Showing posts with label motorhead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motorhead. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2024



The Old Offender

Keen-eyed readers, all four of you, might remember that the Compound's motor pool took a serious hit when a 2018 F150 went badly wrong on its way to Dallas for Thanksgiving. No joke, the malfeasant rig juddered and quaked on I35's fast lane into the 'sprawl. Pull off the road, LSP, park up at a sketchy Motel 6 and... the 5.0L V8 beast wouldn't restart.

Long story short, the Waxahachie Ford House wanted to charge a whopping Merry Christmas 16k to swap out a busted long block. Huh. No. Tow the broken offender back to base and hand it over to local mechs. They duly turned up and ran a diagnostic, hoping that 1. There was an easily fixable problem, like a bad fuel pump control module, or 2. The old engine was salvageable.

Wretched Malfeasant - There's a Story Here

No to 1 and 2. A rocker had busted and fallen into the body of the engine, the timing chain had snapped and catastrophic failure ensued. Not unlike the Church of England, when you think on it. Solution? Pull out the old engine via tractor and chains, drop a new/used one in. And that's exactly what happened.

Everything back together, we took the truck for a test drive through the sylvan boulevards of pleasantly sunny rural Texas and, lo and behold, the beast purred along with its newly installed engine, which came from a vehicle with 77k on the clock. So it's a young engine, let's see how it pans out in the New Year.


Ah, but LSP, I hear you think, trenchantly, what happened to the RAPTOR? Good question, and here's the answer. If this year of our Lord, 2025 A.D., comes in golden, then a jolly old Raptor's on the cards and a Sergeant can have the refurbed One Fiddy. That's one timeline, we'll see what tomorrow brings.



Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Mel Gibson Writes Vigano


Mel Gibson, who is a Catholic, has written Archbishop Vigano, who is also a Catholic, a letter of support. As you know, Vigano has been excommunicated by the Red Pope for schism. Perhaps calling on the Swiss Guard to arrest the Red Pope may have triggered Bergolio and the sodomite poofs who stand around him in the Rainbow Grindr Poofican, aka Vatican. Regardless, here's the letter:

Dear Archbishop,

I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio.

I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever – so I’m not sure how this will effect you going forward- I hope you will continue to say mass & receive the sacraments yourself – it really is a badge of honor to be shunned by the false, post conciliar church.

You have my sympathies that you suffer publicly this grave injustice. To me & many others you are a most courageous Hero.

As always, you have hit the nail on the head regarding the illegitimacy of Francis. You express the core problems with the institution that has eclipsed the true church & I applaud your courage in expressing that, but more than that in maintaining fidelity to the true church!

You are a modern day Athanasius! I have all respect for the way you defend Christ & his church. I agree with you 100% that the post conciliar church of Vatican II is a counterfeit church. This is why I built a Catholic Church that only worships traditionally. You are welcome to come & say mass there anytime.

Of course being called a schismatic & being excommunicated by Jorge Bergoglio is like a badge of honor when you consider he is a total apostate & expels you from a false institution.

Remember that true schism requires innovation, something you have not done but something that Bergoglio does with every breath

He, therefore, is the schismatic! However he already ipso facto excommunicated himself by his many public heresies (canon 188 in the 1917 code).

As you already know he has no power to excommunicate you because he is not even a Catholic.

So rejoice! I am with you & I hope Bergoglio excommunicates me from his false church also.

Bergoglio & his cohorts have the clothes & the buildings, but you have the faith.

God bless & keep you. If you need anything just ask I will try my best to help.

With admiration & undying respect.

Mel Gibson

Make of this what you will,


Friday, July 5, 2024

Buckle Up


Do you think we're in for a rough ride? Better buckle up, eh? But perhaps you're disarmed, as in the UK. You know, because "safety." Perhaps you think your globalist masters, your Beloved Elite, will allow you to own anything, like farmland or a house. Maybe you need to think again, and arm up. Just a thought. Anyway, here's a helpful tune.



Sunday, January 14, 2024

We Live Vicariously


Well, sometimes. An old friend's busy doing some sound magicke at London's famous RAK studios and sent me this:

Caption, "Look who lives on the wall here." Hey, let's hear it for Lemmy. Dam straight.

Your Pal,


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Roast Beef Perfection?


Here's the thing. You drive over to the local Dallas Tom Overpriced Thumb in search of Boxing Day provisions, and what do you find? A lonely, less than half-price, New York Strip roast. Whoa, apparently no one wanted this bad boy before Christmas because it cost an absurd Bidenflation 70 bucks. So now it sits orphaned and unwanted on the slave block of fate at a mere 24 USD. So what do you do?

Buy it, of course, and thank the Gods of Roast Beef for their largesse. Good work, you've rescued this superior cut of beef from the scandal of back alley dumpsterism. Well done, but your work isn't over, you have to roast that beef and do it right. Yes, but how?

