Showing posts with label Nazi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nazi. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Der Sterner


So, the Golden Golem of Greatness, Trumpissimus, got himself reelected, and with all these flagrantly Nazi policies like: A country should have a border, putting your own country first as president is a good thing, energy independence, bringing manufacturing home to the States. How very, very, very, utterly Fascist Nazi. Then there's the evil Hitler 2.0's foreign policy.

Stop fighting wars, which have nothing or little to do with American security and everything to do with the MIC. Wow. Sheer. Nazi. What about annnex Canada. That's a war of liberation from RainbowBloc tyranny, surely. Liberate England? From rape gangs? About time. And while we're at it, let's have Greenland and the Panama Canal.

Greenland and Panama are a security issue, obviously, Canada and the UK are all about spreading democracy, freedom of speech and all of that. Liberation, if you will. So very, totally, indubitably National Socialist and, probably, Putinist to boot. Perhaps you remember that. Putinism.

For four long years, 45 was under investigation for being a Russian Spy, that's right, a Nazi Russian Spy (NRS). It's almost as lame as an E8 blowing up a Tesla truck in front of Trump Tower with a bootload of fireworks in Vegas, yet here we are.

That aside, since when did a country having a border and its president wanting to put his people first become Fascist? Oh, I know. Since the people who waxed stratospherically rich from asset-stripping our country co-opted the Left. There's an axiom there, if you care to draw it.



Monday, December 11, 2023

Foreign Legion


No, not the LE (Legion Etrangere), this one's homegrown and it's coming to save us all. That's right, a corps of volunteers who will rescue us from Mad Putler and Nazi Racist Trump. We call them the "Unicorn Brigade" and they're made up of FBI and IRS agents. One well known solutions provider said this:

The FBI Legion could write their names in the Ukrainian history books as they conduct human wave attacks over and over again into the Russian lines in the dead of winter no matter the cost.

Heroes will be made even as they fall to concentrated machine gun fire, anti-personnel mines, artillery and as the bodies are pierced by barbed wire entanglements...but maybe the loss of 35,000 FBI agents and 87,000 IRS agents will be worth it if Ukraine is free?

Of course, the US track record (see Afghanistan) is to accept those losses and then give the enemy $100 million worth of equipment and go home.



Quite. See you at the Club.

Your Best Pal,


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Harvard Goes Swiftie


Popularly known as Satan's Vatican, America's prestigious Harvard university's set to debut a course on pop icon Taylor Swift in the Spring. Called "Taylor Swift And Her World," students will earn credit for "deep dives" into the smash hit celebrity's "lyrics, music" and "artistry."

Via Breitbart:

In this class, students will earn college credit for their deep dives into Swift’s lyrics, music, and influence, dissecting her catalog and reading a host of authors Burt finds relevant to understanding Swift’s artistry,” the newspaper reported.

Professor Burt, who graduated from Harvard in 1994, told the Harvard Crimson, “I try to teach only the courses that I think our students can really use — either because students want them or because our curriculum needs them.”



Exactly, really, really expensive classes at Limo Lib Ivy Schools have gotta be useful and necessary, and that's where the legendary singer/songwriter genius of  Taylor Swift comes in. Prof Burt continues:

"Taylor Swift is someone who establishes complicated and changing relationships to the idea of Americanness and to the idea of white Americanness and of middle America,” Burt said.

What can we say? Tay Tay is someone who establishes complicated and changing relationships to the idea of Americanness. Quite.

Tay Tay's net worth's at a jaw dropping  >1BN$. Have you ever looked into her eyes and not gotten a migraine?



Sunday, February 26, 2023

Frau Ley


Frau Inga Ley was bizarrely talented, tremendously beautiful and an accomplished mezzo soprano. Sadly, Inga fell in with Reichsleiter Robert Ley, leader of the the German Labor Front, a World War I hero and notorious drunk.

not flattering, Inga

Ley, a drunken brute of man, beat his beautiful wife who became addicted to morphine as did many other Nazis. Depite being loved by the Fuhrer, Inga took her life, shooting herself at the end of 1942. Robert Ley, drunk, wifebeater and thug, committed suicide before his trial at Nuremburg in 1945.

