Showing posts with label gun rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun rights. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2025

Down With The Eagle Up With The Cross


Go right ahead, give your vote to State Central Control outta Washington. Sure, give your voice and vote to secular, GloboHomo, statist, usurious, deep fake tyranny. Go right ahead, but don't be surprised when people resist and attack you, on account of liberty. 



Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Are Airguns Retarded And Gay?


Good question, and I say no. Back in the day you could blaze away with readily affordable ammo, but not so much today. And, let the reader understand, you want to arrive at a backyard plinking solution. OK, subsonic .22 is a way forward. But maybe air's better?

Maybe so. My brother, who lives in "ban all guns because commie" Wales shoots merrily away with .177/.22 canister air guns and's fixing to upgrade to a Kral Empire. Nice, at around $700 (!). And especially nice in the UK, where you're not allowed to shoot real guns but you can shoot these. OK, good for my brother, the Kral looks great, if pricey. But here in the States?

We don't need to rely on air guns to shoot because we have a constitutional right to own and bear arms, much as the Left wants to take that away from us in their drive towards a corporate sponsored neo-Maoist dictatorship. Granted, but what if you live in a vaguely built up area, where you can't shoot that AR for practice?

Again, good question, and I don't see anything wrong with going down a backyard plinker air gun solution. Some people go further and get air compressor hunting rigs marching up to something like .50 Cal. Far out. Me? I'd settle for a Walmart Special, twice as powerful as the attractive Kral and way cheaper, seemingly.

Shoot on,


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Life In Texas And Everywhere


So how is life in the North Central Texas Exclusion Zone, so-called LSP? Good question, and I'll tell you. It's blissfully cool, seriously, in the 80s, and this is Texas in late July. Enjoy it while you can. On topic, which is worse, the HEAT or the COLD. 

I've lived in both, Alberta and Texas, and feel heat is marginally better, but only marginally, both can kill you. That in mind, what drove Europeans to settle these places? They faced the elements, utterly hostile, low-barbaric Indians and all of that. Possibly, on both counts, a death sentence. So why do it?

Adventure and opportunity for sure, come to the New World and make a new future for yourself. But also this. Things in the Old World, Europe, have to have been bad, so bad that they risked their lives to come here. No small thing, tough people, not least in Texas. 

That in mind, here we are, with Europe in a state of, apparently, complete degeneracy, and our bicoastal elites fully inline with the Lesbitransgay++ agenda. Will the country as a whole, which is by no means rainbow woke, stand up against these tin-pot glitter Maoists, and say enough is enough? 

don't tea-cup the pistol, fool

To put it another way, will all the Christians stand up, go to the ballot box and vote against abortion and transing in such numbers that even a Deep State rig couldn't fix the result. I'm waiting.

Your Buddy,


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

It's All Go

It's all go here, I tell you. Monday meant a trip to the 'burbs to meet with lawyers and it went pretty well, in an all day kind of way. Before that I stopped at a Starbucks by the highway for coffee. 


Lo and behold, there was an indigent POC crashed out on a sofa, perhaps he'd been done in by a deliciously lush Oleata, whatever that is.

Magicians? Let's See

So that was Monday, Tuesday was different again and involved driving to the corner of Greenville and Mockingbird from Dallas HQ to see Janey Tailor. Janey Tailor promises to work Korean magic on some old suits, let's see how that goes.

Look, a Drake

And today? A trip to Ray's gun shop, it's an institution, and a strangely cheap CZ Drake O/U 20. We'll see how it shoots. Back in the country now, where the air is clean.

Your Pal,


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Boxing Day Pie


Spot the Etonian flag :)

After the festive fun and family conviv. of Christmas, Boxing Day comes as pleasant "breather," time to relax and take it easy. 

Walk the dog to the nearest Pick 'n Steal, reflect on Stephen the Martyr, it's his Feast today, as you stroll down the boulevards of Olde Dallas, and return to HQ for an easy lunch. Warm bread, cheese, dates and grapes, raise a glass to the Incarnate Word, slumber over books on antedeluvia and then...

