Showing posts with label BLM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLM. Show all posts

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Babylon's Burning


You might remember Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of the BLM movement which went into paroxysms of hyperventilating rage when signature hoodlum George Floyd died of an overdose while under arrest. Chauvin's restraint hold aside, cash flowed into BLM's coffers like the mighty Brazos undammed, to the tune of millions, 90MN$ in 2020 alone. 

Self-proclaimed Marxist Patrisse didn't go short either, and went on a mansion buying binge at the height of BLM's PR moment in the sun, snagging up 3 ritzy homes in LA alone. To be sure, none of these millionaire socialist palaces were bought with BLM cash direct, but maybe Warner Bros. et al had a part to play.

Whatever, you might be asking, "How did the millions of virtue signaling Marxist dollars given to BLM benefit black people in the US?" You know, like at all. Scratch your head all you like and see if you can come up with an answer. In the meanwhile, Patrisse's burgeoning LA real estate empire has reportedly come to a fiery end, with, reportedly, 2 of her 3 palatial Bolshevik palaces burned to the ground.

Rumors that Cullors practices and advocates African witchcraft are entirely that, rumors, and doubtless vicious to boot. She/her resigned from BLM leadership in 2022 after financial scrutiny.

Babylon's Burning, and if so, will insurance cover the bill?

Fire Away,


Friday, August 4, 2023

You Miserable Offender


Here's how it went down. 0600 and the phone rings, "What?" slightly terse perhaps. "Hey dad, I'm at the 7-11 next to Walmart and the car won't shift out of park." Huh, I thought grimly, "So you need a ride to Fort Hood?" Sure enough, that's exactly what was needed and off I drove.

It was a good drive as the sun rose over the expanse of Texas, though I35 was crazy as usual. Then there we were at Hood or Fort Carvasio, or whatever it's called now. Seriously, how many People of Color (POC) benefited in any way, at all, from the name change?  Like wow, just look how the indigent POCs in Killeen have prospered since.

That's the thing with virtue signalling mountebanks, they come on fast with good if fatuous slogans, like Black Lives Matter. Nice, of course they do, but who actually profits? Why, the virtue signalers themselves. You'll note BLM's founders are living in mansions now, poor POCs? Not so much, they haven't received a penny. The Biblical term for this is hypocrite.

Regardless, it was good to be back at Fort Hood and the soldiery seemed well presented if preposterously young. And the malfeasant vehicle's been towed to the Compound where it sits, awaiting the attention of a mobile mechanic or, more likely, a tow to a shop on Monday. Its issue? A broken linkage cable.

Easy fix, apparently, but I'm not about to try. In the meanwhile, what can we say?



Monday, January 31, 2022

Meanwhile In Truckistan


Don't be shy, Justine! There's a party goin' on!

 Now look here, violent racists, you better stop dancing because you're a hate-filled, violent, fringe minority of Nazis. But the truckers and their fascist friends keep dancing. What?

In the meanwhile, Canada's sniveling fag multi-talented actress remains in hiding, in a secret location on Lake Harrington, not too far from Ottawa's dance party. Don't be shy, Justine, join in, just like you did for corp sponsored BLM and Pride.

It'd be a shame if truckers somehow found a way to blockade Trudeau's secret prime ministerial mansion, don't you think?



Friday, December 17, 2021

Operation Barn Sale #1


Lo and behold, Barn Sale #1: '08 Kubota Tractor, Shredder, Gooseneck Trailer, Headgate & Mini Chute, Air Compressor(s), Power Washer, Ear Tags, Complete Scaffold (wheeled), Tools,  Fence Panels (10 set deal, $80 bucks a panel my friend) and on.

So that was all good. But let's see what tomorrow brings, and remember that one man's trash is another one's treasure. "How much?" pause, "Make me an offer, I think your tractor needs that." Another pause, walk away, "Twenty Dollars!" Turn 'round, "No sir." Reflection, "$30, last offer." Sold. That was my pal, selling machine.

And on. So today was good, let's see what tomorrow  brings.

Cash is King,


Monday, November 22, 2021

Just Another Day in Wisconsin



Wow. There you are. In your SUV. In Wisconsin. And you look at all these people with hatred, there they are, having a Christmas parade and there you are in your car, whipped up on hatred, insanity and God knows what else. So you drive your car into that parade and kill as many as you can.