All this Gotterdamerung in mind, I'm inclined to feel sorry for Inga, such beauty married to such beastliness. But my middle sister who lived in Berlin holds no such qualms, "Those bitches deserved to die."

What can I say but, "Easy, Panzer,"


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Who is Taylor Swift?


Smash hit Taylor Swift is a North American super celebrity popstar  worth an estimated net $400 million a year. Maybe that's why she's flew her carbon spewing private jet around the world 170 times this year. She could afford to.

Taylor's smash hit discography includes such genius songs as Look What You Made Me Do, Ostfront, You Belong With Me, Sturmtiger, We Are Never Getting Back Together and so much more. But who is Taylor Swift, apart from being a private jet flying green activist with tight little migraine eyes?

Good question. We, the fans, want and need to know.

Sea of Joy,


Friday, April 29, 2022

Well Well What Have We Here?


A dead Dane and he died yesterday. WTAF, why was this Ragnorok larper in the line of fire? Because psychopaths in suits are running this deadly clownshow and don't care who they kill. Their Father was a murderer from the beginning. But seriously, living out a HEILUNG video to the point of death? Wow.

Here's another one, some Brit from Plymouth who surrendered when his team got wiped out. He wasn't even paid, apparently:

Wretched. And we have to ask, is the International Brigade more like an incompetent Dogs 'o War Condor Legion? Whatever, let's hope dude gets back home to be with his four kids and "partner." Not kidding, whoever you are, get home safe to your families.

Your Friend,


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Honking Will Continue


Yes, until freedom.

Freedom from the GloboCorp Health Stasi.

Wanna buy food? Show me your papers, dirt person.

Stasi? Or would that be Nazi?

But what can we say, the Russians did it! Dammit, GRU has its tentacles everywhere.

And look what they've done, cost health workers their jobs in the midst of a pandemic. The sheer, brazen, literal, diabolic machinations of the Kremlin.

Seriously, people have had enough of this viral, flatten the curve farce, witness the UK and BoJo's desperate hail May popularity bid to save his sinking career by ending Covid BS. Is everyone in England dying? No, they're not, neither are Texans or people from Florida or truckers in Ottawa.

That aside, our rulers are ruling because they want power and they've worked to get it. Are we prepared to say no to exactly that. Out of left field, Canada seems to be leading the way and more power to 'em. No more masks, no more mandates, no more freakish stasi "show me your papers," no more unelected, power hungry Health Service bureaucrats dictating the way we live and move, no more of that.

On point, farmers have joined the truckers. You see, thing is, baristas and associated theater majors, unless it's grown and shipped to you you don't get it. Take note. In the meanwhile, the honking continues.

Your Pal,


Monday, January 3, 2022

Bit of This a Bit of That


GWB fired up his SatPhone and fired off an encrypted message from Georgia: 

Remember when Trump focused on jobs for American workers? WHAT. A. NAZI. And he wanted to make America great, like some kind of unhinged Fascist Mussolini. And maybe you remember how he had the lowest black unemployment in US history. RACIST.


I ran the key, decoded the message and remembered. Yes, Nazi, Fascist, Racist, that was 45 and, lest we forget, he was also a RUSSIAN SPY! Like a Nazi agent in the pay of the KGB, which would make him a double agent, no! A triple agent. Huh, far out, and Putin's Chief of CHAOS.

Seriously, was there ever such garbage spewed out by the gesticulating, smug, pugnacious, wealthy, corrupt, lying, malfeasant, smug Media? The same "press" which assures us that we're all going to die unless we obey the mandates of a doddering old crook who's the most popular president in all of the nation's history. Let's go Brandon.