Return to the fray to make pie. Yes, beef and mushroom pie from the leftovers of yesterday's feast, it's not hard. Cut the beef off the bone(s), chop up an onion, some garlic and celery and saute in 3 Tbs butter till tender and fragrant. Add three Tbs of flour and stir it up, then add beef stock. Well done, you've got this far, but you're not there yet.

A typical Dallas Light Cavalry Mess scene. Keen-eyed readers will spot LL, WSF, Old NFO, drjim, Jim, Wild, 
Ed, Doktor Swankenstein, DOS, Ed. C, Mike C, Manhattan Infidel, Seamus, GenX, Paul M, 
RHT, Adrienne (out of frame) and so many more.

Let everything simmer and stir, like a faculty revolt at Harvard, and add the beef. This is key, obviously. While the meat's simmering in the mix, saute some mushrooms in butter till golden and add those too, along with some red wine, and let it all cook to desired consistency. 

That done, turn off the heat, add yesterdays cooked carrots to the mix and allow the delicious pie filling to rest and cool. Have a glass of the right stuff, listen to Handel, shoot some 5.56, sharpen a kukri, whatever, your call, no rule, and in God's good time roll out some pastry. Good work, fill a pie dish with its filling, cover with jolly old pastry and fire it all into the oven at 400.

Let that beast cook for 20 minutes or so until golden brown, you can even glaze the pastry with an egg yolk if you like, then fall upon your scoff.

Like a Warrior,


Friday, September 22, 2023

Cheer Up Kids!


All hail #2A, right?

And your kid's first fish, a bass. Well done!

But Libs really hate this. A Lot. Truck. Rod. Gun.

And they triple hate this, a kitchen counter Glock, .45 obvs. Hey, you never know when the ingredients will rise up and fight you. So.

So there you have it. Cheer up kids, all's not lost, yet. And all hail the Texas Free State and the North Central Exclusion Zone. (NCEZ)



Thursday, May 11, 2023

Just Knocking About


The first part of the day was all about lawyers guns and money and that was OK. Here in this bucolic sector of the North Central Texas Exclusion Zone (NCTEZ) you can pretty much walk everywhere to do your business. 

And what do you see as you stroll along the leafy boulevards of Old Tejas? All the debris of our increasingly barbarous modern age. Weaves, dime bags, broken toys, and Bud Light cans hurled away in disgust to lie abandoned in the gutter.

This town used to be 20,000 people strong back when cotton was king and now it's around 7,000, a growing majority of which are Hispanic. This will certainly increase and what does it mean? Any number of things, not least: I need to learn Spanish, like no kidding.

Being able to celebrate the Mass in Spanish, albeit not very well, is a good first step but obviously not a final solution. Honing up the "habla" and getting a bilingual deacon from the diocese would take things to a different level, let's get on that.

But looking over the horizon, what's caused us to commit demographic suicide, and we're doing exactly that. Keen-eyed readers will note Rome, with all its grandeur, had a similar problem. They stopped having children and imported barbarians to fill the gap.

Here that means Catholics, who are by no means friends of the Rainbow. In Europe, at least the UK, it mostly means Mohammedans, and they hate the Rainbow too. How this works out is anyone's guess but I'll wager the monkey on conflict, and thank God we're dealing with a Catholic instead of Moslem replacement. 

Tempted to bang on but won't, you'll note this little town has machine shops. America's known for that, and riflemen, kudos.

Hold The Line,


Sunday, March 19, 2023

Sunday Pistol


You're not allowed to own a pistol in England unless you're a criminal or a cop, but you can in Texas. You see, free citizens are able to defend themselves whereas serf-slaves cannot. That in mind, here's a Sunday pistol.

Just a little 9, a Glock 45 Compact Crossover Gen 5. Note improvements to magazine well and slide and I tell you, this little barker fits well in the hand. An improvement on Gen 4? Hey, all you Glock experts can argue it out but I'd say yes.

