Saturday, July 13, 2024

Excuse Me!


Were you part of this? I wasn't, though I know some who were and others again who maybe are still. One of them, an ex-SAS friend in the '90s, in a Porsche, obvs, invited me 'round LL's place, the SF Club in Kensington. Thank you very much.

This is the same man who went 'round our office in South Ken in tears, totally crying. Why? Because Lady Di had died. My Boss, you might say Guv'nor, looked at him and said, "But Roddie, my dear fellow, you're an arms dealer."




LL said...

The SAS Club is smaller, more informal, and arguably better.

LSP said...

I've never been, LL, but can imagine its excellence.

I think, btw, that you'd enjoy FARMERS on Whitehall, if you haven't already. Very pleasant set up.

One of the great benefits of Farmers is that you can sit on their well put together terrace sipping a refreshing drink and look askance at the scrum on the terrace of the Natlib. Both are fun though.

LSP said...

PS. LL, a lovely young woman was crying outside our office at a coffee shop, sipping latte through her tears.

Why was she crying? Because Di had died. I asked her, "How much blood was on her engagement ring?"

No, we didn't become an item.