Wow, what a fortnight it's been, It's like a buzz saw's been taken to our unelected and deeply beloved rulers. Here's a video:
That's all, for now.
Wow, what a fortnight it's been, It's like a buzz saw's been taken to our unelected and deeply beloved rulers. Here's a video:
That's all, for now.
Did you know Beria was a pedophile rapist as well as a mass killer? Forgive the hammy Brit accents but even so, not a bad depiction of this evil, satanic, monster's end. Except that he wasn't shot out of hand, sadly. Such is artistic license.
NKVD Beria. Pedophile. Rapist. Bolshevik. Shot dead. Do you think, gentle readers, that history somehow rhymes? Just think of the furious reaction to Sound of Freedom and the White House conveniently removing its child trafficking caveat.
Let's not say Comet, Abramovic, Podesta, Spirit Cooking, Hunter, and the weirdo alliance between the DNC and the Satanic Temple. Note how these satans hate children, let's see some justice.
Your Old Pal,
PS. I say again, Bolsheviks are UTTER SATANS.