This handy pistol comes with a Burris Fastfire 3 red dot, which I'll set up tomorrow. Then let's see how this diminutive beast performs. Fast, I'd wager. That in mind, I favor .45s with all their explosive power.

Still, I like this little fella.



Thursday, March 16, 2023

Tracer - An Apology


Huh, so-called LSP, we came to this mind blog looking for neat photos of tracer fire and all we got was another Waylon video and a poorly written mini-rant. Guilty as charged, so to make up for the deficiency here's some tracer.

Yes, I want this rig

Russkie tracer

US tracer


There you have it, tracer. Word to the wise, mind how you go shooting these little miscreants in the dry heat of a Texan summer. Don't want to set the countryside alight, you see.

Shoot straight,


Monday, January 16, 2023

A Monday Shoot


It's a beautiful balmy morning in Texas, so what do you do? Retrieve a couple of rimfires from the bottom of the lake and go to the range. Would they work, for that matter would I still know how to shoot?

Two excellent questions, but first up, stop at McDonald's for two cheeseburgers, it's a range tradition, and I was astonished to see they'd gone down in price by 50 cents per psuedo-burger. Jubilate, perhaps this was an omen.

A short drive through the North Central Texas Exclusion Zone (NCTEZ) and there it was, the range, pretty much unchanged after all these years and full of memories of kids, friends, guns and big fun under Texan skies. Reverie over, I set up at the shooting house bench and tested a Ruger American .22 LR.

Mirabile dictu (enough Latin, Ed.), it worked, snapping shotgun shells off a swinging plate frame, knocking back mini steel plates and punching holes in paper like a veritable, ahem, blunderbuss. So that was all good and a vindication of very minor smithery on my part.

You see, my ancient Ruger magazines had reached the point where they no longer fed consistently, so I took the wretched beasts apart, tightened their springs and hoped for the best. Lo and behold, they worked, as did the rifle and its cheap 4 power scope. Result.

Next up, a Marlin .22 WMR with an annoyingly stiff, heavy, branchlike trigger. How did that perform? Not well at all, in fact hardly on paper, which was annoying because the miserable offender had been right in the X Ring last time I shot it, an aeon ago.

Maybe this rubbish ChiCom scope's busted, I thought grimly to myself as I calculated inches off target and 1/4 MOA clicks. You see, a bad workman blames his tools, but the tools ended up proving their worth and within a few clicks the Marlin was on and slamming mighty .22 Mag rounds into mini steels and all was well with the world.

I tell you, what a fun round, go .22 WMR. Is it better than .17 HMR? I don't know, but I'd hazard a dam sight less blowy. And Marlin, please sort out the ridiculously heavy trigger your otherwise excellent weapon comes equipped with. And perhaps they have, my rifle's a bit old.

Guns on, mission accomplished, it was time to head back to the Compound and cook up a rack of ribs in celebration. They're in the oven now.

Shoot straight,


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Let's Cleanse The Palate - With Guns


Non-Binary clergy are great but have a nasty aftertaste, so let's cleanse the palate... with guns. A down to earth, practical, real world solution to bad craziness. I like Glocks, but that's just me.

Just some guns

But what am I saying? I like all kinds of guns, not least lowly Ruger American rimfires and ARs, of course. But what's wrong with shotguns? Nothing whatsoever.


I'm inclined towards 20s these days, shoot all day and don't bust your shoulder, but there's no rule. Is SxS better than O/U? Good question and in answer? Get both.


SKS is cool too, obviously, and you get the added benefit of a bayonet which you can use as an ice pick, handy. Then there's the Lee. What a great weapon. Silky action, accurate if set up right and beautiful Edwardian lines. 

not a Lee

Speaking of which, I've got not one but two Lee project rifles on the go and we're all waiting for the go. Better get that sorted out, eh? But more on that anon. In the meanwhile, shoot straight.



