Thursday, July 18, 2024

DEI Hard


People accuse Americans of being without humor, as though they were Germans.

Are you DEI Roof sure about that?

If so, you might want to recalibrate your red dot

Beware, all you Feds, the sloping roof!

And can we once and for all indict DJ Trump as the literal Hitler, Russian spy, agent of GRU, Fascist, assassination evader, enemy of democracy, totally Hitler, racist, transphobe, enemy of Gaia and diversity is our strength DEI... (breathless? Ed.) can we please indict this sociopath, bullet missing NAZI and have done with it? Please?

Because Kamala, I never jailed a black man Harris, is the next great hope for a free, beautiful, rainbow utopia in our storied land. And if you believe that garbage you'll believe anything, which, apparently, is on the ballot. Let's see how it flies, not that voting means much anyway, but still, money on the monkey, what?

Guinea on Trump, takers?

DEI Hard,



Beans said...

Nah, Trump is going to be charged with felony murder (used to charge people complicit in the act of murder but not the actual murderer) when they find that the bullet that clipped Trump's ear was what killed the fire chief.

And they'll charge Trump with violating the dead chief's civil rights, along with the others wounded, by not properly being a bullet sponge.

After all, if they can charge him with mishandling the documents that they brought to Mar-a-Lago for the search warrant, a little civil rights violation will be soo much easier to prove.

infidel de manhatta said...

I believe it was Shakespeare who said "My kingdom for a roof that isn't sloped."

Dr. Swankenstein said...

Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow are saying that the assassination attempt was staged, and many deranged liberals believe this:

Dad of Six said...

Not only have Americans have a great sense of humor, conservative have best humor as well as as the prettiest female folk. Please witness this:

LSP said...

Beans, they seem to be in some disarray right about now. Curious.

LSP said...

Yes, Infidel.

The Bard.

LSP said...

Oh, I know, Herr Doktor.

Curiously, several of my UK pals believe this too. It's like a left/lib/rainbow/comsymp phenom.

LSP said...

Right on, DOS.

And you'll note, Leftists can't meme. Which is odd, given progressives are so full of creativity.