In related news, the Anglican Diocese of Niagara's shut its doors for fear of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. Why, we have to ask, are churches in Texas and Florida so much more immune to this deadly plague than their equivalents in Ontario. Is it because the further north you are the weaker you become, or some other thing?



Sunday, January 10, 2021

They're Coming to Gitchoo


They are? And in league with transnational capital to boot, clearly McCarthy didn't go far enough. In similar vein, the Corpse is promising special stimulus to POC (Person of Color) owned small businesses. Fortunate for the POC, not so hot if you're not. But seriously, since when were taxpayer handouts awarded on account of skin color?

Since right about now, and don't you dare say racist or you'll get banned for being a Nazi. As in, how dare you stand for equality, regardless of ethnicity, you Fascist. In similar vein, have you noticed how the Left is full of hate, vitriol and spite at the moment?

You'd think they'd be happy and magnanimous, their guy won, apparently. But no, they're baying for blood. And this inner state of being will surely manifest itself outwardly, it already is, which doesn't bode well. 

That in mind, I'll spare you the sermon, but I will say this. They're coming to gitchoo. Good luck with that, Bolsheviks.



Saturday, January 2, 2021

Listen Up Heathen


Via Adrienne:

After a speech, pro-life activist Penny Lea was approached by an old man. Weeping, he told her the following story:

"I lived in Germany during the Nazi holocaust. I considered myself a Christian. I attended church since I was a small boy. We had heard the stories of what was happening to the Jews, but like most people today in this country, we tried to distance ourselves from the reality of what was really taking place. What could anyone do to stop it?

A railroad track ran behind our small church, and each Sunday morning we would hear the whistle from a distance and then the clacking of the wheels moving over the track. We became disturbed when one Sunday we noticed cries coming from the train as it passed by. We grimly realized that the train was carrying Jews. They were like cattle in those cars!

Week after week that train whistle would blow. We would dread to hear the sound of those old wheels because we knew that the Jews would begin to cry out to us as they passed our church. It was so terribly disturbing! We could do nothing to help these poor miserable people, yet their screams tormented us. We knew exactly at what time that whistle would blow, and we decided the only way to keep from being so disturbed by the cries was to start singing our hymns. By the time that train came rumbling past the church yard, we were singing at the top of our voices. If some of the screams reached our ears, we'd just sing a little louder until we could hear them no more. Years have passed and no one talks about it much anymore, but I still hear that train whistle in my sleep. I can still hear them crying out for help. God forgive all of us who called ourselves Christians, yet did nothing to intervene."

"Their screams tormented us... If some of their screams reached our ears we'd just sing a little louder." 

Read the whole thing here.

Your Pal,



Sunday, September 27, 2020

Old But Gold

Old but gold and because this site's all about children's books.



Pop Genius Fuhrer Taylor Swift

Pop icon Taylor Swift may be the pretty face of rock 'n roll but she's also seig heiled by millions of adoring fans as a latter day Fuhrer. Is Taylor Swift literally Nazi? Here at the Compound we decided to fact check.

Wow. That's harsh, Taylor.

Taylor! Getting back together? We suspect not.

This book is banned in Germany.

Taylor Swift's net worth is an estimated $360 million, she's a millionaire socialist. As we've seen, science says National Socialist.

Rumours that the genius pop singer's eyes cause instant migraines are just that, vicious rumours.

Rock on,


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Is Taylor Swift A Nazi?!?

Some see singer-songwriter pop legend, Taylor Swift, as the hottest performer to ever grace the recording studio. Others think that the millionaire songstress has migraine-inducing eyes and a mean little face. But whatever your opinion, shocking new evidence has emerged showing that the super-talented diva is, in fact, a Nazi.

According to one expert, "It is also an established fact that Taylor Swift is secretly a Nazi and is simply waiting for the time when Donald Trump makes it safe for her to come out and announce her Aryan agenda to the world. Probably, she will be betrothed to Trump's son, and they will be crowned American royalty."

