Showing posts with label New Ice Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Ice Age. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Trump Beats The Weather


Yes he does, yet again. Not one day, not a single day after he was sworn in as President in the Rotunda of the US Imperial Capitol, 47 got down to business, unlike the previous mountebanks, and defeated Global Warming. You doubt me? Here's the evidence, from Texas. Have a look:

There it is, snow, no doubt about it. Good work, Mr. President, no one liked the Paris Climate Accords anyway, except corrupt grifters in the DS, but here at the Compound we're cheering on energy independence, drill baby drill, and an end to the NetZero scam. At what cost?

ICE. Yes, the weather has most certainly changed. Are we heading into a new Ice Age? Seems that way, looking at the evidence in NC rural Texas. Perhaps Ed. Milliband, real name, in the UK will take notice.

Ice Ice Baby,


Monday, January 15, 2024



Look how the roads are cracking in the cold

You'll laugh and snort into your claret at the Ranchmen's Club or the Eagles' Nest eyrie of your mountain redoubt, but Texas isn't prepared for subzero weather, for ice and snow. No, things pretty much shut down apart from essential services, a bit like the scamdemic when you think about it. And do we cower in servile, serflike fear before our old enemy, the Weather?

No, we do not. On the contrary, we go out on recce patrol into the frozen tundra of this once bustling farming community. What was it like? The roads were deserted, predictably, and I let the dog off the leash to prowl and explore.

OK, time for you to go off-leash

He found the new Ice Age exciting and so did I, it was like being in Calgary but in Texas and without any traffic, though there were a few cars at First Baptist. Perhaps their riders got trapped there after worship on Sunday when the snow came in. Who knows, maybe they're burning cheap editions of Calvin's Institutes to keep warm. Good luck.

The Pick 'n Steal was open though and so was Brookshires. You see, essential services  are up and running here thanks to the dogged determination that is Texan spirit. Well done people, never surrender, never, ever give up in the face of adversity.

Do not ever, ever give up

Back at the Compound a soldier stated, "I went outside for a smoke. Damn it's cold, feels colder than Calgary. How'd you do that walk?" Rhodie bounded through the door, pleased to be home, and I replied, "Yes, son, it is quite chilly."

More from this new front in the War on Weather as it unfolds. Pray God we survive.

Your Frozen Friend,


Monday, November 20, 2023

Sunny Southern Weather


One day it's Albertan ice and snow, and the next? Balmy autumnal Texas where everyone's enjoying porchlife in the temperate 70s, beautiful. Well, enjoy it while you can before the New Ice Age kicks in. Speaking of climate catastrophe, say a prayer for Linda, whose homestead's threatened by a seriously aggressive weather front. In other news, I found this uplifting, via LL:


“There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans of American nationality and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house. We have room for one sole loyalty, which is to the American people.” — Theodore Roosevelt.


Granted, I fly several flags, not least the Bonnie Blue, but still. Then there's the NSA, which has fallen in love with the pernicious rainbow. Why, because national security?


Let’s start here with the Daily Wire. The NSA’s 34-page glossary defines hundreds of social justice terms, including “white fragility,” “transmisogyny,” and “settler colonialism.” If you don’t buy into the bullshit, you shouldn’t work there. “But the agency, which has been sharply criticized for its mass surveillance operations on American citizens, goes beyond openly endorsing the extreme tenets of Critical Race Theory with its glossary — it pushes queer theory as an approach that ‘critically deconstructs and challenges binaries such as male and female or heterosexual and homosexual.'”

Just think, readers, how much more secure we are as a nation for actively deconstructing binaries, you know, like "right and wrong." Awesome, now the NSA can spy on everyone with gay impunity and our beloved rulers can do whatever they want, do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, sorta thing.

So who's in charge here, a gang of satanic Crowleyite Lao Tze Maoists? Asking for a friend.



Friday, December 23, 2022

Bomb Cyclone Winter Eschaton


Many of you will laugh and shake your heads in scorn, but it's cold in Texas. Like no kidding, there's ice and even some snow. "Look," I announced in awe to a young soldier, "Snow, see it?" It took a while but he did, "Oh yeah, literal snow, wow." A few wind-driven icy flakes of it anyway.

