Showing posts with label Cossacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cossacks. Show all posts

Sunday, August 27, 2023

War-Master Lady


The GloboHomo West is fighting against this. No comment but, word to the wise, think twice you rainbow fools.

Don't say Kursk and Berlin,


Sunday, June 18, 2023



No comment.

Have you noticed how the utterly useless Russkies have retreated in disastrous confusion before the recent UKR assault? Oops, they haven't.

I know you're all Boss Cold Warriors but hey, don't underestimate the oppo, see Boney and the wretched Hitler.

Ave atque Vale,


Monday, April 10, 2023

Just Marking Time


We're psyching up to put that rib in the oven, Oh yes indeed, defeat the New World Order and its Illuminati shill dupes. People keep, gentle readers, attacking the above with less than stellar result. Dance on.

And draw the parable as you take it,


Friday, January 20, 2023

Are We The Good Guys?


Sorry, persynns, but serious question. Can you pray in our public schools?  No. Do we live under a just and fair rule of law? Try not to smirk and puke at the same time. Do we have a free press or a bought and sold simulacrum of the same? Chunder. Are we a Christian nation, under God, or under Baphomet?

I'd argue and so would the monkey, who's a vicious beast, that we're the latter. Meanwhile, Russia not only flogs and imprisons P. Riot but also outlaws so-called Pride agitprop. They even have a flat tax of 13%, last time I checked, and they're building 1000s of churches.

So who's more Red, the US or Russia. That in mind, Just think on our inevitable victory parade in Red Square, all those rainbow flags flying, to say nothing of the children they've abused. Satan's victory.

I know you disagree, all you Cold Warriors, but I say good call Russia for taking on Globohomo Inc., I hope they win and ban Pedo-Pride parades everywhere.  As it goes, the rainbow West's emptying its munitions stockpile because never have to fight another conventional war ever, ever. Take note, UKLF and so-called "Conservatives."

That in mind, when UKR forces crack and fold, what then? We have billions invested, would we just walk away, like Afghanistan? Or would we quadruple down in favor of ROI? R standing for rainbow, obviously.

Readers, don't forget, it's a vicious beast,


Sunday, March 27, 2022



Enemies of the Rainbow, friends of family, hearth and home, and they beat the blasphemous, repellent P Riot too, which is a massive plus. I call brothers, comrades. 

Feel free to disagree,


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Cossacks Scorn Commies

And what can we say? God save the Czar.

Name one, just one of our elite, transnational billionaires who can ride a horse. 

That is all.

Да благословит тебя господь,


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Ready To Rumble


Remember the Waco Biker Shootout of 2015? What happened was Cossacks and Desperadoes fought it out in a bar/restaurant turf war at a Waco strip mall. Over, as I recall, who controlled the Twin peaks franchise drinkery.

Things got outta hand, people got shot and some say undercover LE were part of the problem. Perhaps they were, but I wouldn't know. What I do know is this, that I shop at this effluence of latter day Americana, at Best Buy, World Market (they sell Brit food, like curry essentials, Digestives and Marmite) and the evil Cabelas. 

I'd never have known, as I browsed overpriced electronics, bullets and Brit biscuits, that bikers were involved in a deadly power play a mere 200 yards away, or less. But they were. Here's some dashcam:

And here's Motorhead, Hawk version, because it's Epic. RIP, Lemmy, would you have been cancelled by today's glitter pony Maoists? Doubtless, and would he have cared? No. Whatev:

Mind how you go,


Sunday, December 8, 2019

Monday, August 5, 2019


Watch this inspirational video and ask yourselves why our MillSoc, rainbow riding, globalist overlords don't like Russia. The same country that got away from under the talons of the Beast and's building 1000+ churches a year. Hope for us all?

Speaking of which, some think the Ukraine was supposed to be the start of a "color revolution" that'd overthrow Putin and install an  Illuminati LGTBQTI++ regime in the Kremlin. Hillary had nothing whatsoever to do with that, obviously.

God bless,


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Waco Biker Shootout

Rival gangs of Outlaws clashed in Waco this evening in a shootout that left 9 bikers dead and 18 injured.

The fight occurred at the Twin Peaks restaurant, where fighting started in a restroom, then spilled over into the bar and parking lot, escalating from fists and chains to gunfire.

Police were present at the scene, with one officer, Patrick Swanton, stating, “In 34 years of law enforcement, this is the most violent crime scene I have ever been involved in. There is blood everywhere. We will probably approach the number of 100 weapons.”

According to Swanton, bikers began shooting at police, “This is one of the worst gun fights we’ve ever had in the city limits. They started shooting at our officers.”

No police or onlookers were injured (thank God). The fight centered on the Cossacks and Bandidos gangs, neither of whom are known as charitable organizations.

I drive by that restaurant quite a lot, on my way to visit the sick, or Cabela's. 

Be safe,


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Redder Than Russia? #3

Do you remember the old days? Back when America was fighting a Cold War for freedom and democracy against the godless Reds? Back then, Russia went to the Communist Manifesto for guidance, and we were against that.

The Communist Manifesto is famously against the "bourgeois claptrap of the family," and so were the Reds, who encouraged abortion, no-fault divorce and "free love." 

Modern America stands for gay marriage, and it's fast becoming a hate crime to be against it. In Russia, "gay propaganda" is illegal.

So who's more Red these days, America, or Russia?

You be the judge,