Showing posts with label MAGA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAGA. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2025

Free At Last


After four long, life ruining years, J6 political prisoners are being freed across the country. They've been persecuted and held without trial in what was one of the grossest miscarriages of justice in our country's history. I hope they go class action on the lying crooks who put them through hell.



And He's Back


Wow. 47 was in war mode this morning in the Rotunda, back, and back with a vengeance. Highlights for me? Joe Biden looking like an internally collapsed husk, Franklin Graham's benediction, and Trump's remarkable speech.

Going to Mars? Nice. Gulf of America? Yep. Secure border? About dam time. Two genders. Sensible. Reinstating soldiers fired for not taking the scamdemic vax, with back pay, bringing back manufacturing to the US, drill baby drill, and on. Just a heckuvva thing, and if 47 can do what he's promised I'll be one satisfied punter.

47's speaking right now at the Capitol One arena, slamming the green climate hoax, boosting tariffs, and about to sign some Executive Orders, including pardons for J6 political prisoners, "We're not gonna put with that crap anymore." Quite a thing. What a day.

Story developing,


Wednesday, November 6, 2024



Boom. Harris/Walz and the DNC took a beating at yesterday's polls, losing the Presidency, Electoral College, Senate and popular vote, with the House currently up for grabs. And no wonder, four more years of Kamala style joy just didn't appeal, not least in WI, PA and MI. 

On the other hand, secure borders, no war, a sound economy and a groundbreaking Trump/Vance coalition featuring RFK Jr, Tulsi Gabbard and Ron Paul did. You can read a short and simple analysis here.

In the meanwhile, Liberal Tears are flowing like a river as our beloved celebrities threaten to leave the country following Trump's historic come back. Cher, for example, says she's moving to  England. Yes please. But more on this exciting story as it develops.



Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Tree Hugger


It was all about getting close to trees today and we found one at Lowes, a modest little beast but well formed for all that. Next up, get it trimmed by a friendly face tattooed shave head Latinx and chuck it in the bed of the rig. Thank God it's a long bed.

Note Pewter Candleabra (what? Ed.)

Once home, set that tree up in its stand and behold the regimental posture of the thing. Straight. Put lights on it and an angel, recall your dad sweating over lights on Christmas Eve and think how much easier life has become. Yes, we can get Christmas lights from any dollar store, no need to sweat it.


Then put some ornaments on the tree, there's lots and this little fella won't take them all, still, not bad for all that. Mission accomplished, behold your work and scorn the NWO. Globalist excrescence aside, do you remember when we didn't decorate our trees till right before Christmas? I do, and there's a beauty in that. Mind you, must've been stressful for the Paterfamilias. 

El Senor

In other news, a gang of multimillionaire socialists got frozen to Munich's tarmac in their private jets on the way to a climate enrichment scam. Oops, the world's getting hotter which is why it's colder, so give us all your money or we won't be able to chip all this ice away from our jets.

Honorary Colonel DLC

On topic, have you noticed how our green leaders bay for moar war? Sure you have, because, you know, it's so good for the environment. Just ask Raytheon or Lloyd "Totally Not A Diversity Hire" Austin. Whatever, the tree is up and that's grand.



Saturday, July 3, 2021

Get On Parade!


Years ago, get on parade would've meant lots of stamping, shuffling, as in open order right dress and all of that. These days it means stroll off the porch to cheer on this small country town's 4th of July parade, which was held on the 3rd, today.

Good result. Antique cars, floats, mini-motorcycles, a few horses and ATVs. No kidding, there was a squadron of the things and they weren't shabby. Not at all, and they played music, it went like this: I'm proud to be an American... 

I am, despite a second passport. Good work, boys. That in mind, there's something about a small town parade which I love. Maybe its overall awesomeness, see Randy Newman and beyond.

God bless,


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Yet More Fog


It's another day of mist and mellow fruitfulness in bucolic olde Texas. And I like that, it reminds me of strolling about in the Cairngorms, Snowdonia or 'Nam. That'd be Cheltenham, obviously. This in mind, it's good to see our ancient adversary turn from blazing, stupid hot to something else. Nice. Climate Change, bring it on.

