Saturday, July 6, 2024



Faithful & True

Perhaps you've heard of him, Archbishop Vigano, the now retired Papal Nuncio to the US. The same Vigano who's dared call out the satanic globohomo antics of the WEF, Deep State, and Vatican itself. He even asked the Swiss Guard to arrest our beloved Red Pope. Well, sorry buddy, he just got excommunicated for "schism." 

Keen-eyed readers will note Rainbow James Martin SJ has not been excommunicated, no, he's alive and flourishing, all the while flouting the Church's clear teaching on rainbow liaison. Why is one priest fired, by the Church, for teaching what the Church teaches, and another, who's basically an outright heretic, isn't? Don't say the Vatican is crewed by a gang of commie poofs.

In related news, the dear old Church of England is looking to pay 1BN£, that's right, a billion pounds sterling, by way of reparations for something it calls "chattel slavery." The venerable if entirely shrinking COE feels so white guilt about slavery that they're fixing to give someone or something a billion pounds. 

Fraud& Fool

That's a lot of money by UK standards, around a year of the pathetically dwindling denom's operating budget. And we have to ask, do they have a death wish, do they want to destroy the very Church they've been entrusted to serve? Maybe they do, if only, and I'm being polite, in peripheral vision. Why build up a Church you don't believe in when you can give its money to causes you do believe in, like Leftism. Quite.

That in mind, how many of the few remaining churchgoers in the COE will be inclined to give their money to the lib evangelical Welby edifice when they realize Church Central (Church Commissioners) is pouring cash into white guilt? 

To put it another way, "Why should I give my parish church a single penny when we're giving our entire yearly budget away in an act of risible, pathetic, self-destroying, malfeasant virtue signaling." Or something like that.

Perhaps, dear readers, the ancient if shrinking COE has forgotten it produced William Wilberforce. Surely they should be awarding themselves.

Your Old Pal,



Beans said...

By excommunicating Vigano, by saying he isn't following the teachings of the Church, has invalidated the Catholic Church.

In essence, the Catholic Church (as represented by the church leaders) has essentially excommunicated the Catholic Church.

Way to go you bunch of pompous over-paid rainbow socialist fart blossoms.

Done with all y'all until all y'all return to the fold.

Would be funny if Vigano said, ecclesiastically, "Sup, bitches! Gonna take over the American Catholic Church and become the Pope-in-Exile. Have fun living off the money generated by all those non-American countries, you know, the ones that all that American money that pays for the Church comes from."

Ed Bonderenka said...

Hmmmmm. Sounds like a setup for the Book of Revelation scenario.

Wild, wild west said...


Nothing else fits.

Undergroundpewster said...

A clear warning shot, dissenters beware! "Nobody expects the Papal Inquisition!"

LL said...

How do I get in on the billion quid? The woke thing for them to do would be to buy carbon credits...

Old NFO said...

So many religions/churches going under for 'stupidity'... No other way to put it...

Justin_O_Guy said...

What he was saying embarrassed them. They could change course, or not. They did what they had to do trying to save face. I'm not Catholic, but no matter what is happening I try to be a fair observer. I think they messed up. Just declaring someone is wrong and demanding everyone agree because you have a bigger office might have worked in the past, but I'm betting he's not sleeping well. He thought everyone would turn on him,,, nope.

Beans said...

Justin, it's sad that what he was saying was actual Canon, so to speak, and they were embarrassed that he has stuck to the Faith and they haven't.

Funny thing is, if following Canon, the fact they know they're doing wrong yet they're continuing to break it makes even low-level venal sins notch up to the deadly sin level of sin-ness.

None of us are perfect. But openly going against God's wishes while supposedly representing His Church and His Power on Earth, well, there's open rotisseries down below a-waiting for them.

And, since He is compassionate, He'll forgive the whole lot as long as they are contrite in their quest for forgiveness. But they actually have to mean it. No fake pleas for saving allowed.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Ya really can't fake remorse. He knows our hearts. Asking forgiveness ? Yeah,, start with an apology. Without remorse,A broken heart, it's not happening. It's not easy allowing one's heart to embrace the feeling of Being Wrong, not just in deed, but Wrong in our core, our very
Who we are..
We all know the difference in an apology that comes from a heart,saddened by the knowledge they had done something that hurt you and the empty words, I'm sorry.
I'm thinking God knows what sincerity looks like.
And I wouldn't expect Him to receive an insincere apology any better than than He took shabby sacrifices.

Beans said...

The more I think about the excommunication and vilification of Archbishop Vigano, the more I think, for the betterment and survival of the Roman Catholic Church, the next pope needs to be the excommunicated and villified Vigano.

First duty, to recreate the Orders Militant.

Second duty, to drop said Orders Militant on the Lavender Mafia and wrest control of Mother Church from the hands of the gay socialist satanists that seem to be in control of said Mother Church.

Here's a good test. Make the suspected watch "Bells of St. Mary's" and "Going My Way" and if they don't like it, off the roof of St. Peter's Basilica they go. (Along with the subsequent seizures of property and materials from said roofly-defenestrated clergy.)

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the letter from Mel Gibson to Abp. Vigano?

Beans said...

That is some letter.

Here's a link for those who haven't read it yet.

LSP said...

Beans, once again, I say yes to all. Right on.

And I'll post Gibson's letter.

LSP said...

Most definitely, Ed.

LSP said...

NFO, they're apostates, driven insane by Satan.

Is that somehow hyperbolic? I don't think so.

LSP said...

I was thinking exactly that, LL. Aren't you the descendant of poor African chattel slaves?


LSP said...

That's what I think, Wild.

LSP said...

Thx, Beans, posted.