Gravy Incoming

Here's how. Take the meat out of the fridge and let it rest till room temp, in the meanwhile preheat your oven to 450. It's not hard, listen to triumphant music while you're at it, maybe something by Handel or Hawkwind's Motorhead, your call.


Then brush the meat with olive oil, grind some black pepper onto the thing, add coarse salt, and place on a vegetable trivot of onion, carrot, garlic and celery. Let the beast sit while the oven heats up and make Yorkshire Pudding batter. It's not hard, I use Gordon Ramsey's recipe because it works. Put the batter in the fridge and the roast in the oven.

RIP, Mr. Glock

Sear at 450 for 15 minutes, then lower heat to 325 and roast for 45 minutes. Watch that thing like a hawk and check with a meat thermometer an hour in. It probably won't be ready and that's a good thing, you have leeway. If so, let it cook for another 15 minutes or so until the meat reaches 120. (4.5 pound timing) When it does, take it out and cover with tinfoil.

Gravy's Out of The Frame, Forgive Absence of Regimental Silver

Let it rest and become perfect as you make Yorkshire Pudding, gravy and reheat Christmas Eve's roast potatoes; that'll take about thirty minutes. Then have at it, and slice that medium rare beef up. And fall upon your scoff.

Like a Warrior,


Friday, December 22, 2023

Wymxn And Guns


Many wymxn are against guns because so violent. Get rid of gunz, they argue, and no one will shoot anyone because no gunz. Hey, it's not a bad argument, and wymxn use it all the time. 

Ban guns and there'll be less of them around, the wymxn say, and welcome to the new green rainbow gunless utopia! Unless, of course you're a criminal, in which case you've got a couple of Ukrainian AKs, an NLAW and far moar besides.

Old but Gold

That in mind, flash back to Ludlow October '22, where my friend, what a good woman, was not only against firearms but lamented the lack of police in her tiny little hamlet. No cops for miles around, no budget for that, and thank Gaia, no guns either.

"But tell me," quizzed the Colonel of the Dallas Light Cavalry (Irreg.), "What happens when some roughs out of Birmingham turn up at your door stop with a baseball bat, will you call the cops who won't be there? Yet another argument for the Second Amendment." Quite.

She frowned, stoically, and didn't press the point, being a gentlewoman, and neither did I, but let's be honest, slaves can't defend themselves and free-men can. True, eh?

Ludlow observation aside, and what a lovely town it is, things could get right rough in the next few years, if you can bear to do the math and face reality however grim. That in mind, smart people are taking note and planning accordingly. Don't say ammo and precious metal, and DOGE$, obvs.

Your Old Pal,


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Would You Go To A Pop Festival?


when there's no more room in hell the dead shall walk the earth

The phone rang, "Hey, gotta minute?" Yes, it was Canada and I replied, "Sure, but only a minute or two because I have to drive out to the lake and say Mass. That's if I don't melt first, the cab's maybe 120*." 

My Northern cohort thought about this for a moment, "That's hideous. Turn on the engine and AC, have a smoke and let it cool down, try that." I did, and Alberta continued, "Here's what's happening, the kids are going to Shambhala, it's like Burning Man but maybe worse, so I'm babysitting." 

The cab cooled and I replied, "You'd have to pay me a whole lotta cash to go to a place like that." Yes, of course, and now it's over to you, the reader. 

Would you go to a pop festival and if so, how? Here at DLC (Dallas Light Cavalry) HQ we feel it'd have to involve a small fleet of flatbeds, a powerful sound system  playing uplifting Imperial music, Curzon style, and several tents, to say nothing of staff. 

But that's us. As ever, your call,


Saturday, March 11, 2023

Behold The MounteBanks


Could it be that the rainbow will bring down the economy of the Western world? Oh dear, you know what they say, go woke, go broke. All very model risk.

And look at this crook, Joseph Gentile, not once but twice. Careless, what?

chimp out

Rumors that Oprah lost 500$b in uninsured SVB deposits are entirely unfounded and the same goes for everyone's favorite royal couple, Harry and Meghan. Oprah, we're told, had to be physically restrained when she learned of her loss.

clown and simperer

Getting wild, eh? And what can we say? Simpering clown mountebank The world cries.

 D List idiot and evil

She's not even Wallace,


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Ready To Rumble


Remember the Waco Biker Shootout of 2015? What happened was Cossacks and Desperadoes fought it out in a bar/restaurant turf war at a Waco strip mall. Over, as I recall, who controlled the Twin peaks franchise drinkery.

Things got outta hand, people got shot and some say undercover LE were part of the problem. Perhaps they were, but I wouldn't know. What I do know is this, that I shop at this effluence of latter day Americana, at Best Buy, World Market (they sell Brit food, like curry essentials, Digestives and Marmite) and the evil Cabelas. 