Climatic context set, there we were in the sacristy of Mission #2 this morning, getting ready for the sacred mysteries when the Junior Warden knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I uttered, like Stentor himself, and he did. "What's up, Chief?" he was one, "Thought you might like these," he replied. I looked at the offered copies of NRA's latest MAGAzines and said, "Thank you very much." And then, turning to the Altar Party, "Gentlemen, let us pray," and we did.

An acolyte was heard to mutter, "You know you're in a country parish in Texas when..." And I fixed him with a lazerlike eye as we prepared to process, "Quite." Come and take it was left unsaid. I tell you, they're a good and faithful crew. Praise God for that.

This lifts my spirits and I hope yours too.

Spero in Deo!


Thursday, January 7, 2021

Politics of Despair or is it Just Jamiroquai?


Starting with this important international mind blog, many thousands have noticed the frightening similarity between UK pop legend Jamiroquai and the Horned Hippie who broke into the Capitol yesterday. With a crew of bearded freaks who were obviously, ahem, MAGA.

Is he a Qanon Shaman or an undercover intel asset with cameras in his horns, filming the wickedness of the coup? Or is he simply a West London Jazz fusion artist, looking for kicks and adventure in the dying days of an Imperial North American Republic? That's opaque, but here at the Compound we know you'd like to get the look. Here's how.

On a serious note, why did police wave and lead people into the Capitol? I don't know, but I do know that more than 70 million people aren't too pleased at our incoming governing kleptocracy, and that's just the Trumpists. Chris Hedges, a leftist, and you can imagine him voting Bernie only to be thwarted by Dominion, puts it well:

The seizure of control of the economy by a class of global speculators and corporations has ruined the lives of the very groups the Democrats pretend to lift up...

The power of politicians such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer or Mitch McConnell comes from being able to funnel corporate money to anointed candidates. In a functioning political system, one not saturated with corporate cash, they would not hold power. They have transformed what the Roman philosopher Cicero called a commonwealth, a res publica, a “public thing” or the “property of a people,” into an instrument of pillage and repression on behalf of a global corporate oligarchy.



The tinder that could ignite violent conflagrations lies ominously stacked around us. It may be triggered by Trump’s defeat in the election. Millions of disenfranchised white Americans, who see no way out of their economic and social misery, struggling with an emotional void, are seething with rage against a corrupt ruling class and bankrupt liberal elite that betrayed them. They are tired of the political stagnation, grotesque, mounting social inequality and the punishing fallout from the pandemic. Millions more alienated young men and women, also locked out of the economy and with no realistic prospect for advancement or integration, gripped by the same emotional void, have harnessed their fury in the name of tearing down the governing structures and anti-fascism. These polarized extremes are inching closer and closer to violence. 


His prediction?

There are three options: reform, which, given the decay in the American body politic, is impossible, revolution, or tyranny.


I don't agree with everything Hedges writes, which I'm sure upsets him deeply, but I'd say he nails the "corporate oligarchy" of our reigning and apparently triumphant uniparty. Trump attempted to overthrow that and faced a coup, but where will it end?

We'll see, but it won't be status quo pro ante, not by a long shot. In the meanwhile, enjoy dressing up like Jamiroquai. Does anyone listen to zhir rubbish music?




Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Not Gonna Take It


Patriots gathered in DC today, to show our rulers that they're servants of the people as opposed to the other way around.  So who's responsible for the direct action?

Antifa, Maga, the Feds? Who knows, perhaps the action was funded by the same people profitting off Dominion and Smartmatic or, for that matter, made in China masks. Don't say billions of dollars.

In the meanwhile, Jamiroquai made it into the Capitol. Yes, the twat in the hat. Does this mean that in the new world order we'll all have to listen to nasty West London Jazz fusion?

Hopefully not. In the meanwhile, patriots and anarchists(?) climbed up the steps of the Capitol to overthrow the Uniparty. Who knows, perhaps the last Porkulus was the 700 billion dollar straw that broke the camel's back.