The remarkably talented star has been hailed as anti-communist icon and even has a Facebook page, Taylor Swift for Fascist Europe, which has over 18,000 likes. 

"Only through the destruction of Marxism can Europe be restored to its former glory, and only fascism can ensure this destruction," stated one Swift fan.

However, the musical genius' lawyer insists that Swift is not a far-right Nazi:

The association of Ms. Swift with Adolf Hitler undisputedly is 'harmful,' 'abusive,' 'ethnically offensive,' 'humiliating to other people,' 'libelous,' and no doubt 'otherwise objectionable.' It is of no import that Ms. Swift may be a public figure or that Pinterest conveniently now argues that the Offending Material is mere satire or parody. Public figures have rights. And, there are certain historical figures, such as Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson and the like, who are universally idocententified in the case law and popular culture as lightning rods for emotional and negative reaction.

Taylor Swift, Nazi icon or innocent pop genius. You, the reader, be the judge.

Quo Vadis,


Friday, March 11, 2016

Get Gay or Get Fired

If you want a vision of the future, Winston, imagine a rainbow wellie stamping on a human face forever.

Last week we heard that a black student, Felix Ngole, was kicked out of Sheffield University for daring to criticize homosexuality on Facebook. This week the U.K's Pink Jackboot claimed another victim, Christian magistrate, Richard Page.

This Wonk is Called Michael Gove

Page was fired by the U.K's Lord Chancellor, Michael Gove, after a BBC interview in which the magistrate stated that he felt children should be adopted by male and female parents.

"My responsibility as a magistrate, as I saw it," said Page, "was to do what I considered best for the child, and my feeling was therefore that it would be better if it was a man and woman who were the adopted parents."

Richard Page, You're Fired

That's right, Richard Page had the audacity, the sheer, brazen, hate-filled bigotry to say on national T.V. that it was better for children to be raised by a mother and a father. So he was given the pink slip for his stiff-necked effrontery, after 15 years of service. Here's what the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO) had to say:

The U.K. Flag

“The Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice found Mr Page’s comments would have caused a reasonable person to conclude he was biased and prejudiced against single sex adopters; they considered this to be serious misconduct which brought the magistracy into disrepute.

“They have therefore removed Mr Page from the magistracy.”

Page's offending statements were given in the course of a program focusing on Christians being pushed out of public office.

You can read all about it here and here.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Trump Call -- Stop Muslim Immigration

He's been called a demented shark and the latter day reincarnation of Pompeius Magnus, but is Donald Trump a Nazi for calling for a pause to Muslim immigration? The MSM thinks so, they're apoplectic, the Democrats aren't far off, and the GOP establishment fearfully scorns him.

Jihad Killers

But here's Naomi Ragen; granted, she has a dog in the fight, but maybe we all do. She thinks the Donald is a "moron" by the way:

And so if you welcome them into your country, and give them good jobs and educations, and you throw them baby showers, and allow their foreign born fiancées K-1 visas to enter the country, they will add to their anger their contempt because you are weak and foolish and don’t understand that they are at war with you and want you dead.
And your politicians, who are still getting advice from CAIR, will outlaw guns to make it easier for them, because they don’t need licenses for guns, believe me. But you will.
And the states who had the guts to stand up to Obama’s flooding the U.S. with “refugees” will all back down, the way Texas has. After all, why would you want to fight against a nice Syrian family – two lovely parents, two lovely grandparents, two little kids? And why wouldn’t you give a visa for the lovely fiancée of the environmental health specialist from San Bernardino with their lovely, dimpled six month-old baby? Why?
So you will. And in return you are going to get San Bernardinos all over the U.S.A.

More Rainbow Muslim Immigration, Please

 You can read it all here, and ask yourself. Muslim immigration, what could possibly go wrong.

Beat back the Jihad.