Showing posts with label FBI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FBI. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Well Sonafabitch


Lo and behold, it seems some 5,000 FBI agents out of 13,000 were assigned to chasing down, arresting and prosecuting J6 protesters. The latter played a huge price for their 1 day larp in the hallowed grounds of the holy Capitol.

For goodness sake, this is utterly outrageous and heads should roll. More than that, the people caught up in this quondam Democrat PR campaign, whose lives were wrecked, need to get RICO. I don't know, not being a lawyer, but class action does spring to mind. Let's see what, if anything, Bondi makes of this.

Root & Branch, anyone?


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Off The Leash

Get it on my man.

I say again, since when did a country having a border become Fascist and Nazi? Oh, maybe since the Democrats, Labour and "Tories" wanted to import votes, while their rainbow corp sponsors wanted cheap labor. What a despicable, corrupt crew of Uniparty Satans. Tom's unzipping that malfeasant skulduggery right about now. The guy's a savage. Bye-bye, European nuance, whatever the hell virtue that's supposed to signal.

On point, people say Americans are benign, simple perhaps. Maybe they have a point, but maybe they need to stand back, take note and mark the total, 100% savagery. Yes, just waiting to be unleashed. Looks like Tom's onnit.

Rock On,


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Christus Surrexit

Christus Surrexit. Maybe you'd better delete that Latin, so-called "LSP" unless you want a 4 am knock on the door by the DEI SWAT Team. That in mind, this commentary's in English, from St. John Chrysostom:

Let no one fear death, for the Death of our Savior has set us free.
He has destroyed it by enduring it.
He destroyed Hell when He descended into it.
He put it into an uproar even as it tasted of His flesh.

Isaiah foretold this when he said,
"You, O Hell, have been troubled by encountering Him below."
Hell was in an uproar because it was done away with.
It was in an uproar because it is mocked.
It was in an uproar, for it is destroyed.
It is in an uproar, for it is annihilated.
It is in an uproar, for it is now made captive.

Hell took a body, and discovered God.
It took earth, and encountered Heaven.
It took what it saw, and was overcome by what it did not see.

O death, where is thy sting?
O Hell, where is thy victory?

Christ is Risen, and you, o death, are annihilated!
Christ is Risen, and the evil ones are cast down!
Christ is Risen, and the angels rejoice!
Christ is Risen, and life is liberated!

Christ is Risen, and the tomb is emptied of its dead;
for Christ having risen from the dead,
is become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

To Him be Glory and Power forever and ever. Amen!

Yes indeed, Christ has risen,


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Domestic Extremists All Helpfully Label Themselves For FBI


Via The Bee:

U.S. — Law enforcement officials with the Federal Bureau of Investigation were overjoyed this morning to discover the nation's most dangerous domestic extremists had helpfully labeled themselves with a strange black "X" on their foreheads.

"Wow. This makes our job so much easier," said FBI Domestic Extremism Investigator Chet O'Grady. "This morning our field offices across the country reported they had observed hundreds of people arriving at various suspected extremist locations, where some strange guy wearing robes marked them with ashes on their foreheads. Now we have thousands more suspects to monitor this year. Jackpot!"

The bizarrely marked potential insurgents will be monitored for terrorist activity, such as attending school board meetings and praying outside abortion clinics. "These sickos are capable of anything," said O'Grady. "America can rest assured that we will be watching them very closely."

At publishing time, the FBI had nabbed several suspected terrorists at a local church basement fish fry.

What can we say, those dangerous domestic terrorists get everywhere. The Vatican is working in full cooperation with the ongoing investigation.

Thanks for the tip, Swankenstein.

Your Friend,


Monday, December 11, 2023

Foreign Legion


No, not the LE (Legion Etrangere), this one's homegrown and it's coming to save us all. That's right, a corps of volunteers who will rescue us from Mad Putler and Nazi Racist Trump. We call them the "Unicorn Brigade" and they're made up of FBI and IRS agents. One well known solutions provider said this:

The FBI Legion could write their names in the Ukrainian history books as they conduct human wave attacks over and over again into the Russian lines in the dead of winter no matter the cost.