What, five persons killed and how many injured, including children. This is sickening to me, and to all right thinking people. But the reaction of the Left is worse, it's demonic, those people deserved it because they're white, it's karma for Kyle's acquittal.

You, a child in a stroller or a "dancing granny" deserve to get plowed up and killed by a lunatic blacktivist on account of the color of your skin. At a Christmas parade. Dear God. If you can't see Satan in this you're blind.


In the meanwhile, what next. 18 year olds with ARs protecting Christmas pageantry? Exclusion zones for POCs, let the reader understand, street battles, rooftop action? 

We know how that works out, the 13% don't win. And such is the tragedy, everything the Left does produces the opposite of its intended effect. But here we have to wonder, perhaps nihilism is the telos.

In the meanwhile, imagine the reaction if the killer as white. Picture the systemic, shrieking fury. See too, in the camera of your mind, the devils inexorably drawn to their torment in the lake of fire. 

Ad Fidem.


Saturday, June 12, 2021

A World Of Clowns Crooks And Mountebanks


Clowns & Crooks

There they are at the G7, the most powerful politicians of the world, clowning it up  for the cameras with "arm-bumps," only to hug and back slap off stage. What a venal crew of mountebanks, to say nothing of the agitprop arm of the State, corporate media, which laps it up.

Is anyone fooled? Yes indeed they are, note the Left, which is now firmly on the side of Big Pharma, Big State, and big loss of freedom. Wear your mask! Our sponsors demand it! Speaking of which, surely it's time for BLM/ANTIFA to put corporate logos on their riot gear, like Nascar but radical revolutionary with it. 


You can imagine the gushing reportage, "Today's peaceful protest burned down Baltimore's Inner Harbor in an act of solidarity with oppressed transsexual people of color everywhere, brought to you by Bank of America and Pfizer." Pan out to eatery on fire and a rainbow flag waving gaily in the victorious dollar-driven winds of profit.

Maybe the Enemy will die Laughing

But not to worry, our military's finally being repurposed to face the greatest threat facing America. Not China, Russia, Islamic terrorists, space aliens (what? stay tuned...), inflation, poverty, ballooning crime, stagnant wages, a pathetic standard of education, 5th Column nihilist revolutionaries, the breakdown of the family, and a government run by corrupt, multi-millionaire, self-serving, stooge oligarchs of the NWO. Is that the threat? No, that's it is not, it's climate change and a lack of "diversity."

Well Done Nottingham

What utter, shameless, errant,  bought-and-paid-for malfeasance. Still, in the midst of this florescence of chicanery, Nottingham appears to have got it right. Thanks, Jules, for the uplift.



Thursday, June 3, 2021

So It's Come To This


Here we are, in June 2021, and lo and behold, mainstream childrens' shows like Blue's Clues are pushing drag queens and transgender children in their popular kids' cartoon. And hey, it's all so blissful and joyous:

“Families marching four by four. Hurrah! Hurrah! Trans members of this family, they love each other so proudly and they all go marching in the big parade!”

Wow. Put yourself, if you can, in the place of a parent whose child's been captured by this ideology and has decided to turn themselves into a blasphemous parody of a man or a woman. A neither, a no-sex variant of their God given humanity. Hurrah? Oh yes, for Big Pharma and associated corporations who can look forward to that persynn's lifelong dependence on their drugs. Don't say PROFIT$.

Where does this attack on personhood and the family come from? Let's zoom in:

See it? A jolly little BLM Marxist fist held in the hand of our happy drag queen like an ice cream cone, or is it a microphone. Perhaps both. I won't go on but I will say this. Such perverse wickedness amounts to child abuse and it's been part of the Bolshevik agenda from day one, the "bourgeois claptrap of the family," sneered Marx and Engels in their Manifesto.

Reject that and the givenness of human nature itself and at last you can be free, No Gods, No Masters! shrieked the libertine abortionist Margaret Sanger. Well yes, except for the corporations who sponsor you. What revolting hypocrisy. 

And so it's come to this, big money, beyond our wildest dreams, riding on the back of faddish New Maoism to make itself even richer than it is already at the expense of our children's minds and bodies. How utterly disgusting, and all in the name of freedom, tolerance and science, said the rich plastic surgeon in a lab coat to the teenager they've just castrated. 