So layer up, pull on an Arcteryx fleece, dust off the Carhart and face the new Ice Age. Such, my friends, is global warming. You see, the hotter it gets, thanks to people not paying carbon taxes, the colder it becomes.

I was struck by this, driving into a golden sunset across Lake Whitney dam to say Mass as clouds of mist steamed up from the water. Climate change can be dramatic, no doubt about it. Let's zoom in:

The Sacrament confected and the Sacrifice offered, ite missa est, it was time to drive back to the Compound, wary of black ice and grateful for the privilege of being able to celebrate the Eucharist. Where angels fear to tread, eh?

Domine non sum dignus,


Monday, February 15, 2021

Texas Snowstorm

Yesterday's gentle dusting of global warming turned into a full on, no holds barred storm. Maybe a once in a lifetime event in this part of Texas.

So I stood on the porch like a Climate Czar, to capture the moment this once prosperous farming community turned into a glacier.

It's sunny now, but for how much longer? More ice, snow and driving wind is predicted tomorrow. That's what happens when the planet gets warmer because people didn't pay enough tax, yes, it gets colder.

Smart investors are going all in on $DOGSLED.

Stay warm,


Friday, February 12, 2021

Texas Goes Ice Age


It's not easy living in North Central Texas. Why? Because it's now an ice sheet with more to come. Look, here's the weather report:

National Weather Service Fort Worth TX
freezing drizzle developing late tonight into Saturday morning,
Impacts will begin as early as Saturday morning with patchy
brief break in precipitation on Saturday, conditions will begin
which will lead to a light glaze of ice in some locations. After a to deteriorate late Saturday evening, with precipitation
Sunday. The heaviest snow can be expected on Sunday and Monday.
transitioning from a sleet and freezing rain mix to all snow by High winds will lead to blowing and drifting snow with wind chills
duration of extremely cold temperatures will likely lead to major
falling to below zero by late Sunday. Snow will come to an end during the day Monday, but extremely cold temperatures will persist through mid-week. The heavy snow and forecast long
for several days... stress on the region`s infrastructure as well as crippling travel

Impact and cripple. Yes, that's what our Old Enemy does unless you pay the Tax. Come on now, all those seaside mansions in Martha's Vineyard don't come cheap, and let's face it, Climate Czar Kerry's private jet isn't cheap either. So pay up, serfs, while you buy your made in China masks to make our overlords even richer than they already are. In fact, wear two, because China's giving 'em away for free.

Lake Whitney

And while you're at it, get two shots of the vaccine because Pfizer obviously doesn't want to double its profits. Because it's a charity, just like the government which is here to help themselves grow richer.

In the meanwhile, a new Ice Age descends upon the Republic of Texas. We'll see what remains of this once prosperous farming community when the ice melts. If it ever does.

Your Old Friend,


Saturday, September 28, 2019

Wisdom From Down Under And The Climate Parrot

Strong words from Down Under! Then there's the parrot.

Goodnight, God bless, and have a beautiful Sunday.


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Brexit Betrayal?

Is Theresa May doomed to go down as the worst UK Prime Minister after Oswald Mosely? Bets on she will, following her traitorous attempt to make a Brexit that isn't a Brexit, all the while keeping her globalist NWO pals in power and cash.

Globalist Shill

As it is, over 17 million people who voted to leave the EU are seeing their votes disregarded by the very people who depend on their votes, that's right, MPs. What does this mean for UK democracy? 

NWO Stooge

You guessed it, suck it up, serfs, while your country's flooded with votes, sorry, immigrants, until you don't matter anymore and the Britain you vaguely remember will be just that, a dream. 

3 Para

And then, while you're staring around in slack-jawed amazement, you'll be picked up for thoughtcrime and re-educated. But who'll do the rounding up, the Army? Maybe 3 Para thinks otherwise.

Watch out, commies, we're comin' for 'ya.


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Fishing While Jussie Skates

Take advantage of a beautiful Texan spring morning and go fishing; bright, clear air, a shining sun, and the still waters of the lake reflecting the sky. It smells good too, wildflowers, sage, cedar, sun on limestone, and the earth coming alive. 

