Viz. Napoleon and Hitler failed. Do you think we'd be any different? Well, sure, we are different. We're LGBTQAI+, which makes us so much moar force lethal.



Monday, September 18, 2023

Choose Your Side


We're all familiar with Ukrainian PR Troon Sarah Ashton-Cirillo from Nevada, and how it sexlessly tells us to "embrace the hate." But question, is Cirillo possessed by a demon, a demonic kill entity which hates life? You know, apart from USINTEL but with it "embrace the hate."Good question and yes, but what about Ukraine's Abortion Fairy, have you seen? Here it is:

Look at this thing which was once a woman. So, what does Abortion Fairy do, apart from being demonic? It helps women in Poland kill their babies in the womb. Now this, in terms of war aims is odd, surely Abortion Fairy and PR Troon, who is totally not a US intel asset, should be encouraging life to help, ultimately, the war effort.

No, they hate life and so do their handlers. Who might these handlers be? Apart from DC, Westminster and associated satraps, let's call it as we see it, demons who hate beauty, truth, freedom and life, who are so twistedly evil as to convince a woman that her freedom and reality as a person lies in killing her child in the womb.

We are, indeed, at war, choose your side.



Thursday, September 14, 2023

War Money And America's Future


Col. Douglas MacGregor writes in The American Conservative:

When Richard Nixon lost the election to John F. Kennedy, Nixon told supporters, “I know Jack Kennedy. He’s a patriot.” Nixon knew that the nation would be safe in President Kennedy’s hands.

Most Americans do not have the same confidence in President Biden. In April 2023, fewer than four in ten U.S. adults (37 percent) said they approved of Joe Biden’s job performance as president, with six in ten saying they disapproved. By a 2-to-1 margin, American voters now believe controlling the U.S. border is more important than helping Ukraine fight Russia. For the first time in 30 years, the U.S. Government’s interest payments on the sovereign debt equal defense spending. 

These revelations would shake the confidence of any White House, but there is much more for Washington and its NATO Allies to consider. Alleged efforts by the Department of State to freeze the conflict in Ukraine are dismissed out of hand in Moscow by every knowledgeable observer of the Russian government. In the absence of a freeze, Washington has no idea how to end the 600-day conflict. 


The astute and honorable Colonel concludes:

The Washington uniparty (corporate oligarchs, public health officials, mainstream media, social media, deep state agencies, academia, Hollywood, and an assortment of dubious international agencies like the UN/WHO/WEF) swiftly invested trillions to advance globalization with U.S. military power. Whenever the armed forces were committed to action, a series of administrations were always ready to defer to ineffective, even failed, military commanders. 

Wasteful defense spending, excessive redundancy in capability, and resistance to badly needed change in force design and modernization are now revealing that the U.S. Armed Forces are ill-suited to modern high-end conventional warfare. The fighting in Ukraine demonstrates that Washington can no longer ignore the influence of geography, culture, and economics, all of which operate as constraints on the use of American military power. 

The age of abundant wealth and unconstrained defense spending is nearing its end. How Washington reacts to these realities will determine America’s future.


Wow. Reflect, readers, and I quote: "The Washington uniparty... swiftly invested trillions to advance globalization with U.S. military power." I say again, invested trillions to advance globalization with US military power. Right in the X Ring, Colonel. And at what cost?

Beyond hideous. Hundreds of thousands dead over the last two decades and tens of thousands piling up in Ukraine every month, each one of them a mother's child. Beyond awful. So wherein lies the blame? MacGregor calls it, the DC Uniparty, that Man of Blood, intent on its enrichment at the psychotic expense of everything and everyone.

What amazes me is the way modern Leftists champion and cheer the killing machine, how blind they are to state agitprop. But perhaps I'm naive, maybe they were for this all along, see Lewis' Abolition of Man.



PS. Here's MacGregor chucking his monkey into the fight, via RHT:

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Check Out This Bloodthirsty Troon


Zhe spokespersyn for Ukraine's military is a US rainbow troon, famously. Here's what pre-op zhir had to say:

My, what a bloodthirsty, warlike troon! Gentle readers, I do hope you're following the Science. Like, totally and apart from chromosomes. But to the point, what an insult to the men on either side who've laid down their lives,  in their thousands, and to humanity in general. Behold this blood-soaked, killer troon.

You'll note that this murderous tranny hasn't fired a shot in its degenerate life. Maybe there'll be a reckoning. We can but hope.



Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Monday, July 31, 2023

The War Was Provoked?


