Saturday, July 13, 2024



There they were. One side won, the other lost, and so you have it.

Your very best pal,



LL said...

Quote of the day: "It's always better to be on the winning side." - LL

LSP said...

Exactly, LL.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

It is worth noting, historically speaking, that both the gunfight at the OK corral (which didn't happen at the OK corral, but that's a story for a different day) and Lexington and Concord happened because agents for the State were attempting to take away the guns of private citizens.

Oh, and Tombstone was a good movie, but Wyatt Earp was a better one.

LSP said...

Great calls, Infidel, on both counts.

I hope you're happy under the benign rulership of you betters on The Island.