Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Aliens Among Us


Well, at least recovered space alien tech. According to senior Air Force whistleblower David Grusch, the US has some 12 extraterrestrial craft in its possession, including one 30' saucer which distorted space and time, leaving an investigator staggering, disoriented and nauseous.

"They had a guy go into it,"  stated Grusch, "He got in there, and it was as big as a football stadium. It was freaking him out and started making him feel nauseous, he was so disoriented because it was so gigantic inside. He staggered back out after being in there a couple of minutes, and outside it was four hours later. There was all kinds of time distortion and space distortion."

Stanford prof Dr. Garry Nolan believes off-world tech is the tip of a dark deep state iceberg, and that actual space creatures are alive and living among us. “I think you can go a step further — it hasn’t just visited, it’s been here a long time, and it’s still here,” said Nolan to a break-out session at the Salt iConnections conference in Manhattan last week.

Bold call. Space aliens, off-worlders living in our midst undetected, apparently human but not, a hidden threat to humanity. Or maybe not so hidden. Do you feel nauseous, disoriented and somehow staggering?

Quod Erat Demonstrandum,


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Conventicle of Satan


Just as we were starting to feel good about New York up comes this, the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine overlooking Harlem, all lit up for Pride. Go figure, this is the, ahem, church which hosted Elton John's 60th birthday bacchanal

What a celebration, featuring an $18K floral arrangement and a High Altar set up as a stage for the Scissor Sisters, what?, Sting and Paul McCartney. But that was then, 2007, today the cathedral's simply celebrating the deadly sin of pride with  a gay Evensong, an ice cream social, a panel discussion and a specially crafted rainbow celebration of Pauli Murray.

Who is this Pauli Murray? you ask in bemused wonder. Just a regular Communist, lesbian, civil rights activist and the first woman of color (WOC) to be ordained as a priestess in the Episcopal Church (TEC). 

She died in 1985 from cancer and TEC's made her a "saint," which says something about this catastrophically declining denom's  idea of sanctity. That in mind, reflect on the sepulchral hue of the cathedral's pride driven lightshow. Does it suggest heaven or the other place?

You be the judge,


Friday, January 20, 2023

Are We The Good Guys?


Sorry, persynns, but serious question. Can you pray in our public schools?  No. Do we live under a just and fair rule of law? Try not to smirk and puke at the same time. Do we have a free press or a bought and sold simulacrum of the same? Chunder. Are we a Christian nation, under God, or under Baphomet?

I'd argue and so would the monkey, who's a vicious beast, that we're the latter. Meanwhile, Russia not only flogs and imprisons P. Riot but also outlaws so-called Pride agitprop. They even have a flat tax of 13%, last time I checked, and they're building 1000s of churches.

So who's more Red, the US or Russia. That in mind, Just think on our inevitable victory parade in Red Square, all those rainbow flags flying, to say nothing of the children they've abused. Satan's victory.

I know you disagree, all you Cold Warriors, but I say good call Russia for taking on Globohomo Inc., I hope they win and ban Pedo-Pride parades everywhere.  As it goes, the rainbow West's emptying its munitions stockpile because never have to fight another conventional war ever, ever. Take note, UKLF and so-called "Conservatives."

That in mind, when UKR forces crack and fold, what then? We have billions invested, would we just walk away, like Afghanistan? Or would we quadruple down in favor of ROI? R standing for rainbow, obviously.

Readers, don't forget, it's a vicious beast,


Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sunday Sermon


Trads, try not to scorn me but we use the new-fangled three year lectionary in the missions, which means today's Gospel was Luke 14:1, 7-14. Here, Jesus is at a feast held by a ruler of the pharisees and he gives, on the face of it, a simple warning against pride.

When you're invited to a wedding feast don't go for the seat of honor lest you're cast down in shame to a lower place. Instead, go for the lower place and be invited up. He concludes, "He who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted."

How that must have stung in such exalted company. Woe to you pharisees! You tithe and go for the seats of honor at the synagogue, you make long prayers and while you're at it devour widow's houses. "Ye are as graves," spiritually dead.

We can imagine the dinner party's host shifting uneasily as he's served five star from his slaves, and we can also imagine the Savior holding the man's gaze, eye to eye. The Word pinning the darkness to itself, and of course the pharisee can't complain; God abhors the proud, they are repellent to him, the Law and Prophets make this clear. Our Lady exults, "He has cast down the mighty from their seat and exalted the humble and meek." But why are the proud so egregious in the eyes of God?