The US/UK ultranarrative screams "Mad autocrat Putin invaded freedom loving Ukraine in an insane dictator power-play landgrab. So we have to stop him before he conquers the Rainbow Garden zhirself!" Or someting like that; long story short, unprovoked aggression. 

Jeffrey Sachs disagrees:

George Orwell wrote in 1984 that "Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." Governments work relentlessly to distort public perceptions of the past. Regarding the Ukraine War, the Biden administration has repeatedly and falsely claimed that the Ukraine War started with an unprovoked attack by Russia on Ukraine on February 24, 2022. In fact, the war was provoked by the U.S. in ways that leading U.S. diplomats anticipated for decades in the lead-up to the war, meaning that the war could have been avoided and should now be stopped through negotiations.

Recognizing that the war was provoked helps us to understand how to stop it. It doesn’t justify Russia’s invasion. A far better approach for Russia might have been to step up diplomacy with Europe and with the non-Western world to explain and oppose U.S. militarism and unilateralism. In fact, the relentless U.S. push to expand NATO is widely opposed throughout the world, so Russian diplomacy rather than war would likely have been effective.

The Biden team uses the word “unprovoked” incessantly, most recently in Biden’s major speech on the first-year anniversary of the war, in a recent NATO statement, and in the most recent G7 statement. Mainstream media friendly to Biden simply parrot the White House. The New York Times is the lead culprit, describing the invasion as “unprovoked” no fewer than 26 times, in five editorials, 14 opinion columns by NYT writers, and seven guest op-eds!

There were in fact two main U.S. provocations. The first was the U.S. intention to expand NATO to Ukraine and Georgia in order to surround Russia in the Black Sea region by NATO countries (Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Georgia, in counterclockwise order). The second was the U.S. role in installing a Russophobic regime in Ukraine by the violent overthrow of Ukraine’s pro-Russian President, Viktor Yanukovych, in February 2014. The shooting war in Ukraine began with Yanukovych’s overthrow nine years ago, not in February 2022 as the U.S. government, NATO, and the G7 leaders would have us believe.

The key to peace in Ukraine is through negotiations based on Ukraine’s neutrality and NATO non-enlargement.

Biden and his foreign policy team refuse to discuss these roots of the war. To recognize them would undermine the administration in three ways. First, it would expose the fact that the war could have been avoided, or stopped early, sparing Ukraine its current devastation and the U.S. more than $100 billion in outlays to date. Second, it would expose President Biden’s personal role in the war as a participant in the overthrow of Yanukovych, and before that as a staunch backer of the military-industrial complex and very early advocate of NATO enlargement. Third, it would push Biden to the negotiating table, undermining the administration’s continued push for NATO expansion.

The archives show irrefutably that the U.S. and German governments repeatedly promised to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not move “one inch eastward” when the Soviet Union disbanded the Warsaw Pact military alliance. Nonetheless, U.S. planning for NATO expansion began early in the 1990s, well before Vladimir Putin was Russia’s president. In 1997, national security expert Zbigniew Brzezinski spelled out the NATO expansion timeline with remarkable precision.

U.S. diplomats and Ukraine’s own leaders knew well that NATO enlargement could lead to war. The great US scholar-statesman George Kennan called NATO enlargement a “fateful error,” writing in the New York Times that, “Such a decision may be expected to inflame the nationalistic, anti-Western and militaristic tendencies in Russian opinion; to have an adverse effect on the development of Russian democracy; to restore the atmosphere of the cold war to East-West relations, and to impel Russian foreign policy in directions decidedly not to our liking.”

President Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense William Perry considered resigning in protest against NATO enlargement. In reminiscing about this crucial moment in the mid-1990s, Perry said the following in 2016: “Our first action that really set us off in a bad direction was when NATO started to expand, bringing in eastern European nations, some of them bordering Russia. At that time, we were working closely with Russia and they were beginning to get used to the idea that NATO could be a friend rather than an enemy ... but they were very uncomfortable about having NATO right up on their border and they made a strong appeal for us not to go ahead with that.”

In 2008, then U.S. Ambassador to Russia, and now CIA Director, William Burns, sent a cable to Washington warning at length of grave risks of NATO enlargement: “Ukraine and Georgia's NATO aspirations not only touch a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. Not only does Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine Russia's influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests. Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.”

Ukraine’s leaders knew clearly that pressing for NATO enlargement to Ukraine would mean war. Former Zelensky advisor Oleksiy Arestovych declared in a 2019 interview “that our price for joining NATO is a big war with Russia.”

