Better in song? Here at the Compound we think it is. So expressive, beyond prose. So here's a song:
Rousing, eh? Of course we're shameless Monarchists here, in the frozen depths of Texas, where the climate's changed on account of our not paying enough tax. Oops. Now you pay the price, ICE. What an historic day.
Not a king. Trump actually rules by the laws of the land, rather unlike the pseudo-monarchists that came before him.
He is literally the First Citizen. A citizen equal to all other citizens.
And that right there is one of the biggest reasons He gets under the leftists' skins. They want a monarchy, be it an actual one or one in all but name like an elitist dictatorship.
He's never ever told anyone, while as a politician, that he didn't work for the people, the people work for him.
From what I've heard, he's actually a very approachable person. Full of compassion, but a lot of his compassionate acts are done anonymously because it's none of our business what he does with his money.
Yes, Mr. Beans.
Though I am very happy that, finally, a president had the testicular fortitude to label the Mexican Drug Cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.
I bet that anyone within 50 miles of any US Special Forces just... well... lots of pants will need to be repaired due to the rock hard guns if'n you know what I mean.
Right on, Beans. And History rhymes, eh?
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