Sunday, March 27, 2022



Enemies of the Rainbow, friends of family, hearth and home, and they beat the blasphemous, repellent P Riot too, which is a massive plus. I call brothers, comrades. 

Feel free to disagree,



Anonymous said...

We probably have a great deal more in common with these people than we realize. Tradition holds a tremendous place in their everyday life, starting with the Orthodox Church. If all this bs between our governments wasn't going on, we'd probably be teaming up to get rid of the lot of them.

LL said...

Never mess with a cossack. That's a rule of mine and it's worth remembering.

Julie Culshaw said...

important read
Keep in mind Robert Royal's wife is Orthodox

Mike_C said...

"I call brothers, comrades."

That's crimethink right there. You're not supposed to notice that we have much in common. Brother wars are a specialty of those who are in charge, and you mustn't disrupt their narrative.

LSP said...

Anon, I totally agree with that.

LSP said...

Mr. LL, I think your advice is very practical.

LSP said...

Excellent article, Julie, thanks for that. And I'd also recommend Rod Dreher (Orthodox former RC) at American Conservative.

LSP said...

Dammit, Mike, I have to report myself again.

Oh well.