During 2010-2013, Yanukovych pushed neutrality, in line with Ukrainian public opinion. The U.S. worked covertly to overthrow Yanukovych, as captured vividly in the tape of then U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt planning the post-Yanukovych government weeks before the violent overthrow of Yanukovych. Nuland makes clear on the call that she was coordinating closely with then Vice President Biden and his national security advisor Jake Sullivan, the same Biden-Nuland-Sullivan team now at the center of U.S. policy vis-à-vis Ukraine.

After Yanukovych’s overthrow, the war broke out in the Donbas, while Russia claimed Crimea. The new Ukrainian government appealed for NATO membership, and the U.S. armed and helped restructure the Ukrainian army to make it interoperable with NATO. In 2021, NATO and the Biden Administration strongly recommitted to Ukraine’s future in NATO.

In the immediate lead-up to Russia’s invasion, NATO enlargement was center stage. Putin’s draft US-Russia Treaty (December 17, 2021) called for a halt to NATO enlargement. Russia’s leaders put NATO enlargement as the cause of war in Russia’s National Security Council meeting on February 21, 2022. In his address to the nation that day, Putin declared NATO enlargement to be a central reason for the invasion.

Historian Geoffrey Roberts recently wrote: “Could war have been prevented by a Russian-Western deal that halted NATO expansion and neutralised Ukraine in return for solid guarantees of Ukrainian independence and sovereignty? Quite possibly.” In March 2022, Russia and Ukraine reported progress towards a quick negotiated end to the war based on Ukraine’s neutrality. According to Naftali Bennett, former Prime Minister of Israel, who was a mediator, an agreement was close to being reached before the U.S., U.K., and France blocked it.

While the Biden administration declares Russia’s invasion to be unprovoked, Russia pursued diplomatic options in 2021 to avoid war, while Biden rejected diplomacy, insisting that Russia had no say whatsoever on the question of NATO enlargement. And Russia pushed diplomacy in March 2022, while the Biden team again blocked a diplomatic end to the war.

By recognizing that the question of NATO enlargement is at the center of this war, we understand why U.S. weaponry will not end this war. Russia will escalate as necessary to prevent NATO enlargement to Ukraine. The key to peace in Ukraine is through negotiations based on Ukraine’s neutrality and NATO non-enlargement. The Biden administration’s insistence on NATO enlargement to Ukraine has made Ukraine a victim of misconceived and unachievable U.S. military aspirations. It’s time for the provocations to stop, and for negotiations to restore peace to Ukraine.

RFK Jr. comments on social media, "Brilliant synopsis of the historical context for the Ukraine War. Can anyone read this and still maintain, as the Biden administration does incessantly, that the invasion was 'unprovoked”?

I'm with RFK on this but feel free to disagree.

Pax et Bonum,


Friday, July 28, 2023

Do You Trust Our Rulers?


Serious question, do you trust beloved rulers, people like Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland? Here, have a look at her before Satan claimed his own:

She progressed to this, proof positive for the outward and physical being a reflection of the inward and spiritual:

Nuland's considered one of the architects of our current proxy war on Russia. You might think this war a very good thing but if so, do you really want to be aligned with Nuland and her friends? 

To put it another way, are you on the side of the Deep State MIC (Military Industrial Complex) and its allies, or not? You know, the very same people who rigged an election against 45 who, weirdly, didn't start any wars.

Your call, readers. And remember, we build, they destroy.

Every time,


Saturday, July 22, 2023

The War


All eyes are fixed on Ost Front and the war, where Ukraine launched an offensive in June in the hope of driving to the Black Sea and severing Russia's land bridge with Crimea. But the offensive stalled in the face of Russian air power, artillery dominance and massive minefields. 


NATO trained and equipped mechanized brigades floundered and died before they even reached the first  fortified lines of Russkie defense. Why, how could this happen? They had Leopard tanks, Bradleys, AMV 10s, MWRAPS, Mastiffs, M113s, HIMARS and so much more. It's cost you, the taxpayer, billions. That's right, billions, and it didn't break through. Why?

you fat, mad, fraud

Obvious answer. NATO equipment needs NATO officers like Major Rachel Jones to operate correctly. UKR needs to diversify if it's going to increase force lethality. Got that? Because diversity is our strength, see Major "Rachel" fake woman Jones above.

our depressed, suicidal command, trans them all

I say again, if we're gambling on never having to fight another big war again, why are we calling for moar war? Serious question, have we been driven insane by Satan?

In Hoc Signo,