Stand against this wickedness. Be like the brave Hungarians in 1918 who threw off the perverted rule of Leftist tyranny. Be like Russia, the country which escaped from beneath the talons of the Beast and returned to Christ. Be like all who've stood for freedom and the God who guarantees it, et nunc et semper.

And lest ye forget, Baphomet's trans, look it up.

Your Old Pal,


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Every Gun is a Loaded Gun - Update


By now all the world knows that UK celebrity BLM blacktivist Sasha Johnson was shot in the head at a party in South London. Here in the Compound's busy newsroom we speculated that the shooting was a negligent discharge, someone goofing around with a "shootah." But no, it was a gang hit gone a little sideways. Our man in London reports:

Four black guys wearing all black went to the house party in Peckham looking for her boyfriend. There was a confrontation in the garden. She got between them and her boyfriend and went full Greta coz she's a gobby ****. Relied on being the BLM pinup girl but they weren't impressed. Opened fire at the boyfriend and she took a round in the face, reportedly in the eye. The gun then jammed and they fled. Everyone is pissing themselves laughing, cops are milking it.


Several things come to mind. In a country which bans guns only criminals have them, catastrophically for Sasha. And again, every gun is a loaded gun even if it's rubbish and jams after one round. Sasha, and everyone else, should remember this. We can also add that it's a bad idea to mix guns, drugs and booze because someone's liable to get shot, like Sasha. 

But more importantly, if people like BLM Sasha really cared about black lives, why don't they do something to help black communities by working to stop black on black violence? 

Serious question, and it's tempting to say it's far easier, more exciting and considerably more lucrative to set yourself up as a corporate sponsored 21st century revolutionary than to actually do anything to lift up the poor and oppressed.

That in mind, do you think the Met will work overtime to bring unfortunate Sasha's shooter to justice, or will they bend the knee and walk away. I'd wager the latter. 



Monday, May 24, 2021

Touch Of Grey


What awesomeness. Carry on,


Every Gun is a Loaded Gun


After celebrating the great Feast of Pentecost on Sunday it seemed right to go fishing on Monday. That was the plan and let me tell you, I was looking forward to it. But no, our Old Enemy the Weather attacked and skywater poured down from heaven as thunder rolled across the firmament like the guns of Vimy Ridge. (What? Ed.)

Seriously, it got stormy so fishing was off and looking out on the flooded vista of this rural Texan farming community from the safety of the porch was on. "Will this war ever end?" I asked myself over a steaming Yeti 20 oz tumbler of coffee, and just then a local magnate rolled up to the front of the Compound in his rig.

We visited for a while and discussed the chicanery of our times. "How many of our beloved leaders, Mr. M, do you think are involved in ritual occult satanism? I say this as a religious professional." He paused and fixed me with a clear hunter's eye, "I'd reckon more than we might like to know." I agreed, "I'm not a gambling man but if I was I lay odds on."

The upshot of it all was this: The psychosociopaths in control of the West hate the Church and want to stamp it out and secondly, he'd send his crew to clean up the church grounds as soon as the climate changed. What a good result, and he's been an ally over the years, not least in terms of range access.

In other news, it seems the UK's famous BLM celebrity blacktivist, Sasha, got herself shot in the head in South London the other day. Which is weird, because guns aren't allowed in England. My take? Oxford educated Sasha decided to hang out with the real deal, and one of the gangstas bizarrely forgot trigger/muzzle discipline. Oops.

Remember, gentlemen and women, every gun is a loaded gun.



Saturday, April 24, 2021



Black Lives Matter co-founder and self-proclaimed "trained Marxist" Patrisse Cullors just bought herself another mansion, on top of the four homes she's bought in five years. This one's in toney Topanga Canyon where 88% of the residents are white. 

Cullors states: “The way that I live my life is in direct support to Black people, including my Black family members, first and foremost. And, for so many Black folks who are able to invest in themselves and their community, they choose to invest in their families, and that’s what I have chosen to do. I have a child, I have a brother with severe mental illness that I take care of, I support my mother, and I support many other family members of mine. And so I see my money as not my own, I see it as my family’s money as well."

Your family's money? Yes indeed. Don't say fraudulent, leftist, necromancer hypocrite. No, just ask yourself how all the many millions of dollars plowed into the race baiting advocacy group have benefited one single POC, apart from Cullors and her family, obviously.

What a rich witch,


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Church And 2020


What a year and who'd have thought it. A virus with a 99.?%  recovery rate shutting down the country and the rest of the West. Rampaging mobs of Anarcho-Marxists burning and looting in Democrat cities with apparent immunity. 