Heroes will be made even as they fall to concentrated machine gun fire, anti-personnel mines, artillery and as the bodies are pierced by barbed wire entanglements...but maybe the loss of 35,000 FBI agents and 87,000 IRS agents will be worth it if Ukraine is free?

Of course, the US track record (see Afghanistan) is to accept those losses and then give the enemy $100 million worth of equipment and go home.



Quite. See you at the Club.

Your Best Pal,


Friday, April 7, 2023

Just Be The First


The first in what, devil take your eyes, you splutter furiously into brandy and soda, all hail clubland and see you all at #1. And in answer, the first in aghast redpilled wonder as you see through the corrupt malfeasance of our risible charade of a republic, much less democracy.

Let's have a look at our beloved overlord rulers, starting with Stacey. Here she is, in all her body positive glory. Beautiful, isn't it. 

Then there's our beloved Ice Cream Guy. Please, someone, fire the marketeers. I mean for goodness sake, look at that rich old fraud shoveling down ice cream as though he liked it, because man of the people. FFS, how stoopid.

You Wicked Old fraud

But don't forget Skinwalker Kamala, she's hot to trot, no doubt about it. But maybe you don't incel want me, Vice President. Note emph on vice. Her pronouns are:


Cackling dumbass. So there it is, a compendium of Fed Stasi FBI watchwords, they call it a "glossary," a  4 a.m. door beat down, trigger warnings if you will. We must thank Rainbow Gaia we live in a free country.

That in mind, just be the first redpilled Stacey to call it out.

Thanks for the glossary, LL,


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Honky Tonk Heroes


Honky Tonk Heroes and all hail Waylon and the rest of those outlaws. Speaking of which, I sent HTH to a rock 'n roll pal. His reply? Waylon ROCKS. Yes indeed, forever.

In other compelling news, the pillow guy's been raided by the Stasi FBI for daring to oppose our beloved rulers. About time! What a total Fascist. So take note, oppose our beloved Uniparty and get swatted, or hauled off to jail or kept in solitary for years without trial or whatever punishment fits your heinous crime.

Yes. Enemies of the State should expect nothing less and that's what we mean by tolerance and freedom. Obey us, or we crush you, in the name of the Rainbow. But what hides behind the gaily colored mane, glittering horn and gently thudding hooves? Surely not profit and insatiable greed, a beautiful house in the Vineyard, Mammon.

Ah, Mammon and the insatiable gullet of raytheon lockheed avarice. Consider it, the name Mammon connotes, in my mind at least, a kind of deadness. Vast, huge, and dead, but I won't bang on.

Gentlemen and women, do you remember Our Lord's admonition? Viz. You cannot serve God and Mammon. Choose wisely my friends. One way leads to life, the other leads to death.



Saturday, September 3, 2022

Jail Them


We're aghast, here at the Compound. Why are the traitor, extremist, brazen Fascists who dared slur the family of our beloved Leader allowed to walk free? Why haven't they been swatted, why hasn't there been a 2 am door kick-down?

Good question. Just look at them, those grey haired seditionists, literally standing there on a bridge in Dallas and waving flags as if they were patriots. How stupid and, let's be honest, evil. If they were patriots they'd be loyal servants of our rulers, obviously, but no, they willfully choose to ignore this like the extremists they are. Surely the Democrat Gestapo FBI will catch up with them.

Speaking of catch up, sanctions against Russia appear to be doing just that in the EU and the Sceptered Isle herself. Old Continent serfs, prepare to pay all your paltry income on electricity and gas bills, or eat, up to you. And as your industries shut, your shops close and you yourselves shiver in darkness, raise a salute to our beneficent rulers. 

Their money laundering demands your sacrifice. After all, those private jets, yachts and seaside homes on Martha's Vineyard don't come cheap.

Hail Biden,


Monday, December 9, 2019

IG Report

I don't watch TV, much less the abhorrent, faux conservative Fox but Tucker sure knocks it out of the ball park. 

There's many takeaways from this awesome video, but I enjoy "like endlessly barking dogs" and "in 2019 being a progressive means taking the side of bureaucrats with guns."

Right. Because it's so leftist progressive to back the FBI to the hilt of your tofu smoothie. Leaving aside the remarkable hypocrisy and lies of the Left, it looks like the gloss is coming off our Deep State, Illuminati machinery. Let's see what Durham and Barr have to offer. 

