Showing posts with label Stasi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stasi. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Well Sonafabitch


Lo and behold, it seems some 5,000 FBI agents out of 13,000 were assigned to chasing down, arresting and prosecuting J6 protesters. The latter played a huge price for their 1 day larp in the hallowed grounds of the holy Capitol.

For goodness sake, this is utterly outrageous and heads should roll. More than that, the people caught up in this quondam Democrat PR campaign, whose lives were wrecked, need to get RICO. I don't know, not being a lawyer, but class action does spring to mind. Let's see what, if anything, Bondi makes of this.

Root & Branch, anyone?


Friday, April 7, 2023

Just Be The First


The first in what, devil take your eyes, you splutter furiously into brandy and soda, all hail clubland and see you all at #1. And in answer, the first in aghast redpilled wonder as you see through the corrupt malfeasance of our risible charade of a republic, much less democracy.

Let's have a look at our beloved overlord rulers, starting with Stacey. Here she is, in all her body positive glory. Beautiful, isn't it. 

Then there's our beloved Ice Cream Guy. Please, someone, fire the marketeers. I mean for goodness sake, look at that rich old fraud shoveling down ice cream as though he liked it, because man of the people. FFS, how stoopid.

You Wicked Old fraud

But don't forget Skinwalker Kamala, she's hot to trot, no doubt about it. But maybe you don't incel want me, Vice President. Note emph on vice. Her pronouns are:


Cackling dumbass. So there it is, a compendium of Fed Stasi FBI watchwords, they call it a "glossary," a  4 a.m. door beat down, trigger warnings if you will. We must thank Rainbow Gaia we live in a free country.

That in mind, just be the first redpilled Stacey to call it out.

Thanks for the glossary, LL,


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Honky Tonk Heroes


Honky Tonk Heroes and all hail Waylon and the rest of those outlaws. Speaking of which, I sent HTH to a rock 'n roll pal. His reply? Waylon ROCKS. Yes indeed, forever.

In other compelling news, the pillow guy's been raided by the Stasi FBI for daring to oppose our beloved rulers. About time! What a total Fascist. So take note, oppose our beloved Uniparty and get swatted, or hauled off to jail or kept in solitary for years without trial or whatever punishment fits your heinous crime.

Yes. Enemies of the State should expect nothing less and that's what we mean by tolerance and freedom. Obey us, or we crush you, in the name of the Rainbow. But what hides behind the gaily colored mane, glittering horn and gently thudding hooves? Surely not profit and insatiable greed, a beautiful house in the Vineyard, Mammon.

Ah, Mammon and the insatiable gullet of raytheon lockheed avarice. Consider it, the name Mammon connotes, in my mind at least, a kind of deadness. Vast, huge, and dead, but I won't bang on.

Gentlemen and women, do you remember Our Lord's admonition? Viz. You cannot serve God and Mammon. Choose wisely my friends. One way leads to life, the other leads to death.



Friday, February 18, 2022

I'm Sickened


We all knew it was coming, Manhattan Infidel even said as much, "The STATE WINS." As in, don't you step outta line, serfs, or we'll ride you down, freeze your bank accounts, take your property, lock up your kids and kill your dogs.

That's the spirit, spirit of the age as evidenced today in Ottawa. I tell you, watching veterans being attacked by riot cops, only obeying orders, made me feel sick to my stomach. To say nothing of other people, hauled off to jail for brazenly standing against what's now obvious, a Rainbow Stasi State.

Like, how dare you oppose us! So, freedom died today in Canada, and there you are, Canadians, living in a biomed police state. Maybe you want to leave the country? Good luck with that, peasant, you'll have to escape across the border or take an experimental vax which might or might not kill you.

That we're here, now, appalls me. Two weeks to flatten the curve has turned to full-on Stasi repression, and maybe that's what it was all about all along. In the meanwhile, the Left loves it, except for Canada's Communist Party which curiously doesn't. Look it up if you have the energy.

Stand Against Tyranny,


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Honking Will Continue


Yes, until freedom.

Freedom from the GloboCorp Health Stasi.

Wanna buy food? Show me your papers, dirt person.

Stasi? Or would that be Nazi?

But what can we say, the Russians did it! Dammit, GRU has its tentacles everywhere.

And look what they've done, cost health workers their jobs in the midst of a pandemic. The sheer, brazen, literal, diabolic machinations of the Kremlin.

Seriously, people have had enough of this viral, flatten the curve farce, witness the UK and BoJo's desperate hail May popularity bid to save his sinking career by ending Covid BS. Is everyone in England dying? No, they're not, neither are Texans or people from Florida or truckers in Ottawa.

That aside, our rulers are ruling because they want power and they've worked to get it. Are we prepared to say no to exactly that. Out of left field, Canada seems to be leading the way and more power to 'em. No more masks, no more mandates, no more freakish stasi "show me your papers," no more unelected, power hungry Health Service bureaucrats dictating the way we live and move, no more of that.

On point, farmers have joined the truckers. You see, thing is, baristas and associated theater majors, unless it's grown and shipped to you you don't get it. Take note. In the meanwhile, the honking continues.

Your Pal,


Monday, February 8, 2021

Dog Faced Pony Soldier


It ain't much, but it's honest work. And that's why I like it, in contrast to our nation's political probity. I mean really, does anyone, in their heart, believe Joe Biden won the election fair and square with more votes than any other candidate in history? 