Saturday, June 18, 2022

Just Get Out And Shoot

Just a typical Texan range scene at a pal's ranch.  30 meters and have at it with assorted weaponry, .45s in this case. And what big fun, just you, the guns and the country under the big sky of the Lone Star State. Freedom.

Accuracy? Center mass on. Enjoyment? X Ring. Which means, as I survey this photo and others like it, shoot more, more often. Kudos btw to TC, who shot well on the day, a few years ago, and later moved to Ireland. He shoots well there too, favoring, I think, a German SxS. Nice.

Message to market, get out there in the country and shoot. Good for mind, body and soul.



Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Just Out in The Field


Yes, this is Texas under a glowering sky. Note Cow Barn.

And tractor. I don't know why but Kubotas rule here.

A Shop.

I call this installation "Fence."

We recouped after a hard morning's work, "Wish you'd buy this place, brother, make for a heckuvva range. Put up a big berm by the tanks and off we go." My friend thought about this for perhaps a second as we took it easy on the side of his rig, "Dam! That's what I've been thinking about, berm and boom, shoot out to 450 yards." I agreed, "Right, put up a shooting tower back in the deal and have at it."

A moment of reflective silence and ES went ballistic, "Get going with a .50. But what if the round skips the berm and hits an 18 wheeler on I35?" I thought about it, a .50 BMG lofting out of the target area to power through an engine block on a highway a mile off.

Look, The Climate Changed!

"Utter disaster, my friend," and he agreed, "My wife told me I couldn't buy it, dammit. Dude, stop talking in case I do." And that was that, "Drive safe." I file this exciting story under guns and country life in Texas.

Shoot straight,


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Behold Genius

Speaking of which, Belle Star's Bosque County hideout, aka "farm," is just a few miles from Mission #2. A church friend tells me there's not much there, just shards of brick and debris from the bandit homestead. So the message is clear, get out there and scope it out.

By the same token, sometime's it's best to go armed. We still have that right and I don't see it going away any time soon.



Thursday, July 15, 2021

Clean It Up


Some shooters have White Lightnings, others have Silver Pigeons and more besides, and I won't say they aren't awesome, because they are. But here at the Compound it's pretty much basic budget guns, and they're alright too, provided they work. Which they do, thank God, but here's the thing.

Unless you clean the gun, no matter how pricey it is, even if it's made by the finest gunsmiths by appointment to the Crowned Heads of Europe or Saudi Arabia or the Bush/Clinton crime family or the Great Xi himself, well they're not gonna work if they're not cared for.

So clean those guns even if they're "workhorses" and hardly about to grace a Beretta Gallery. Admonition in mind, I went to work, all the while checking the news to see what was up in the world. 

Disaster! Lo and behold, since the team went fishing and shooting, South Africa collapsed, Cuba took to the streets, the French rioted along with the Greeks and we have to ask, is the disorder spreading? Maybe we should shoot and fish less?

Smart people are cleaning guns.



Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Shoot The Guns


A new day, a new opportunity to shoot, so off we went to the range with a few guns, a 20 SxS, a 12 OU and a Marlin .22 WMR. Idea being to get some remedial shotgunnery in, and then a little plinking with the Marlin.

The range was overgrown and semi-flooded but we made it through, get a 4x4, LSP, and set up on dry ground next to a field, baking under a big Texan sky. The erstwhile Cadet went first, on the 12, and started smoking clays like a good 'un.

I followed up on the 20 and was more or less on, unlike the Specialist who specially smoked the clays with the same gun. Hmmm, improve your game, so-called "LSP." I did, and got in the zone, shooting far better to the right than left, curiously. Perhaps there's a moral in that.

A box of  orange "White Flyer" over, we moved on to the little magnum, shooting off the bed of the truck. Take that, fifty yard adversary, and the kid's offhand was impressive, right in the zone. Nice work. Then it was time to head back to the Compound, a good morning well spent.

I love shooting and file this tale under guns and country life in Texas.

Shoot straight,