Indictments, please,


Friday, February 22, 2019

Conrad Black Blasts Coup Conspirators

Conrad Black blasts the deep state, the DNC and the coup conspirators, their media satraps and far more besides. He calls it the Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since the Civil WarVia Real Clear Politics:

The most immense and dangerous public scandal in American history is finally cracking open like a ripe pomegranate. The broad swath of the Trump-hating media that has participated in what has amounted to an unconstitutional attempt to overthrow the government are reduced to reporting the events and revelations of the scandal in which they have been complicit, in a po-faced ho-hum manner to impart to the misinformed public that this is as routine as stock market fluctuations or the burning of an American flag in Tehran.

For more than two years, the United States and the world have had two competing narratives: that an elected president of the United States was a Russian agent whom the Kremlin helped elect; and its rival narrative that senior officials of the Justice Department, FBI, CIA, and other national intelligence organizations had repeatedly lied under oath, misinformed federal officials, and meddled in partisan political matters illegally and unconstitutionally and had effectively tried to influence the outcome of a presidential election, and then undo its result by falsely propagating the first narrative. It is now obvious and indisputable that the second narrative is the correct one.

Read the whole thing here.

Lock 'em up,


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Whitey Bulger Dead - Mueller Time!

Notorious mobster, Whitey Bulger, is dead, killed by an inmate as he was being transferred to a West Virginia prison. 

Things went badly for Bulger, 89, when a prisoner with Mafia ties hit him over the head with a lock in a sock and gouged his eyes out. Bulger had nothing whatsoever to do with Special Prosecutor Mueller.

However, Mueller, who had no connections to Whitey Bulger at all, has been accused of raping a woman at the St. Regis hotel, New York City, in 2010.

Mueller, who heads up the special investigation into the Trump campaign's infamous collusion with the Kremlin, never knew or heard of "Whitey" Bulger and denies raping a woman at the St. Regis.

The Special Prosecutor has referred the rape case to the FBI, which is famed for its honesty, lack of corruption and non-partisan objectivity. 

Mueller says accusations of rape are fraudulent and the result of GOP pay-offs, as claimed by one of his former paralegals. He also never knew, heard of or communicated with Whitey Bulger.

Your Pal,


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Coup Unravels, Sympathy For The Devil? Don't Say Hillary

So what's going on in the world of the slow motion coup against the duly elected President of the United States?

We've seen that the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign in the form of Stefan Halper and possibly others. And we know the DNC/Clinton campaign paid a former British MI6 spy to compile a salacious and unverified dossier on Trump, which was picked up by the FBI and then used to secure FISA warrants against the Trump campaign.

This was signed off on by then CIA Director and alleged Muslim, John Brennan, in the form of an Intelligence Community Assessment, which was used to fuel a special investigation into Trump's supposed collusion with the Kremlin.


Collusion, let all two of you readers understand, for which there is not a shred of evidence, after nearly two years of investigation and some $20 million spent. 

Perhaps you remember Trump's assertion that he was being wiretapped during his campaign and how this was written off as laughable by the lying, corrupt, venal, elite, mendacious, aggressive mainstream media. Ridiculous, right? No, not so ridiculous.


For that matter, you may recall that the Russian Collusion story began in the wake of Hillary's emails being made public by Wikileaks, and that the DNC wouldn't let the FBI examine the servers in question.

No wonder, a forensic investigation of the servers might have revealed that their unbreakable password was "password" and that  someone downloaded the information on a memory stick. Who knows, maybe that person was Seth Rich.

Seth Rich

Regardless, what we've known all along is now transparent, the intelligence services were weaponized by the Dems against their political opponents.

Unfortunately for the Operation Crossfire Hurricane coup conspirators this is illegal and with every passing day their malfeasance is being brought into the light. Heads, we hope, will roll.


So has the hunter become the hunted, as hubris catches up with arrogance in unholy matrimony? Perhaps, and while we're at it, all four of you, how does this augur for our Constitutional Republic? 

Crossfire Hurricane? I'd argue Sympathy for the Devil. Don't say Hillary.

Your Old Pal,


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Year Of The Dog

Sources within the intelligence community inform us that it's now the Year of the Dog and Blue Pie Eater agrees. For him, every year is Year of the Dog.