An election which saw hundreds of thousands of ballots, all for Biden and no down ticket, delivered in coolers and suitcases in the dead of night. Nothing shady, weird and duplicitous there. I mean to say, this is Atlanta, Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee and on.

Wow, talk about a brazen coup on the part of our establishment elite, China-shilling Uniparty. Who knows, maybe the color revolution will stall, falter and die at Supreme Court level without a shot being fired, or very few. We can but hope, but in the meanwhile, where's the Church?

You'd think, would you not, that the Church, across all her denominations would have something decisive to say. Like, "Abortion at the point of birth is really evil, you can't be a Christian and vote for politicians who support it." Or, "Marxism is inherently anti-Christ and Christians do not and should not support it," regardless of variants. Likewise, "Deceit, lies and corruption destroy our common life, our polity, and should be exposed and brought to justice. The light of the Gospel and Christ Himself demand it." 

Or something like that. But instead? Silence or mewling complicity. Shut down the churches in slavish obedience to the State, even as you put on your made in China mask. Apologize to the Marxists. Say nothing about the theft of an election. Stand still in your faux leather boots while religious freedom and what's left of Western Christendom is trampled under the smiling rainbow-hued hoof of the unicorn. A vicious beast.

Seriously, the utter, craven, subservient, cowardice of our Christian leaders at this crucial moment is astounding. At best they're silent, at worst complicit in their total failure to provide the Faithful with clear direction and leadership. 

Granted, there are exceptions, such as Cardinal Vigano and, here in the Diocese of Fort Worth, Ryan Reed. Otherwise it's deer in the headlights stasis. Take note, Bishops, Archbishops and assorted Quislings, just because you stand still in the face of an onrushing truck doesn't mean it won't run over and obliterate you. 

To shoot from another angle, by all means go against the Holy Spirit but be prepared to be relentlessly destroyed by that same Spirit.

Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Ave Eva,


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Aaaand They're Satanists


Well maybe not, just necromancers, channeling the spirits and powers of the dead. This is Patrisse Cullors, one of BLM's three founders in a video call with Melina Abdulla, LA BLM chapter founder:

At its core, it’s a spiritual movement. You can’t pretend like that work is just organizing work. That’s, you know, that’s some serious stuff.
When we say the names, right, so we speak their names, we say her name, say their names, we do that all the time that, you kind of invoke that spirit, and then those spirits actually become present with you.

Cullors' comments on necromancy followed Abdulla's:

Maybe I’m sharing too much, but we’ve become very intimate with the spirits that we call on regularly, right. Like, each of them seems to have a different presence and personality, you know. I laugh a lot with Wakisha, you know. And I didn’t meet her in her body, right, I met her through this work.

She went on to emphasize the importance of invoking spirits, referencing popular BLM name chanting:


When we say the names, right, so we speak their names, we say her name, say their names, we do that all the time that, you kind of invoke that spirit, and then those spirits actually become present with you.
Spirituality is at the center of Black Lives Matter, and I think that’s not just for us, I feel like so many, um, leaders and so many organizers, um, are deeply engaged and in a pretty, um, important spiritual practice.

Cullors, Abdulla and how many others are practitioners of Ifa, West African Yoruba ancestor worship, with an emphasis on spirit possession and associated divination. You know, tell the future with the help of your dead spirit friend.

I tell you, this fight is against principalities and powers, and the Devil, like a roaring and ramping lion prowls, seeking whom he may devour.

Runway Model

Nigerian friends tell me Christianity is this remarkable thing, freeing them from the dead hand of their ancestral demons. Think, Western Man, sorry, pyrsxn, of your fate had Ygdrasil not been chopped down.

Hey, it's all a great Afro larf 'til Orisha's gnawing on your buddy's shin bone. Don't say Tayo.

Out Demons Out,


Monday, September 7, 2020

Prowl To The Light

Yesterday was good, our new(ish) bishop, Ryan Reed, visited the Missions and all went well. No mask skulduggery, no hand sanitizer malfeasance or anti-social distancing. We just worshiped God and had a good time during and after. You know, like Christians.

Church People Having Fun

Speaking of which, I briefed the bishop, a retired infantry officer, before the Masses, "Just so you know, these are MAGA congregations and not into Covid panic." He liked that, "I figured," and went on to confect the Sacrament of the Altar not once but twice, there being two Missions separated by a horse ride, 20 miles appx., to see to.