But I wasn't there to record a lull in the new Ice Age, I was there to fish. And sure enough there was a school of carp under someone's pleasure boat tied up at the pier. You could hear them thrashing and fighting against the pontoons of the boat in some kind of furious carp frenzy.

Very exciting and I baited a small hook with a worm, visions of titanic struggle against monster carp looming large. Not unrealistic either, I'd landed some leviathans with the same bait from that very spot the year before, big fun. 

So off went a worm under the boat into the churning carp, expectation up, and I waited, and waited. No bite. You could see the carp ignoring the delicious worm in droves, they cared nothing for the worm, it didn't matter to them at all.

I bobbed it about, tried different depths and different positions. Perhaps the fish will love this worm if it's a foot higher or lower, or somewhere else altogether. 

No, it meant nothing to them. They didn't like gooey yellow chunks of special carp bait either, which was weird because the packet said carp loved them. They didn't.

Baffled by the perversity of fish, I packed up, promising the piscine adversary I'd be back with a vengeance. Maybe with canned corn, which carp love. Stay tuned.

Back at the Compound I turned on the internet to laugh at rich socialists insisting that Trump's a Russian agent because Hillary lost an election. And then Boom! what's this? Juicy Smollet skates? Yes, on 16 felony counts and the case closed and sealed. No trial, no nothing because of a deal with the state prosecutor. 

Even Rahm Emmanuel and Axelrod think it's a disgrace, which says something. Perhaps something about who wants to be the next mayor of Chicago?

Fish on,


Monday, March 4, 2019

Cops And Waiters

I was just back from breakfast with a couple of lawmen when a prominent Detroit food critic called and asked, "What's the difference between cops and waiters?" 

Resisting the urge to say "everything" I kept silent and my old friend replied into the vacuum, "Oh, I don't know. They're just putting their lives on the line at any given moment." I had to laugh, we'd been discussing LE and the Motor City's waitering scene, which my pal knows well.

Oh look, the revolution

Big city waiters and bartenders, sorry, mixologists, are often revolutionary socialists like AOC, and my breakfast friends wondered if we were wandering into trouble.


Will all the enraged Anarcho-Marxist wait staff rise up in revolt when Orange Man Bad wins 2020 against a cast of MillSoc mountebanks, buffoons and charlatans? 

Maybe they will, and all those sustainably farm-to-table repurposed restaurant workers will throw down their plates and annoying craft cocktails to fight the Man. The new bearded plaid proletariat, sort of thing.

Good thing I've got this down vest for the new Ice Age!

Before they do, they might want to remember that one side knows how to shoot.



Tuesday, February 19, 2019

No Shoot

Like all good plans, this one was simple. Walk the dog to the Pick 'n Steal, get some coffee, say Morning Prayer, take care of immediate business and then go for a shoot.


What an excellent plan, right? And practical too, involving zeroing in a  triad of deadly assault rifles, 5.56 and 7.62. Make sure the blasters were still working, sort of thing, and then relax off with a bit of plinking against targets of opportunity; soda cans, steel plates, shotgun shells, kettles, cell phones, whatever.

Typical Clovis Points

But no. It started to rain, thunder rolled and crashed across the sky and a vengeful, biting wind cut across the Compound like the harbinger of a new Ice Age. I tell you, it's like the Younger Dryas extinction event here in the Central Zone.

Look, a Dog on a Rug

So no shoot and that's fine by Blue Somnolent but frustrating for me. Still, it's not all bad, check out this uplifting new infovideo from Carpe Doncton.


What excellent art!

Gun rights,


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Blue State, Heather Cook

I was woken up this morning by a strange rustling, as though something was being shaken. I thought, half-awake, that a squirrel had gotten into the house. But no, it was just Blue, shaking my duffel and staring at me.

I looked at him and he looked at me and then proceeded to wag the arm of my coat, which was hanging off the back of a chair. I got the message and a cup of tea (hot) and Morning Prayer later, there I was, walking the dog in the semi-freezing drizzle of the new Ice Age, brought on, ironically enough, by Global Warming.

