Monday, July 29, 2024

Archbishop Vigano Strikes Again


Outspoken critic of all things rainbow globalist woke, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has blasted the Paris Olympics as "Satanic," which they clearly are, and ripped into French President Emmanuel Macron's wife, "Brigitte," denouncing "her" as a "transvestite." Is she/her? Let's have a look.


Your call. Not content with exposing the French Premier's indeterminately sexed spousal partner, Vigano went on to state the obvious, outing Michelle Obama as a "muscular man in a wig." Well said, excommunicated Archbishop.


On the other hand, Pope Francis, titular leader of the world's Roman Catholics, has not condemned the mockery of the Last Supper, showcased for all the world to see in Paris, though the French bishops did manage to say they weren't in favor of the blasphemous, demonic, deranged, degenerately Olympian display of perversion. Well done them, I guess. The river Seine, you'll note, has been judged too filthy for Olympic sports.

In the meanwhile, our dear old Church of England's approved gay sex marriage blessing rituals and, as far as I can see, hasn't condemned the perverted degeneracy of Paris Olympics 2024. Neither has the traditional Anglican world. Who knows, perhaps the latter is too busy trying to work out the knotty conundrum of ordaining wymxn priestesses. 

The, ahem, Bishop of London. Don't Throw Up In Your Mouth

Word to the wise, ordained ecclesial decision makers in the US are unlikely, if at all, to go against the opinion of the ordained wives they met in seminary. Just saying.

Peace Out,



Ed Bonderenka said...

I'm so glad this nation broke from the church of England.

LSP said...

Mr. Ed, I was ordained in the COE, pre-wymxn priestesses, and it's most definitely gone down the way of all flesh, to say nothing of the world and the devil. Part of the problem, imo, is that it's a gentleman's agreement to be catholic. You know, Church of the Fathers and all that without the corrupt sway of the Vatican. Good call, until there aren't hardly any gentlemen left.

But what am I saying, no denom in the West is immune.

Serious trouble, but let's not forget the miracle of Christ walking on the water to the apostolic ship. Also this: Satan always overplays his hand. See Paris, imo.

Beans said...

The Haut (high, must be smoking some really good skank-weed) French need to be reminded of... the Cathars. Act all uppity and, well, someone's gonna stonk on you. Problem is, there's no Simon de Montfort around to hold back the baying hounds.

The Parisians also need to remember what happened to the 'Christians' who shielded the Cathars. Famous FAFO line, "Kill them all, God will know His own."

And if anyone is in a position to know Mdm. Macron is sporting wood, it would be senior Church leaders. Makes you wonder about all those other senior Church leaders who aren't pointing out the bullscat.

Regarding the Mooch and his boyfriend, photoanalysis of their 'children' show little to no points of familiarity in said children's faces to both their parents. Barely to one of the two dingle-danglers. Known in their home state well before the senatorial selection that got Bathhouse Barry selected.

Same with the Clinton's idiotic spawn, who's so stupid she has problems keeping a job that doesn't even require her to show up.

LSP said...

Beans, here we are.

Tatiania Romanov's revenge.

The Left are demons and demonically driven. See Dostoevsky.

Beans said...

Of course the Left is demonically driven and controlled. "The State must destroy all religion. Now worship The State."

What is bad is Holy Mother Church let so many demon-ridden and controlled people become priests and nuns. Just look at the spread of various socialisms throughout Central and South America and in Africa, led by 'good fathers and sisters.'

LSP said...

Totally agree, Beans.