Friday, March 4, 2022

Marsch Wien bleibt Wien!


This seems appropriate, right about now. There they were, and then WWI came crashing down. The rest is history and we're living it. Let's ask ourselves, were things better then or now?

In detail, surely both, but overarchingly? At least then we could see our elites and they were civilized. That's gone now. You don't know where they even live.

Your Friend,



LL said...

The Europeans (beyond Ukraine) are very uneasy with a rampaging Russian machine. History repeats.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I remember my 1st Sgt in 1965 saying the reason we were in Germany was Europeans would continue to start wars if we weren't.

Old NFO said...

LL is on the money!

LSP said...

I can't say as I blame them, LL, and the same goes the other way. Let's hope this resolves quickly.

LSP said...

I think your 1st Sgt. had a point, WSF, and a good one.

LSP said...

I second that, NFO.