At the reception afterwards, I amused myself by giving the black power salute along with the popular chant, "Black Lives Matter!" and "I can't breathe!" The church people, an educated crew, responded in kind. Big fun.

Ahem, lose the 12 for dove, fool

But that was then, this is now. Labour Day sees us prowling the Compound and walking to the light -- planning dove hunts, fishing on the lake, long range shooting and frying up steak. Yes, steak. Such is privilege, white or otherwise.

Have a great Labor Day and God bless you all.

Your Pal,


Saturday, September 5, 2020

Is The Pen Mightier Than The Glock?

We're just hanging around at the Compound and wondering, is the Pen mightier than the Glock? Good question, let's do a quick thought experiment and see where it takes us.

You're in a restaurant in Rochester New York, enjoying Italian fusion cuisine with a twist, having a good time. Life is good after months of lockdown. Then, suddenly, as if out of the very aether, up comes a mob of rampaging undergraduate Marxists.

They're overturning tables, screaming, bullhorn in your face. Yes, you, you systemic racist Nazi, are guilty of eating out while white. So what do you do? Pull out your Glock and shoot the nearest Bolshevik or, and here's the rub, pick up the pen your lefty waiter's ironically delivered to you and stab the commie in the neck?

I'd argue that the Pen, in this instance, is paradoxically mightier than the Glock, even though it's an ostensibly lesser weapon. Granted, more bloodthirsty than a pistol, but seemingly less so. More to the point, you might not have a Glock or even be allowed one in Rochester. Different story with a Pen. Every restaurant has one, delivered right to your table, unlike pistols, which aren't.

In similar vein, you may have noticed that 45's banned racist critical race theory training in the federal alphabet. No longer, we hope, will Marxist 5th Columnists be paid on the taxpayer dime to teach government employees that they're guilty of "whiteness," and have to be "dismantled" along with the country they serve. No more racism masquerading as tolerance, by Executive Order.

Trump did this at the stroke of a Pen, without firing a single shot. I rest my case, feel free to disagree.

Gun Rights, 


Friday, September 4, 2020

Repent You Sinners

There you are, rioting, opening up a trans bathroom, tearing down a statue of George Washington and screaming out for America to repent of its systemic evil. It makes you feel good, you're living the revolutionary dream without actually helping anyone at all.

C.S. Lewis spoke to this at the beginning of World War II, when privileged undergraduates were calling on the Sceptred Isle to "repent" of the war. Via First Things:

Men fail so often to repent their real sins that the occasional repentance of an imaginary sin might appear almost desirable. But what actually happens (I have watched it happening) to the youthful national penitent is a little more complicated than that. England is not a natural agent, but a civil society. When we speak of England’s actions we mean the actions of the British government. The young man who is called upon to repent of England’s foreign policy is really being called upon to repent the acts of his neighbor; for a foreign secretary or a cabinet minister is certainly a neighbor. And repentance presupposes condemnation. The first and fatal charm of national repentance is, therefore, the encouragement it gives us to turn from the bitter task of repenting our own sins to the congenial one of bewailing—but, first, of denouncing—the conduct of others. If it were clear to the young that this is what he is doing, no doubt he would remember the law of charity.
Unfortunately the very terms in which national repentance is recommended to him conceal its true nature. By a dangerous figure of speech, he calls the government not “they” but “we.” And since, as penitents, we are not encouraged to be charitable to our own sins, nor to give ourselves the benefit of any doubt, a government which is called “we” is ipso facto placed beyond the sphere of charity or even of justice. You can say anything you please about it. You can indulge in the popular vice of detraction without restraint, and yet feel all the time that you are practicing contrition. A group of such young penitents will say, “Let us repent our national sins”; what they mean is, “Let us attribute to our neighbor (even our Christian neighbor) in the cabinet, whenever we disagree with him, every abominable motive that Satan can suggest to our fancy.”

"Contrition" as a virtue-signaling cover for personal failing and hatred. As it was in 1939/40 so today, but arguably amplified. And while we're at it, how much of their not inconsiderable, corporate given fortune have BLM poured into ghetto communities? How much of their billion dollar hoard have the black Marxists used to help poor black people? A lot, some, nothing at all?

Good question and while reflecting on the answer, I'd say Lewis is right on the money.