Your Pal,


PS. My youngest sister made it up to the steps of the Capitol then smartly went back to her hotel :)

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Fight For Trump

I'd say this short infovideo speaks for itself, but to drive the point home there's this, the wildly popular Democrat candidate. Look, here he is, behold the 80 million vote enthusiasm.

C'mon man! We're supposed to believe this rich old crook won the presidency by many millions of votes, more than any other person in the history of US history?

Go on, you're having a larf,


Monday, October 26, 2020

Amy Coney Barret Confirmed

Just in. Catholic constitutionalist Amy Coney Barrett has been confirmed by the Senate. She'll take up her place on SCOTUS shortly, cancelling out Justice Epstein's Island Roberts.

A blow for liberty against the big tech, big corporate, big media, bankster corrupt establishment? Yes, in short, a spear in the eye of the Illuminati NWO and their bought and paid for puppet shills.

And on Hillary Clinton's birthday too, to boot. Savor the moment. Here's a video:

As Marxists wail and gnash their pointed, revolutionary teeth, we salute you. Well done, ACB, and thank you Mr. President.


Saturday, October 17, 2020


Yesterday was a big day. Great shooting enjoyment in the morning and then evening rodeo in Waco. 

OK, it's no fun to drive to Waco but the Extraco venue's a great place to see the event, far better than a massive stadium because you're closer to the action, especially with a ringside view.

Good, too, to be with some of the people who organize the competition, which makes everything more personal. But regardless, I like the excitement of the thing.

So much suspense: will she make that barrel, will he get stomped by a raging bull? Why is that USMC veteran a rodeo clown? How long will he stay on the ferociously bucking horse and will he die if he's thrown off into the arena? And so on.

I tell you, adrenaline's up and at it. And guess what, none of the people there took a knee for the national anthem. They're patriots who do not disrespect the flag. The PRA's very different to, say, the NFL or the NBA and thank God for it. 

All that in mind and more, what a great night out. When I got back to the bucolic haven that is this small rural farming community, my eldest called in from Korea. 

"Hey, dad, what's up?" I told him and learned that he 's fine and enjoying army life. Thank God. But exactly what this entails is a bit of a mystery because he steadfastly refuses to send photos of anything beyond being in the "motor pool." Though I've been told beaches are involved. Hmmm.

Therein lies another post. 

Ride on,


Monday, October 12, 2020

Happy Columbus Day

Some people don't like the remarkable navigator and explorer Christopher Columbus. They hate him and his discovery of America, and they hate the country his exploration made possible. Such evil, colonialist, racist oppression, said no one when US forces liberated Dachau.

1945 aside, the Compound's neighbors, Eduardo, Maria and friends seem to have forgotten Columbus Day is an evil homage to racism. That's why they've been partying for two days solid, and I'm not complaining. Music fills the air along with the delicious aroma of constant BBQ, doubtless cooked up in some kind of underground kiln in their backyard version of the homestead south of the border. Nice.

Columbus' Tomb

Speaking of the evil of this incredibly evil day, I like this, from the White House:

Sadly, in recent years, radical activists have sought to undermine Christopher Columbus’s legacy.  These extremists seek to replace discussion of his vast contributions with talk of failings, his discoveries with atrocities, and his achievements with transgressions.  Rather than learn from our history, this radical ideology and its adherents seek to revise it, deprive it of any splendor, and mark it as inherently sinister.  They seek to squash any dissent from their orthodoxy.  We must not give in to these tactics or consent to such a bleak view of our history.  We must teach future generations about our storied heritage, starting with the protection of monuments to our intrepid heroes like Columbus.  This June, I signed an Executive Order to ensure that any person or group destroying or vandalizing a Federal monument, memorial, or statue is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


Good work, speechwriters, and thanks Mr. President for standing up for the country you lead. Seriously, it's about time we stopped apologizing, pandering and kowtowing to the people who would tear us down. There's a lot to celebrate about the West, not least its current standard bearer, America.

Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.