Because they're ugly in themselves. "Look at me, I am so very, very important," said the junior British Army officer, fresh out of Sandhurst. to the platoon and the world. I know, a certain arrogance goes with the trade, but still, no one likes that man, not me, not you, not God. Again, pride is the start of sin, a well-head of wickedness. What evil will a proud, self-obsessed, exalted man not commit? More seriously, this deluded, luciferean attitude of heart and mind, of soul, is idolatrous.

The proud man sets himself up against God, he's forgotten "it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves." And therein lies disaster, you cannot go against God, reality itself, and stand. The math doesn't work. What a warning to the pharisees, what a warning to our present age.

Are we not at the xenith, the pyramid peak of rebellion against God? What would the spirit of the age, the zeitgeist look like if was a person? Hideous thought. I tell you, its head would be so swollen with self-importance that it couldn't fit through the door posts of the narrow gate which leads to the marriage feast, to heaven. 

Caveat in mind,  what a blessing that the people of the missions and all over the world came together in humility to worship God, to adore Christ as their sovereign King and Lord, to hear his revealed Word and be nourished by the Sacrament of the Altar in which we find union with the one perfect sacrifice of our Savior.

Domine non sum dignus

May God give us the grace to go out into the world and invite the "maimed, the lame, the blind," all those wounded by sin, to the Feast, to the heavenly banquet, even as we ourselves have been invited by the author and perfecter of our faith.

Ad Maiorem,


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday Sermon


Strive to enter by the narrow gate, says Christ, and woe to those who don't,  "I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.” Depart and go where? To that place of wailing and gnashing of teeth, to Hell. Terrifying, not least to the wicked pharisees who presumed on salvation by virtue of birthright and letter of the Law, but nonetheless hated God. 

"They are enemies of the cross," blasts St. Paul to the Philippians, "Their end is destruction. Their god is the belly, and they glory in their shame." As with the pharisee so with us in what was once Christendom. Dominant cultural orthodoxy (DCO) rejects the crucified Christ, the narrow gate, as far too narrow minded.

So in the interest of broad mindedness, tolerance and liberty we're told there is no one truth, religious or otherwise, only opinion. You know the mantra, I've got my truth, you've got yours. Welcome to the age of narrative and note, narrative and fiction go hand in hand. No wonder we're deluged at every level with a barrage of lies.

That aside, the whole project sounds so rainbow utopia, so listening to John Lennon's Imagine on continuous loop. How very tolerance, I've got my truth, you've got yours. But hold on, there is no truth only opinion translates to, "Reality, truth, is whatever I decide it to be."

Welcome to satanic pride. Reality, truth, is whatever you decide it to be, emphasis on you decide. And what happens. Sure, you're the master of the universe, so get out there and own all the kingdoms of the world, greed. Fill your belly with the surfeit, stones to bread, and while you're at it throw yourself off the Temple and dare the God you don't believe in to do his worst. Reject the narrow way in favor of the broad. 

Go right ahead, just don't be surprised when you're locked out of paradise on account of your opposition to it. Wailing and gnashing of teeth? Don't say Yoko Ono. Instead, return to the Lord with a humble and contrite heart.

God bless,


Monday, January 31, 2022

Meanwhile In Truckistan


Don't be shy, Justine! There's a party goin' on!

 Now look here, violent racists, you better stop dancing because you're a hate-filled, violent, fringe minority of Nazis. But the truckers and their fascist friends keep dancing. What?

In the meanwhile, Canada's sniveling fag multi-talented actress remains in hiding, in a secret location on Lake Harrington, not too far from Ottawa's dance party. Don't be shy, Justine, join in, just like you did for corp sponsored BLM and Pride.

It'd be a shame if truckers somehow found a way to blockade Trudeau's secret prime ministerial mansion, don't you think?



Saturday, August 27, 2016

Listen Up, Heathen

I'd say this was especially appropriate to the way we live now. St. Thomas Aquinas, via Dom Garrigou Lagrange:

St. Thomas, who was exceedingly humble and magnanimous, established very well the exact definition of these two virtues, which should be united, and that of the defects opposed to them. He defined pride as the inordinate love of our own excellence. The proud man wishes, in fact, to appear superior to what he really is: there is falsity in his life. When this inordinate love of our own excellence is concerned with sensible goods, for example, pride in our physical strength, it belongs to that part of the sensibility called the irascible appetite. It is in the will when it is concerned with goods of the spiritual order, such as intellectual pride and spiritual pride. This defect of the will presupposes that our intellect considers our own merits and the insufficiencies of our neighbors more than it ought, and that it exaggerates in order to raise us above them.
Love of our own excellence is said to be inordinate as it is contrary to right reason and divine law. It is directly opposed to the humble submission of the defectible and deficient creature before the majesty of God.

Inordinate love of our own excellence. Dodge the flying monkey.