Your Pal,


Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Sunday Sermon

Shadow LSP

Conversation in the sacristy before Mass #2 went like this:

"Have you seen the video of the Portland execution last night?"
"Another shooting?"
"Yes, dude rolled up on a skateboard and shot a Trump supporter who was crossing the road."
"Yes, they cheered afterwards."
"Keep this going on and there's gonna be pushback, serious pushback."

A beautiful unicorn

Said the former artillery officer. "Let's think happy thoughts before church," replied the MC who's also a retired rodeo star, bronc. Not being slow to listen to the laity I replied, "As in unicorns, rainbows and bunnies?" The MC, who gives as good as he gets, wasn't slow either, "Just say your prayers, LSP."

A typical defense rifle

Here endeth the Lesson and while we're at it, "Get thee behind me Satan!" Vade retro Satana! 

Be brave and rebuke the unclean spirit, a murderer from the beginning and Father of Lies. Say no to the world, the flesh and Devil, say yes to the Way of the Cross, of sacrificial love which is the way of light and life.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Kent State 2.0

All of us have defining moments in life, momentous events that shape our vision of reality, for good or ill. For some, and for example, it was World War II, for others it was Vietnam or one of the wars that followed, and we're still fighting. For others again it was Woodstock and the civil rights movement.

Let's cut to the chase. Today's Left are trying to emulate and relive the antics of their forebears. They want another Kent State. They want the forces of law and order to shoot them so they can say abolish the law because it's against the law. Yes, Satan is incoherent, but here's the thing. 

There is no grassroots proletarian revolution, there hardly ever was. There is a movement of privileged, corporate sponsored radicals who, for whatever reason, wish to destroy everything. In other words, this uprising like its Marxist forerunners is nihilist astroturf, it cares nothing for working people.

In the meanwhile, our LE has shown superhuman restraint by not opening up and solving this nasty little gordian knot in the very few minutes it'd take. 

Can you imagine, punters, all those undercover feds "friends" suddenly not being so friendly. I know, bizarre. Good luck BLM/ANTIFA. 

Crush the NWO serpent underheel,

Your Friend,


Sunday, August 23, 2020

What Fresh Hell is This?

why are you wearing a stole on top of your rochet & chimere, buffoon

ACNA (Anglican Church in North America) Archbishop Foley Beach has called our nation to prayer in an August 19 open letter. In it he lists a series of calamities and says this:

Another senseless killing by a police officer of an unarmed black man, George Floyd.
Hundreds of thousands of people participating in peaceful protests.

What? Are you absolutely sure, Beach, that Floyd wasn't ripped on meth and fentanyl  while he was resisting arrest and went blue in the process? Are you sure the police killed him and not the massive amounts of drugs that were in his body?  The courts most certainly haven't decided, unlike you, Archbishop.

Bodycam footage shows Floyd having trouble breathing before he got out of the car, as if he was ODing on the massive amounts of heroin substitute found in his body. Word to the wise, don't do lots of smack or derivatives, it stops you breathing and you die. Just like George Floyd, the counterfeiter, druggy, violent thug.

And "another senseless killing of an unarmed black man," what? Like it happens all the time in the supercharged racist KKK States of America? You know the typical street scene, there's a couple of innocent angels playing rap music on a street corner when baam! a cop Tahoe rides up and blasts them.

No. Blacks commit some 85% of the violent crime in this country despite being 13% of the population. Unsurprisingly, they tangle with the police and some get shot. It's a miracle, to my mind, that only 14 unarmed blacks (according to the leftist Washington Post, 9 according to Rudy Giuliani) were shot in 2019, as opposed to 25 whites. This shows remarkable restraint on the part of the police in the face what amounts to off-the-hook savagery. Doubt me? Try living in the dindu ghetto.

Regardless; hundreds of thousands of people participating in peaceful protests? Why are you kowtowing to Marxist BLM agitprop, Beach? Have you forgotten that commies hate Christianity and want to destroy it? Have you forgotten how the Soviets weren't too keen on Christianity? Or maybe you've never bothered to read the BLM What We Believe page on their website. 

Peaceful protests. Wow. A corporate sponsored, Anarcho-Marxist coup, masquerading as a civil rights movement in an election year, and you're taken in by that? Go read Cardinal Vigano, you mountebank, and start standing up for the Gospel you say you represent.

If this is ACNA I want out.