Saturday, July 13, 2024



Shot of the Decade

President Trump was shot this evening at a massive rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Approximately nine bullets were fired, one of which grazed Trump's ear. The presidential candidate then fell to the ground before getting up, shielded by Secret Service, and raised his fist, urging his followers to "fight." Trump survived.

But the reported shooter, Thomas Crooks, did not. He apparently fired from a rooftop 200 yards from the rally and is now dead. According to ZeroHedge and social media, one of his shots killed a bystander on the bleachers. ZeroHedge reports that several people attempted to warn the Secret Service of this threat before the rally but were ignored.

Beast Mode

So what is this? A rando crazy commie, Democrat hit job gone badly awry or something else? Who knows. Taking an AR type rifle .22 rifle  to a 200 150 yard kill shot competition doesn't seem utterly professional to me. But that's up for debate, I don't know, but what I do I know is this.

The photo of El Senor pounding the air beneath the flag after a narrowly missed assassination attempt by a deranged, ahem, registered Republican has to be the photo of the decade (thx, GWB). Is 45 now unstoppably 47, and what does this mean?

Your call,



Well Seasoned Fool said...

I stand steadfast in stating the winner will be determined by who counts the votes. My hope this will energize the GOP to raise an army of poll watchers in the deep blue cities.

Without a doubt the airways will be filled with GOP ads featuring Democrats, before this event, making vicious attacks on Trump. Watch the Trump hating GOP members laying low. Susan Collins for example?

Anonymous said...

Crusty Old TV Tech here. A prayer for the poor folk shot dead, and the poor folk clinging to life from the diseased, evil decision of the assassin. A prayer also for President Trump, that this not happen again. Satan, laughing, spreads his wings...

In Butler PA yet. I served with a chap from Butler, good folks there if he's any indication. It is a mostly rural place well north of Pittsburgh. The kind of place that sent young men into the USAF back in the day.

Antifa in Butler, PA? It does stretch the imagination. Something is going on, much more than is apparent at present. US Secret Service failing to secure a barn-top less than 200 yds away? It does cause one to think.

The Night Wind said...

It's not known yet whether this Antifa creep was really the shooter; but what's trickling out sounds this really was the work of a 'lone nut.' The shooter's position and the weapon he used for the range involved indicates to me that he wasn't a professional or had much training.

LSP said...

WSF, do you see Emperor Poilis as the beneficiary of those votes?

LSP said...

It most definitely does, Tech.

LSP said...

That's what I think, NW.

Beans said...

Once again, it's evil left-wingers shooting and killing. When have we had a right-wing assassin, ever?

Yet I bet that the FBI will target evil right wingers in the coming sweeps.


Watching the video, Trump turns his head at just the right moment. Act of God? That's how I see it.

Troubled times a'coming. Troubled times. And the leftists started the fire.

drjim said...

2200 MST here and this is the first I've heard of it. If it had be one of the (P)regressives, it would have been blasting from every outlet....

God Bless and Protect President Trump.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Emperor Polis. Maybe VP with an eye on 2028.

Undergroundpewster said...

When you call a man a fascist over and over, the antifascists are bound to go after him.

LSP said...

Beans, the rumors are swirling.

Me? I'm inclined to think rando Call of Duty unhinged kid. Then again, perhaps I'm naive. Why did the SS sniper team not id him, all these crowd goers did, apparently.

I won't go on.

LSP said...

Yes indeed, drjim.

LSP said...

Good call WSF, and I've been, kinda, following that story.

Yet another oligarch/commie fraud. But perhaps that's harsh?

LindaG said...

Paid off by someone and didn't live to collect?

Undergroundpewster has a point, too. pretty much every media outlet and demonrat and a few reprobates have been saying how bad Trump is. The only real surprise is no one has tried before now.

And the Secret Service should be fired as they can't be trusted. I expect LL's business could do better.

Praise God's Angel Armies for protecting Trump. Prayers for the injured and slain.
The times are definitely changing.
You all be safe and God bless.

LSP said...

Linda, please don't be angry at me but I feel sorry for that boy who got himself killed. Who led him into that? They deserve to be taken out and shot, to put it mildly.

Bless you.

LSP said...

Pewster, the literally Hitler meme hasn't helped, not least least because it infects it's adherents with Dropped-On-Head-As-Baby syndrome.