Smart libs don't, but think themselves justified in the steal because Orange Man Such Nazi. Congratulate yourselves, progressives, when the Thought Stasi comes knocking at your door.

0400 hrs arrests aside, we live, I feel, in a world of deceit and lies. Of big money, lust for power and greed masking itself under the veneer of a pseudo civil rights movement. "Oh look! Now men can be womyn and have babies!" At last, at long last, the poor, downtrodden masses are free. Yes, to use the bathroom while reinventing themselves per Frankenstein. And on.

That in mind, I'm investing in the Peoples Currency, $DOGE. We set the price, and let's see it surge all the way to the Moon.

Your Friend,


Saturday, January 2, 2021

What's Up?


What's up? In England everyone's in some kind of weird lockdown, in Canada people are getting arrested in their homes for having six people over, but in Texas the lights are on. So that's all good, unless you're in England or Canada.


New Year's day was fun, and we all went to Gloria's for south of the border food on a Guatemalan tip. That meant chicken flautas and an great plate of nachos, tasty. 

An old pal called in from England later and we talked away on Ma LSP's back deck. "Come to Texas, fella," I urged, and hopefully that'll be possible when and if the English are ever allowed to leave their country again.


But today was down to business, with a trip to Home Depot to get some wood to fix a parental fence. I thought, foolishly, that there'd be premade panels which you could buy as a kind of turn key solution. 


That didn't seem to be the case unless you went down a pricey, labyrinthine, delivery and installation order. So, I guesstimated and we bought some wood. Lo and behold, the guesstimate worked and several nails later the fence was fixed. Result, unlike, say, the Anglican Non-Communion.

Dog on a Moslem Rug

Speaking of, Mass in Dallas with the team tomorrow and then back to the country. And so, gentle and not so gentle readers, the adventure unfolds.



Friday, December 11, 2020

A Lausbua Muss er Sei

These are troubled times, no doubt about it, so here's an uplifting video, which I hope you enjoy as much as we do at the Compound.

Not being a latter day Scrooge, I sent it to an old pal in London last night, asking, "Herr Doktor, you deny the Reich?" only to receive the famous reply this morning, "Sorry dude. Fell asleep there. Long Stasi stake out." Hey, it happens. He then proceeded to translate the song, "He's gotta be cheeky," and pointed me to Match of the Day:

Well spotted! But speaking of Match of the Day, SCOTUS just denied the Texas lawsuit. What's your take on that?



Saturday, January 26, 2019

State Of The Union

'Coz everything's just fine in the land of the free and brave. Infographic via Borepatch who thinks things might get nasty.

I put it to the fighting monkey who promptly put on a spiked hat and marched about the living room singing "Erika." Vicious little alt-right beast.

But seriously, since when did we become some kind of Stasi Soviet and how long are we going to put up with it?

My feeling, for what it's worth, is that tempers are... frayed.

Love and Peace,


Friday, January 25, 2019

Roger Stone Arrested

In a daring predawn raid against a 66 year old man, heavily armed FBI agents arrested Roger Stone in the latest phase of Mueller's ongoing  Russian collusion investigation. 

Following his release on bail, Stone made the following statement:

This morning at the crack of dawn, 29 F.B.I. agents arrived at my home with 17 vehicles with their lights flashing, when they could simply have contacted my attorneys and I would have been more than willing to surrender voluntarily.
They terrorized my wife, my dogs. I was taken to the F.B.I. facility, although I must say the F.B.I. agents were extraordinarily courteous. I will plead not guilty to these charges. I will defeat them in court. I believe this is a politically motivated investigation.
I am troubled by the political motivations of the prosecutors, and as I have said previously, there is no circumstance whatsoever under which I will bear false witness against the president nor will I make up lies to ease the pressure on myself. I look forward to being fully and completely vindicated.

Stone's been indicted on 7 charges, including obstruction of justice and making false statements. He has not been charged with colluding with the Kremlin or "trafficking" materials to a "hostile foreign power."

In other words, Mueller's investigation has yet again failed to produce any evidence whatsoever of Russian collusion, despite two years worth of trying and millions of dollars spent in the effort. But it has, yet again, persecuted someone in the process of the investigation itself.

And it's a very real persecution, dawn raid Stasi style, to say nothing of the bankrupting cost of defending yourself against the Deep State machine. Stone fears, understandably, that he might find himself at the bottom of the American gulag archipelago.

In the meanwhile, the actors behind Uranium One, fraudulent FISA warrants, disappearing Strozk/Page texts, Fusion GPS, bleachbit, Benghazi, missing emails by the thousand, smashing Blackberries and on, go unpunished.

Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, the Podestas, Hillary and the rest of the crew are all at liberty. No 6 am knock on the door for them.

So what are we, some kind of banana republic? 

You be the judge,


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

More College Kid Stasi Idiocy

ZeroHedge -- "Thanks to this, what began as protests against systemic racism at the school has morphed into another prime example of how college campuses have devolved into ignorant, pro-censorship intellectual wastelands."

Yet another example of "how American college campuses have become havens for censorship and unimaginable idiocy."

Right on, privileged college kid Stasi,