Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Who Is This Bouffant Fool?

Look at his bouffy hairdo, pricey specs and degenerate, saggy visage. Who is this persyn? It's Thierry Breton, former French European Commissioner. And what does Rainbow Thierry say? "We did it in Romania, and we will do it in Germany if necessary."

What an arrogant, smug, pugnacious, people-denying, bouffant, pricey spectacles, not fit for purpose EU Commissar. Thierry's net worth is at a respectable socialist 23MN$. No wonder he can afford that fabulous hairstyle and fancy specs, eh? So very rules based garden Europa order. Good work, Brexiteers, you're well off out of it.



Saturday, December 21, 2024

Well It's All Going On


There's a new addition to the Compound's motor pool, a tractor. Why? you ask in that bewilderedly exasperated tone of voice. Because of course there is. Rumors of impromptu engine block hoist are entirely that, rumors. 

In other news, this Democrat freak from Connecticut is a member of Congress, a "law maker," no less. Here, have a look at Rosa.

Zhir socialist net worth is a paltry 3MN$, which makes her one of the poorer members of our Beloved Ruling Elite. Too bad she's not getting that vaunted 40% pay raise touted in the dismally failed porculus CR Bill. I know, we all want to pay our dear rulers moar but sometimes patience is a virtue.

Speaking of which, Germans in Magdeburg aren't too happy about the Saudi Arabian doctor who rammed into a Christmas market. Here they are, on the streets.

Apparently the car killer Saudi was an apostate Moslem and an AfD supporter promoted by the vile, hated, rude, condescending, deceitful, pugnacious, smug BBC, no less. Huh. What a convenient narrative. Islamophobia kills Christians at Christmas market! If you believe that you'll believe anything, as in "men can have babies."

dam straight they do

In the meanwhile, Magdeburg's people are taking a stand against their country's suicidal empathy for Jihadi savages who hate, despise and want to conquer their formerly Christian hosts. Imagine the same thing in Two Tier Kier's England; all those guys would be locked up. Well you know the saying.

Something better change,


Saturday, November 30, 2024

We Love Our Rulers


Think of lovable old Joe Biden, how we love him! He was loved so much by everyone that he won an entire 81 million votes. The most popular president in the history of popularity.

Then there's Two-Tier Kier, he's right awesome. Kill 'em in the womb, kill 'em at the tomb, and all to save the holy NHS. While you're at it, kill the farmers too. Go, BlackRock stooge.

Oh, You're Not Gay, You Puking Bankster

And don't forget Macron, France's phony little corporate huckster bankster. So loved by all.

Germany Will Defend The West From Putin, by Gayness

What about Germany, do they even have a Leader? Questionable. But not to worry, they're deindustrializing as we speak. 1945, anyone? Please, serfs, criminalize the AfD.

But perhaps Old 47 can reverse this sickening trend. I hope he does, and Sgt. LSP tells me that the troops are already starting to talk like troops, instead of walking on rainbow eggshells. "Dad," he says, "None of the three trannies in our Brigade are deployable, and now they have to go." Good, and so they should. Why were they even there in the first place.

You know the answer and I won't bang on. Except to say...

Love & Obey your Rulers,


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Marine Le Pen On Fire


Listen up, all ye heathen, Marine Le Pen's on fire:

Ask yourselves, since when did being a patriot, and a country having borders equate with Fascism? 

Follow the money to the root of the issue, our beloved, transnational, elite, insatiable great replacement rulers. Hint, dear readers, who benefits from massive immigration? Labor, or its private island owning boss. Ponder that, reflect on it, rainbow unicorn style.

In related news, Germany's donated 20,000 HE artillery shells to the Ukraine out of its stock of, ahem, 20,000 shells, but at least they have 15 nukes. Does this mean European defense policy is equivalent to some guy walking around unarmed with a dynamite vest? You get the issue.

Regardless, and as always, your call,


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Wolf Truce


Hundreds of wolves, not a few dozen. You may not know that ferocious wolf packs savaged German and Russian soldiers in the Great War. Remarkably, both sides reportedly fashioned a truce to fight the wolves.

Here in Texas, wolves have been shot out leaving coyotes without a natural predator. You can hear them howl, ascendant.

Cave Canem,


Friday, January 12, 2018

Oh What A Freakout

Our lying, venal, mendacious, aggressive, corrupt, self-serving elite mainstream media has gone into full freakout because President Trump has reportedly asked the question, "Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They're shithole countries... We should have more people from Norway."


Or Sweden, Italy, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Austria, England or wherever civilized people have found their lives made unbearable by an influx of immigrants from sh*thole countries. 

Come on you lot, move to America and help us MAGA as you leave your once great nations to the savages your governments invited in.


But seriously, when did it become somehow racist or fascist for a country to have borders? For that matter, who stands to benefit from a massive influx of unskilled, culturally dissonant immigrants? 

We don't have far to look for an answer. Corporations looking for a cheaper workforce, politicians desperate for votes and a Left which hates the West and wants to destroy it through immigration.

Kabul, sorry, Germany

Hungary, Poland and Eastern Europe recognize this and if the Reuters report is true, so does Mr. Trump. Why should we allow hundreds of thousands of savages to move to America when we've got more than enough as it is. Just look at Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago or any one of our urban hellholes. So why create more?


In the meanwhile, the NWO Illuminati shills in the media and their Party masters are melting down in fauxtrage because someone from the Ministry of Truth told it like it is.

Well said, Mr. President.

Build The Wall,


Monday, May 2, 2016

What's it to be Germany?

Europe, and Germany in particular, is presented with a choice. Do you want this?

Or do you want this?

Or is there a middle way, an Anglican via media, that runs through the House of War? History argues otherwise. That aside, I'd argue that the left would prefer Islam, such is their hatred of the Faith from which they were born.

Chesterton wrote about it in the Flying Inn, and while you reflect on that, ponder the Pentagram in the COEXIST logo.

Your Friend,


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Crimes of England

What were the crimes of England? According to G.K. Chesterton, writing in 1915, they were mostly to do with England siding with Prussia. This bias towards Germany, going back at least to the days of Frederick the Great, helped cause the Napoleonic conflict, barbarism against the Irish, the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 and the then unfolding horrors of World War I. Nothing quite like a bold call, thank you GKC.

With the caveat that "a little Chesterton can go a long way" and whether you agree with him or not, he writes with a bravado that can be startling. Here he is on "the idea of the Citizen."

The idea of the Citizen is that his individual human nature shall be constantly and creatively active in altering the State. The Germans are right in regarding the idea as dangerously revolutionary. Every Citizen is a revolution. That is, he destroys, devours and adapts his environment to the extent of his own thought or conscience.

Every Citizen is a revolution? There are times when GKC is like a charge, a very clever, quick-footed and amusing charge, but a charge nonetheless.

I love that,