I tell him, "No, it's the Year of the Russian Bot," and he signals disagreement, wagging his preposterously spotted tail as if to say, "Don't be ridiculous, 13 kremlins posting disparaging comments about Hillary on the internet means nothing. I need food, it's the Year of the Dog."

Bowing to Blue Agitprop's logic, I give him a Pedigree Triple Action protein stick; it's gratefully received and wolfed down with K-9 gusto. 

Speaking of dogs, why didn't Hillary and the DNC turn over their infamously hacked mail server to the FBI? You know, the one that was supposedly violated by evil Russian hackerz.

Surely the DNC didn't have anything to hide, which is why they won't be worried about Buzzfeed suing them for pertinent Russiagate information. 


Thursday, February 15, 2018

A Day Of Clouds And Thick Darkness

That pretty much described the route to the first Mass of Ash Wednesday, as smoke filled the air and trucks came to a stop to make way for various first responders; I was afraid I'd be late for Mass.

Not to worry, before too long the road was clear enough and we rolled slowly through the smoke, hazards on.

Just in time for Mass but speaking of smoke, do you you remember the FISA Memo and the attempted coup against the President? For that matter, did you see Susan Rice's curious memo to self? Some say it paints Barack Obama in an unfavorable light. 

God bless,


Friday, February 2, 2018


The Nunes memo's out. Key points, via Zerohedge and the Washington Examiner:

The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.
Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.
The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.
DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.
As a reminder, the FBI and Justice Department mounted a months-long effort to keep the information outlined in the memo out of the House Intelligence Committee's hands. Only the threat of contempt charges and other forms of pressure forced the FBI and Justice to give up the material.

What does it mean? That, at the very least, illegal, lying warrants were obtained by FBI and DOJ officials to spy on and potentially overthrow the Trump campaign and presidency. All in collusion with the DNC.

Or to put it another way, pop goes the weasel.

You can read the memo here.


Friday, January 26, 2018

Lock Them Up

Maybe Saudi Arabia is a pilot scheme? Is the Magic Kingdom showing us the way by locking up its corrupt elites? Yes, please.

#ReleaseTheMemo #WeAreRussianBots

Kick out the JAMS,


FIB Secret Society Unmasked

Anonymous sources have leaked shocking photos of a top level FIB and DOJ secret society, which allegedly conspired to bring down the Trump presidency on fake charges of Russian collusion.

Love at FIB Site

Two of the conspirators exchanged tens of thousands of texts detailing their visceral dislike of the incoming President. Some five months worth of these texts went mysteriously missing because "Samsung the Dog ate them."

Samsung the Dog

Then the texts magically reappeared after Samsung the Dog was fed with "forensic tools" and coughed them up.

A White Wolf

With this new photographic evidence, it appears that the secret society at what one intelligence community mandarin calls "Sodom-on-the-Potomac" won't be secret for very much longer.

Russian Bots Attack Secret Society

#ReleaseTheMemo #WeAreRussianBots

Your Pal,


Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Imagine the scenario. Your party's in power and it wants to stay in power; more to the point you want power, it's like your birthright, your entitlement, but there's a problem, a rival. So what do you do?

You go Full FISA and use your captive intelligence agencies to obtain a phony warrant to spy on your opponent, based on evidence you paid for and then, when he beats you, launch a phony investigation into the phony crimes your phony evidence justified. 

All in the hope of destroying your rival's presidency and returning you to power. What are we dealing with here, a banana republic or America, or have the two become one?

Whatever the case, the House Intelligence Committee believes it possesses damning evidence of the above and you can read the document its 4 page memo is based on here, thanks AJ. In the meanwhile, why have 50,000 texts between Peter Strzok and his mistress, Lisa Page, gone missing?

Did the dog eat them, or would that be Hillary's friends in the FBI. For that matter, what's the "secret society" envisioned by Strozk and his paramour. 

Surely not a secret society of Hillary favoring spooks, dedicated to the overthrow of democracy via a phony "Russians hacked the election" narrative.

But lest ironic hubris catch the reader unaware, it's Russia's fault. Russian bots, to be precise.

Tick, Tock, release the memo.