Showing posts with label global warming nonsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global warming nonsense. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2016

Texas Floods!

Those of you who know I35 know that it's a difficult, treacherous and brutish highway. Now it's flooded, and desperate refugees make their way over the watery grave of this once great transit corridor on the floating debris of abandoned farms and derelict strip malls. 

A Typical Texas Street Scene

It's like Waterworld, but worse, far worse. Smart people had boats and got to them in time, others had the good fortune, or was it good sense? to live on high ground. They were the lucky ones.

El Nino

If only this once great state had had the foresight and sheer common sense to acknowledge the settled science of anthropocentric global warming and pay its weather tax. If only. Now that opportunity is gone and Texas is yet another victim, a casualty, in the War on Weather.

Your Friend,


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Another Battle in The War on Weather

Just when you think you're safe, our enemy, the Weather, attacks when you least expect it. That happened this morning in Calgary, as the climate changed and delivered a payload of Global Warming.

I wasn't going to take that lying down, like some kind of dhimmi, and surrender without a fight to violent weather extremism, so I went outside.

It was quite chilly along the windblown Narnia that was 9th Ave, but a warm coffee helped to restore the system and got me back in the fight.

Calgary's famous Biker Alley was eerily deserted. All the Angels were probably inside, fixing their broken Harleys, or maybe they're still in mourning for Lemmy.

Recce patrol over it was back to base and more coffee. Global Warming continues to fall.

Be safe,


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Climate Change

It started out like any other day in Texas, with freezing fog and snow falling heavily from the sky. Like Donetsk, or Kharkov, or something.

Blue Exuberance liked that and had fun romping about in the snow. I took him for a walk and he tried to attack a mail truck. He hates mail trucks.

Then the Climate Changed and it became warmer. But I'm confused; I thought it was colder because it was warmer, thanks to all the CO2 in the atmosphere and not enough carbon taxation. So if it's warmer, then it must be colder, right?

So how come the snow's melting? 


Monday, June 2, 2014

So Where is the Anglican Church of Canada?

Where is the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC)? With notable exceptions, such as the excellent Mad Padre, no one seems to know. But thanks to Anglican Samizdat, our news hounds have learned that Nobel Peace Prize winner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, popularly known as "Ole Rascal", has visited Alberta's oil sands.

Ole Rascal

Ole Rascal called the oil patch "filth", while remaining silent about the source of the jet fuel which was burned to transport him from South Africa to Canada's economic powerhouse:

“The fact that this filth is being created now, when the link between carbon emissions and global warming is so obvious, reflects negligence and greed,” stated the Anglican Archbishop to an enraptured audience.

Operation Overlord

Our ruler, President Obama, is also a Nobel Peace Prize winner and a believer  in raising taxes and crony capitalism in global warming.

Make of that what you will and stay tuned for Equinox in Austin or, thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ice Age Eschaton - Pistol

Getting Warmer

Everyone knows that it's much warmer now, which is why it's colder, especially in Dallas, where I was stranded for a couple of days by the New Ice Age. And to think, all brought about by the planet getting hotter, but such is the logic of the Eschaton. But I'm not complaining, it was good to retreat to the Ice Cave and take a few days off.

GH Getting Colder

Then, I suppose, it got colder so everything melted and I made it back to the country and a visit to GH's farm. We took his new Dodge down-field to an impromptu hay-bale pistol range and had some .45 ACP fun (remedial for me).


I have to say, thank God for Winchester White Box, which takes a bit of the financial sting out of a shoot - I find I have to go through several magazines before getting into the swing of things and decently on target. I tend to pull the trigger, sending rounds low left and forget to breath, thanks to excitement. Bad errors, but when corrected things swung pretty neatly onto the bull.

Calm Before the Storm

Shot from around 15 and 20 yards, with the best results from 20, oddly enough. Then it was back to GH's house to talk about the state of the Mission and TEC's iniquitous land-grab. A good day.

Now the clouds are lowering with ice and snow. Smart people are honing up on their firearms skills and stockpiling. We don't know how long the winter will last.

Shoot straight,