Saturday, July 20, 2024

Some Kind Of Pathetic Joke?


Some buffoon called "Don" Lemon said that Michelle Big Mike Obama is more attractive than Melania. Yeah, right, that's really true, "Don," and here's the thing. These people, our mendacious, corrupt, bought-and-paid-for, malfeasant, duplicitious, condescending media live in the land of gaslight absurd.

Biden? Sharp as as a tack. Oops. Melania? So ugly compared to beautiful Michelle. Old Joe who didn't even bother to campaign, the most popular president in the entire history of popularity. Trump? Clearly a Kremlin agent in the pay of GRU. And on.

For goodness sake, the sheer level of lying drivel being spewed at us by our agitprop press and beloved rulers has reached dropped-on-head-as-infant levels of Soviet imbecility. Have you ever seen anything like it, here in the West. I haven't, this is a whole new stage of weirdness. And where will they go, they being our unelected rulers whom we love so much.

Mitchell, as a swoop in save the party kinda deal, Kamala, the Whore, a corpse? Well, we've got one of those in the Oval Office right now. Who knows, all cards are on tha table. But I do know this, the Trump Train has momentum, energy, unity and common sense.

Reestablish the border, make our cities safe, bring jobs back to the country, boys are boys and girls are girls, no more drag queens messing with our kids, stop the neo-Maoist crazy, lower taxes, rebuild our manufacturing base, make everyone better off, not just our financialized millionaire class. And on.

Common sense, I'd say, but to the Left? NAZI, NAZI, NAZI. Unhinged or what, and that's just what you'd expect from persyns who think men can be women and vice versa, emph on vice.

Your Old Buddy,



The Night Wind said...

IIRC, Don Lemon is a flaming homo. That would explain his preference (and he's probably jealous of Melania too).

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Old Joke. Soviet news reporter in response to criticism. "It is all in the way you describe it. Say there was an automobile race with just your President and our Premier. You President won. We would report our Premier, racing against the best the West has, came in a very close second. The best the President could do was next to last".

Blogger BZ labeled our press, "American Media Maggots". Best description I've heard.

Johnnyreb said...

Don Lemon is gay and Michelle is named Mike. Of course Lemon finds that more attractive than an actual woman.

Beans said...

It's weird, watching the fashion world fawn over Killary the Shrew, Big Mike and 'Call Me Doctor' Jill as icons of fashion, taste, etiquette and all things refined, but Melania is seen as fashionless and uncouth and ungraceful.

One of the neat things the House and Garden TV channel had was the yearly introduction to the White House Christmas decorations. Melania's touch was quite evident and the decorations were tasteful, elegant, downright stunning. And no crossdressing drag queens seen at all. No trees decorated with anti-white trash like under Big Mike. No inner-city trees with drug paraphernalia on them like under Killary or Big Mike. Just tasteful, elegant, refined and, again, just beautiful presentations of all things Christmas in America.

I even got my FDR democrat mother, who thought Jackie "I'm running away from my man" Kennedy was elegant to admit that Melania trounced that vapid twit hands down.

How can you tell that Melania is really great, powerful, educated, fun? She's kept Trump for all these years with only a few potential wanderings. But she's still his wife. That's how great she is.

Jim said...

Don Lemon is gay so naturally he'd prefer Mike.

LL said...

Jim x2. It would be natural for Lemon, a homosexual male negro to feel an affinity toward Big Mike Obama, another homosexual male negro.

RHT447 said...

"...dropped-on-head-as-infant levels of Soviet imbecility". Indeed.

Anonymous said...

Crusty Old TV Tech here. Man, that is George Shearing-level blindness to make such a massive whopper of a lie possible. As many have said, commies are anti-beauty. Just compare East Berlin to the Ku'Damm as an example.

LSP said...

Good call, NW, desperately jealous of Melania.

LSP said...

Totally with you, Mr. WSF.

LSP said...

This does, JReb, seem to be the case. Nasty, eh?

LSP said...

Yes, Beans. Melania's Christmas White House was lovely and beautiful.

The Left hates beauty.

It thinks it "oppressive" and "bourgeois."

I scorn the Left.

LSP said...

Very good point, drjim.

LSP said...

LL, I don't know why but the word "field" seems somehow appropriate, as opposed to "house."

Now look, I'm not saying Big Mike Michelle is a field negro who hates his country. But will it swoop outta leftfield to reclaim the Dem vacuum? Serious question.

LSP said...

Whoa, RHT, awesome!

LSP said...

Totally well put, Mr. Tech.