I love that,


Thursday, October 8, 2020



What a great night. Good, honest, straight-up, friendly people, tasty food, plenty of drink and a lone busker to boot. 

He was out of Nashville, he told me, and I tipped him for the tale. The rest of the crew were rodeo stars, cattlemen, judges and all else in between. The occasion?

A church couple's 40th wedding anniversary. I listened away to stories of "out of Cheyenne," and "blood was spilling out of her shoe after a horse span on her toe. So we took her to ER and I cut the toe out of her boot and she was racing barrels the next day." All very Florence Nightingale. Thanks, MC.

With that, a glass raised and a salute to LSP, "He's got a story too, tell him about your hip!" Three screws in the upper femur and an Arab later the tale was told, and kudos to me, badly damaged by a horse like everyone else in the room. But whatever.

Such a good evening, and here's the thing. These people are not demonstrative, politically. They consider it bad manners, but I'll tell you this, they are mighty pissed about the state of the nation. Let the reader understand.

Ride on,


Friday, October 2, 2020

Cooking With LSP - Fish on Friday

Cooking with LSP? That's a great idea. Look, enough of your sarcasm, here's how it's done. Get on a boat and catch some Striper, then watch in awe as your Guide fillets the fish in a fraction of the time it'd take you. Guide magic, but hey, it's his job. Next step?

Take the fillets back home and put 'em in the fridge, only to be taken out later in the day. Behold their piscine glory and as you do, pour an inch or two of oil into some heavy metal (dutch oven), put this on medium/high heat along with a candy thermometer. As the oil does its thing, wash the fish, salt and pepper it, and leave it on a cutting board while you prepare the batter. This is easy.

Put 1 cup of flour into  a mixing bowl, glass or plastic, your call. I use glass, not being Eastern European. Then add 1 teaspoon of baking powder, a pinch of salt, some cracked pepper and whisk it about. 

Job well done, pour in a bottle of beer or soda water and stir it up. The mixture should end up like thinnish pancake batter. But that's not all, put half a cup of flour in a bowl next to the batter, you'll use this to dredge the fish.

Done? Salute your endeavor with a glass of wine or something else, your call, no rule, but don't take too long, there's oil to be watched. So glance over at your heavy metal and check the oil's temperature. It should be between 365-70 degrees.

This is important. If the oil's too hot it'll ignite and destroy your kitchen like some kind of air bomb, you don't want that. If it's not, whatever's being fried will sit in the unpleasant oil and become a greasy mess. So, make sure it's hot, I recommend 370*, this will fry your fish without it becoming a grease nightmare.

This achieved, take a piece of fish,  dredge it in flour, coat it in batter and place it in the heavy metal. Watch it boil and fry as you add more fillets to the cauldron. You'll know when they're done, crispy, golden brown awesomeness. 

And just for kicks you can do the same thing for a side, I went down the onion ring route, you may choose differently, your choice.

Then fall upon your scoff, like a warrior,


Tuesday, September 29, 2020



Yes, the Rising Sun didn't look too bright but that's because it was rising over the waters of the lake as we went in search of Stripers.

Yes, a BOAT

Stripers are predatory, voracious beasts and they love live shad. And that's what we were armed with as we headed into the waters of the dammed Brazos, Lake Whitney.


OK, that's all very poetic in a very minor key kind of way, (really? Ed.) but how do you catch the fierce Stripers, what's the method? First off, have a Guide who knows what he's doing.

Looks boring, isn't

We chose Pat because he's good at every level. Friendly and helpful as opposed to sneering because you're not a Guide and, most importantly, gets you on the fish.

Good Guide

Which is what happened, we got on the fish and then some, limiting out in about 45 minutes. Big Striper action, rod goes double once, twice, hookset! Then reel that monster in. Big fun.

Look at that Leviathan on the left!

That done, we headed back to the ramp, mission accomplished. And now there's fish in the freezer for the next few weeks or so.  But seriously, if you want a good Striper Guide on Lake Whitney, go for Pat. He'll get you on the fish.

Fish on,