I'd never have known, as I browsed overpriced electronics, bullets and Brit biscuits, that bikers were involved in a deadly power play a mere 200 yards away, or less. But they were. Here's some dashcam:

And here's Motorhead, Hawk version, because it's Epic. RIP, Lemmy, would you have been cancelled by today's glitter pony Maoists? Doubtless, and would he have cared? No. Whatev:

Mind how you go,


Sunday, July 21, 2019

Born To Ride

I ended up saying two Masses today from the, ahem, walker and liked it. A week ago that wouldn't have been possible and now it is. So there's hope for us all.

Speaking of hope, perhaps you've noticed that Pedo Epstein's been denied bail; he's languishing in solitary while the Squad's busy making the Democrats look good. D'ye think he'll be trying to cut some kind of deal, and will it involve the Clintons who notoriously enjoyed the hospitality of Orgy Island, to say nothing of hedge funds.

Well, we'll see. In the meanwhile, more children than ever before in history ever have miraculously decided they don't belong to their biological gender, so they're lining up to get sex changes. Leaving aside the parental role in this new wave castration, are we living in the Village of the Damned?

Perhaps we are, in a society driven insane by Satan and the infernal illogic of the Pit. By contrast, be stable and steadfast in the Faith, and be sure that the gates of Hell won't prevail. 

Your Friend,


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Geraldo Owned By Angels

Well, well, here's the awesome Geraldo peddling his wares with the Hell's Angels back in the '70s. He was super awesome then, super awesome now. Don't say owned.

But make of it what you will, in the meanwhile, here's a helpful tune.

Alright kids, get behind the movement and exterminate the libs at the polls.

That is all,


Sunday, August 12, 2018

Bikers For Trump

Donald Trump, our President, met with bikers at some golf club he built in New Jersey. Members of the lying, slick, venal, mendacious mainstream media were there too and got a telling off. 

Apparently they're ganging together or "colluding" to bring the the President down. Media leftists don't want a president who puts America first.

They hate that, they think it's Nazi. A bit like borders which, if left open, have the potential to give them millions of votes.  Nice, right? Imagine this scenario.

Anyone can come to the United States but, and here's the kicker, they can't claim benefits!

Oh my, what an electoral disaster.

Your best friend,


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Cooking With LSP, Korhai Al Mexicani

"What?" you splutter indignantly, "You can't cook with LSP, that's totally absurd." Not so fast, High Tories, you can cook with LSP and here's how.

Chop up an inch or so of ginger and throw it in a korhai, or a pot, with appx 4 tbls of vegetable oil. Then add 3 minced garlic cloves and stir it about. 

Don't burn the garlic like some kind of fool. Enjoy the aroma and add 1/2 tsp of turmeric, 1 tsp coriander, 1 tsp cumin, as much chili powder as you like and salt and pepper to taste. 

Squeeze in some lemon, stir and if needs be add a little water to stop everything grinding to a burning, sticking halt. Keep stirring for a short while and if this starts to get boring, look at your gun, safe in the knowledge you're protected against dangerous ingredients.

Satisfied with your culinary genius, add a couple of chicken breasts, cut into chunks. Fry 'em up until they're white all over. Then add two diced whole tomatoes, skin on, along with a couple of jalapenos (I recommend 2 or your Al Mexicani curry will taste too Mexicani) and simmer until the tomatoes dissolve.

Let it simmer for around an hour, adding water if the beast threatens to dry up, which it shouldn't. While you're doing that, don't listen to Motorhead, or Werewolves of LondonAnd when it's done?

Eat your scoff like a warrior. And don't fear the reaper,


Monday, June 4, 2018

Justin Trudeau Ready To Rumble!

Canada's manly Premiere, Justin Trudeau, has told the world and Trump's America in particular that Canada's not going to be pushed around.


Canada, according to it's virile Suprema, is like an even tempered moose as opposed to the US elephant.


Does this mean Trudeau's getting ready to rumble?


We're quaking in our boots, Justin.



Saturday, December 9, 2017

So Who Is Dave Brock?

Here at the Compound we're often asked, just who is Dave Brock? A second hand car salesman out of Monmouth, UK, or the weirdly bouffant head of Media Matters.

The other performed fraudulent charitable status and shills for the globalist, Illuminati, NWO elite as the head of a fake news organisation.

The one has long, greasy lanks and stripey flares and he's still alive, by some miracle beyond human understanding.

The other has a remarkable silver bouffe and a rainbow lover who tried to blackmail him. He's alive too, strangely.

And one had Lemmy, who isn't alive anymore but was awesome. RIP, Lemmy, you were great.

So who is Dave Brock?  Which Brock is the Psychedelic Warlord? You, the reader, be the judge.

Dik Mik forever,


Friday, November 25, 2016

Black Friday Grillout

Did you survive Thanksgiving? We did, just, and fought through to the next Objective, Black Friday. What did Black Friday mean, here at Dallas HQ?

Operation GRILLOUT. And let me tell you, it was perfect.

In other news, Welby's been spotted brawling over flatscreens at malls in flyover country. But that's a different homily.

God bless,