Showing posts with label ICE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ICE. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2025

It's Freezing


It's freezing here, seriously freezing, there's ice in the dog's water bowl and snow on the ground. "What is this," I thought to myself grimly, "North Central Texas or Ice Station Zebra?" The latter, apparently, and here we are at the Compound wrapped in layers of protective clothing against the biting cold and piercing wind. What's happened?

Clearly this. Our Old Enemy the Weather decided to change, outraged at being cheated of EPA billions. Tribute denied, it changed the climate. So yes, the War on Weather continues, with hardy Texans ice fishing on Lake Whitney, doing their best just to keep alive in the new Ice Age.

some guy's photo of our W Nelson muriel

In related news, the UK's committed itself to producing zero carbon emissions by 2030, or something like that. So the Sceptered Isle's going to end family farming because kill all Kulaks and cover the land with wind turbines and solar panels. That'll save the planet, obviously, and who knows, maybe all the rainbow energy will power Two-Tier Kier's mighty army all the way to Moscow itself. 

I pondered all of this as a cold sun set in the rear-view after Mass, the revealed Word proclaimed and Sacrament confected. No small thing, the Mass must go on, even in the face of our ancient adversary, the Weather.



Sunday, January 26, 2025

Off The Leash

Get it on my man.

I say again, since when did a country having a border become Fascist and Nazi? Oh, maybe since the Democrats, Labour and "Tories" wanted to import votes, while their rainbow corp sponsors wanted cheap labor. What a despicable, corrupt crew of Uniparty Satans. Tom's unzipping that malfeasant skulduggery right about now. The guy's a savage. Bye-bye, European nuance, whatever the hell virtue that's supposed to signal.

On point, people say Americans are benign, simple perhaps. Maybe they have a point, but maybe they need to stand back, take note and mark the total, 100% savagery. Yes, just waiting to be unleashed. Looks like Tom's onnit.

Rock On,


Monday, January 20, 2025

The King Returns


Better in song? Here at the Compound we think it is. So expressive, beyond prose. So here's a song:

Rousing, eh? Of course we're shameless Monarchists here, in the frozen depths of Texas, where the climate's changed on account of our not paying enough tax. Oops. Now you pay the price, ICE. What an historic day.



Monday, January 15, 2024



Look how the roads are cracking in the cold

You'll laugh and snort into your claret at the Ranchmen's Club or the Eagles' Nest eyrie of your mountain redoubt, but Texas isn't prepared for subzero weather, for ice and snow. No, things pretty much shut down apart from essential services, a bit like the scamdemic when you think about it. And do we cower in servile, serflike fear before our old enemy, the Weather?

No, we do not. On the contrary, we go out on recce patrol into the frozen tundra of this once bustling farming community. What was it like? The roads were deserted, predictably, and I let the dog off the leash to prowl and explore.

OK, time for you to go off-leash

He found the new Ice Age exciting and so did I, it was like being in Calgary but in Texas and without any traffic, though there were a few cars at First Baptist. Perhaps their riders got trapped there after worship on Sunday when the snow came in. Who knows, maybe they're burning cheap editions of Calvin's Institutes to keep warm. Good luck.

The Pick 'n Steal was open though and so was Brookshires. You see, essential services  are up and running here thanks to the dogged determination that is Texan spirit. Well done people, never surrender, never, ever give up in the face of adversity.

Do not ever, ever give up

Back at the Compound a soldier stated, "I went outside for a smoke. Damn it's cold, feels colder than Calgary. How'd you do that walk?" Rhodie bounded through the door, pleased to be home, and I replied, "Yes, son, it is quite chilly."

More from this new front in the War on Weather as it unfolds. Pray God we survive.

Your Frozen Friend,


Sunday, January 14, 2024



It's freezing here, literally freezing. Biting wind cuts through the icy boulevards of this once prosperous Texan farming community. Yes, once prosperous, but someone forgot to pay their Weather Tax and now our Old Enemy is exacting its revenge.

Lake Whitney

Snow, ice, bitter wind and glowering, leaden grey skies. Very little moves, how could it, it's frozen, and worse is yet to come. Weather Seers are predicting an ice storm will hit this erstwhile cotton town later tonight.

A typical Compound room scene

We'll see who and what survives the latest attack by General Winter, who knows. But one thing is certain, we stand firm, resolute, unbroken before our ancient adversary, no, we will not pay the tax. Speaking of which, some of you may have noticed the curious twists and turns of Lib Logic.

This is what happens to your library and writing room when you don't pay the dam tax

As in, it's colder now because it's hotter, which is why you have to pay us moar money so you'll be trans DEI richer.

See you on the other side,


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Fighting Patrol


This photo comes via Every Blade of Grass who reminds us to "remember all those who are busy doing other things, and can't be home for the Holidays." What good counsel, but where's the photo taken. Not Texas, obviously, maybe Calgary?

Note Claw Marks



Tuesday, February 16, 2021

A Bit Chilly


It's a bit chilly in Texas right now and that's too bad, because Global Warming froze all the wind turbines and broke them, causing rolling power blackouts. Who became richer than they already were through that green chicanery?

Green energy crooks aside, I went for a stroll down the glacier after Evening Prayer, in search of adventure. There wasn't much, apart from a snowman opposite the iced over Meth Shack, but what am I saying? The whole thing is an adventure - Texas, magically transmuted into Alberta thanks to the mystic alchemy of climate change. 

But maybe you think I'm exaggerating in that typical Lone Star way. No, not at all. Here's a photo of one of the crew relaxing after breaking ice on the stock tank. Looks like Alberta, right? No, Texas, here and now.

So be careful out there, and if the power goes out light massive fires to stay warm and keep the torch of freedom burning as we face off, resolute, against our old enemy, The Weather.



Thursday, February 11, 2021

Ice Age


No sooner had we rejoined the Paris Climate Accords than the climate changed. Yes, it became much colder, with freezing mist and drizzle. 

This quickly turned to ice, and I wasn't surprised, we hadn't paid our weather tax. So, as ye reap, so shall ye sow. Still, tax logic and our rainbow IRS notwithstanding, it was chilly.

It is now, as Blue heads out into the frozen tundra of what was once Texas, and I thank God for a down vest. Yes, it's not easy, but remember, diamonds are created under pressure.

Your Frozen Pal,


Sunday, July 14, 2019


It gets pretty hot in the summer, which is why we need ice to cool things down. But some people don't like ice, they think ice is fascist and literally Hitler.

Goof-off Got Himself Iced

So they fly flags against the ice. Others hate ice so much they throw bombs at it and get shot, not that you'd know it much from our honest-as-the-day's-long media.

Epstein No Longer On Ice

Seriously, since when did it become Nazi for a country to have a border? Since someone decided a massive influx of cheap labor into the US would boost the corporate bottom line and, by the way, make for some handy votes. 

For example, how many seats in the electoral college would California lose if it lost all its illegals? Good question.

No Comment

In other exciting news, our old friend Pedo Epstein's found himself back in jail again. And we have to ask, is this just the tip of the iceberg?



Thursday, January 10, 2019

Don't Forget Open Borders Begin At Home

Americans, have you forgotten your heart?

No? Then don't build walls, open your doors.

Yes, the doors of your house. Open them.

Because open borders begin at home.

Your friend,