Typical Global Warming

Roosting dove flew out of the trees along our path with a great sound of wings and it was good to be in this country town.

Heather Cook

In other news, the scandal-plagued assistant Bishop of Maryland has been indicted on 13 charges, ranging from automobile manslaughter to negligent driving. I feel sorry for her, much as I scorn the monstrous regiment of priestesses. I feel more sorry for the man she killed.

It's all Bush's fault, of course.



Saturday, January 3, 2015

A Short Walk in the Snow

"I am just going outside and may be some time," I said to no one in particular, as I left our shelter in search of beef broth.

The snow had intensified, making it hard to see, but in the distance I could just make out the Cult Collective, rising out of the drifts. I knew there was a shop nearby that sold broth, but would I make it?

I did, barely, and sensibly managed to detour out of the wind to a pub, where I drank a pint and watched the snow.

Later on we ate a standing rib with roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding. It was delicious.

Stay warm,


Thursday, February 13, 2014



So what's been going on in LSPland? A well-needed diocesan clergy retreat, for a start, led by the new Bishop of San Joaquin, Eric Menees. Menees gave a series of meditations on the duties of clerical life; all good practical stuff, emphasizing the priesthood as a way of life, as opposed to a job that you turn up for and then clock-off from at the end of the day. Sound advice, perhaps especially to those U.S. Anglican clergy who commute from a suburb to their office, stay there till late afternoon and then commute back to their little slice of subdivision heaven. But plastic siding aside, helpful for all of us. Thanks, bishop Menees.

St. Ignatius Loyola

The retreat house, which is run by Jesuits, had a fair amount of Ignatian literature to hand and I read some. Not only was Ignatius a soldier who laid down his arms for the religious life but he also, apparently, believed that everyone has one primary, or foundational "grace", and one correlative sin. Knowing the one can lead to enlightenment and progress in the other. For Loyola, the sin was "vainglory" and triumph at arms, which translated into Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam, For the Greater Glory of God.

I like that. Respect to St. Ignatius Loyola.

God bless,


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ice Age Eschaton - Pistol

Getting Warmer

Everyone knows that it's much warmer now, which is why it's colder, especially in Dallas, where I was stranded for a couple of days by the New Ice Age. And to think, all brought about by the planet getting hotter, but such is the logic of the Eschaton. But I'm not complaining, it was good to retreat to the Ice Cave and take a few days off.

GH Getting Colder

Then, I suppose, it got colder so everything melted and I made it back to the country and a visit to GH's farm. We took his new Dodge down-field to an impromptu hay-bale pistol range and had some .45 ACP fun (remedial for me).


I have to say, thank God for Winchester White Box, which takes a bit of the financial sting out of a shoot - I find I have to go through several magazines before getting into the swing of things and decently on target. I tend to pull the trigger, sending rounds low left and forget to breath, thanks to excitement. Bad errors, but when corrected things swung pretty neatly onto the bull.

Calm Before the Storm

Shot from around 15 and 20 yards, with the best results from 20, oddly enough. Then it was back to GH's house to talk about the state of the Mission and TEC's iniquitous land-grab. A good day.

Now the clouds are lowering with ice and snow. Smart people are honing up on their firearms skills and stockpiling. We don't know how long the winter will last.

Shoot straight,


Friday, January 8, 2010

Just Get Out & Shoot

For some strange reason I haven't shot my .45 for a time, probably thinking in the back of my mind that I should 'save ammo', which is ridiculous because I have plenty and what's the point of owning working firearms if you don't shoot them? With thoughts such as these I drove bravely off into the New Ice Age to the local supermarket to buy yet more ammo - Winchester White Box, God bless it - and then off to my Treasurer's place for a shoot.

The Treasurer wasn't in but another parishioner was, feeding horses. We set up a range against some hay bales and blasted away from eighteen or twenty yards.

Shot reasonably well, though I tended to pull low left, which is doubtless some kind of lesson in the making. Then, before our range was crushed under the weight of oncoming glaciers, it was back to the parsonage for evening prayer and dangerous thoughts of purchasing a 1911... all in good time.

Good shooting,