Monday, July 22, 2024

Up Comrades UP


Rock on, and don't take no for an answer. While we're at it, dam Grant and Sherman. What devils.  Well, they went on to kill the Indian and the buffalo. Good work, satanists. Here's a short video:

Your Unreconstructed Pal,



Wild, wild west said...

Whither Phil Sheridan?

Cederq said...

OT LSP, is LL's blog down? All I get is the name and a dot...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Quantrill and Raiders
Many brave men fought for the South. Quantrill and his raiders never fought regular troops. They preferred to rape, loot, and kill civilians. They were good at that.

LL said...

My blog is down but should be up this evening. A hack caused me to delete a few posts.

But back to the Buffalo: The Indians (stone-age people—hunter-gatherers) confronted industrial-age Europeans who kept coming. The numbers were unassailable and inexhaustible. The final solution to the Plains Indian problem came with the outright destruction of the buffalo. They were on their last leg when confronted by Colonel Gibbon (coming south from Montana), General Terry coming west with Custer's 7th as a reconnaissance in force, and General Crook coming up from the south. After the battle, they moved to Canada only to learn that the Canadians didn't want a war with the Americans over the confederation of Indians.

The loss of Buffalo forced them onto reservations to keep from starving.

LSP said...

Will swing by VM, LL. Good luck.

I've been reading about the Comanche thing, which is new history for me, and learned that it was as you say. Was it Grant or Sherman who said words to the effect of, "Take out their commissary," ie buffalo.

Good war tactic, for sure. Still, there's something horrible about it to me. Not that I'm a Comanche symp, btw, or a fan of Grant/Sherman.

LSP said...

Mr. WSF, you drive an excellent point. Quantrill, what a psycho. Of course he reaped what he sowed. Still, I like the tune.

LSP said...

See comment, C. VM keeps getting hit, doubtless LL's over the target.

LSP said...

Exactly, Wild.