Sunday, July 7, 2024



Let's have the Bosphorus back. Is that too much to ask? And yes, clear the Moslem threat, see Europe, Suez and the Red Sea. That said, hail, Ánna Komnēnḗ.

Salve and advance to contact, as you imagine what Christendom would have been if it breathed with two lungs.

Lament indeed,



Beans said...

Maybe the first thing the new Pope Vigano will do is call for a Crusade pushing out the paynim from all historically Christian lands, like, oh, say, most of Turkey, all of Western and Eastern Europe, the Americas, various places in the Far East, lots of little islands and atolls scattered about.

After all, if one muslim staying longer than 30 seconds on non-muslim land makes that spot eligible for islamification, then the reverse holds true, right?

If he's (the future Pope Vigano) is feeling nice, maybe he'll split Jerusalem between the Israelis and the new Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem. After all, we have a flag already (that would be a white flag with a cross of Jerusalem on it. Cross of Jerusalem being a Cross and Crosslets or a five-fold cross. Still want one, maybe wife will give me one for Christmas...)

So, yes, the Bosporus, along with Constantinople, and the recovery of the Christian principality of Antioch, the Christian city of Acre (again, shared with Israel) and the Christian principality or country of Lebanon.

Okay, maybe let the Jews have Acre and Jerusalem and all the other holy cities. Just ask for various chapter houses of the Orders Militant to be allowed to garrison in those locations to assist Christian tourists and travelers (and protect Christian holy sites from paynimery.))

LSP said...

Mr. Beans, one of the things I like about your comment is that I agree with all of it.

Beans said...


Seriously, though, considering all of Mother Church's churches being attacked in Europe and in the Americas and the Holy Lands by, well, paynims, why would it be a bad thing for Orders Militant to be formed again? Why are Christians not able or supposed to defend themselves? Just because He said "turn the other cheek" doesn't mean "bend over and take it, kafir."

And He told us to forgive our brothers. Never said to forget one second after we get backstabbed as to who's backstabbing.

LSP said...

Beans, I worked for a year or so for the Grand Bailiff of the SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) in the UK.

SMOM was, as far as I could tell, an aristocratic charity. Huh. How very nice. And rich.

That in mind, let's see some church militant, eh? BTW, SMOM priests are allowed to celebrate Mass on the field of battle on a knight's shield. I know this.

Beans said...

LSP, regarding your last comment to me...

There's a chapterhouse of the Lazarines at the Old Ursuline Convent in New Orleans. And there's usually one or two of their members puttering around. Members are rich guys who have retired and now do good works, often on their own dime.

If you (that would be all you readers out there, not just LSP) ever have a chance to tour the convent and associated church, it's worth it. Beautiful and elegant in a way that modern buildings and churches just aren't. Of course, it's New Orleans, so don't expect much else from the rest of the city.

DT said...

Beans: Re your comment "Just because He said "turn the other cheek" doesn't mean "bend over and take it, kafir.""

I believe He also said something about "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." but I'm a heathen Protestant and that's from the King James Bible

Beans said...


Funny how many ministers and priests don't that part of Jesus' teachings, isn't it? It's like they're only teaching what they want to teach and not the whole truth.

Of course, I'm just one of those unread Catholics who have had to have priests tell them what the good word said.

One of the best priests I ever had said that a harsh curse said with real feeling meant as an act and plea of redemption counted far more than some ornate exposition that had no truth behind it.

So, yes, the last thought going through one's head being "Oh, (Copulate)" with sorrow for what one's done and with the wish to beg forgiveness can be very powerful. Something again not taught by most clergy.

Words have meaning.

But Meaning matters more than most words.