Saturday, July 27, 2024

Life In Texas And Everywhere


So how is life in the North Central Texas Exclusion Zone, so-called LSP? Good question, and I'll tell you. It's blissfully cool, seriously, in the 80s, and this is Texas in late July. Enjoy it while you can. On topic, which is worse, the HEAT or the COLD. 

I've lived in both, Alberta and Texas, and feel heat is marginally better, but only marginally, both can kill you. That in mind, what drove Europeans to settle these places? They faced the elements, utterly hostile, low-barbaric Indians and all of that. Possibly, on both counts, a death sentence. So why do it?

Adventure and opportunity for sure, come to the New World and make a new future for yourself. But also this. Things in the Old World, Europe, have to have been bad, so bad that they risked their lives to come here. No small thing, tough people, not least in Texas. 

That in mind, here we are, with Europe in a state of, apparently, complete degeneracy, and our bicoastal elites fully inline with the Lesbitransgay++ agenda. Will the country as a whole, which is by no means rainbow woke, stand up against these tin-pot glitter Maoists, and say enough is enough? 

don't tea-cup the pistol, fool

To put it another way, will all the Christians stand up, go to the ballot box and vote against abortion and transing in such numbers that even a Deep State rig couldn't fix the result. I'm waiting.

Your Buddy,



Anonymous said...

Parson, come on over a little west of Wilbarger county and we’ll sear us a steak over mesquite coals...anytime....I would like to make your acquaintance....but in the meantime, could you explain to my simple mind what it is to “teacup” a pistola?

Ed Bonderenka said...

Why did they come?
The advertising brochures did not mention the Indians, the Blizzards, the tornadoes, etc.

LSP said...

Anon, I'd love to meet up over a steak, simply send a dm to and we'll set it up.

Now, "teacupping" is when you hold the grip of your pistol as if a... tea cup. It's frowned upon by people who seriously shoot, but hey, no rule. (point being, you'll get better accuracy if you don't put all that effort into the butt of the grip. But I won't bang on)

LSP said...

No that, Mr. Bondarenka, is a very good point,

Been praying for you and yours.

Mike_C said...

@Anon. To be absolutely clear, teacupping isn’t pinching the butt of your pistol daintily with your thumb and index finger (as one does with one’s Bavarian porcelain with the tiny handles on the teacups). It’s using your non dominant hand to support the strong hand by cradling both the strong hand and the butt with your weak hand cupped and facing up (supinated), as if you were trying to hold water (or soup! handy mnemonic 😀) in the weak hand.

LSP said...

Precisely put, Mike! Exactly.

Don't do it, kids.

TBF, the posted pic is only a semi-example.