Showing posts with label out demons out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label out demons out. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

You Evil Demon


There's serious evil abroad in the world, and America's once highest paid civil servant, Anthony Fauci, was right in the midst of one aspect of it, demon-level experiments in the name of science. Or would that be satanism.

Implanting aborted fetal tissue/organs into animals. Pause for a moment and reflect, what level of utter wickedness is this? And where did this latter day Mengele's cohort get the requisite body parts? From our universities, evidently, which were totally not funded by USAID. You may recall, dear readers, that Harvard is Satan's Vatican. From the Churches? Crickets.

That in mind, out demons out,


Sunday, January 5, 2025



Imagine, if you can, that you were in a Club whose members didn't give, and give generously, to the Staff Christmas fund. They don't get tips, you see. So what would you do to those miscreant malfeasants who scrooged out on loyal retainers? I leave you with the sheer, total genius of Yoko.

Out Demons, Out, what?


Thursday, October 31, 2024

Halloween Scary


I'd imagine many of you think Halloween is Satan's birthday, but you'd be wrong in thinking that. No, Halloween is the Eve of All Saints, a Feast which marks the victory of God, of light over darkness in the sanctified lives of His holy people. But that's for tomorrow, in the meanwhile, the demons are allowed to play. And what a play they make.

Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here

Here in this small Texan rural community they mostly run around asking for candy, many it seems in the safe space of 1st Baptist car park. A living parable of the world around us, perhaps. Here, let me leave you with something scary. Maybe you remember all that "joy."

Out Demons Out,


Saturday, March 30, 2024

Unholy Day


Christ lays in the Tomb and it seems as though Satan has triumphed, but we know better, on the third day Christ will rise victorious from the grave. So for Christians, Holy Saturday has an air of joyful anticipation, we're getting ready to celebrate glorious mystery of the Resurrection.

Excuse me? Back up, bigot. That's not it at all, we're getting ready to celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility and 81 million vote Old Joe's leading the charge. Like no kidding, you racist transphobes, March 31 isn't about so-called "Easter," it's about transsexuals, our beloved and popular President says so. So get down on it and don't even think of putting a religious symbol on an Easter egg if you're anywhere near the White House.

At least that's Joe Biden's message for tomorrow. Risen Christ, victory over death, the defeat of Satan and the legions of Hell? No, none of that, we'll whoop it up over people getting sex changes instead. Here's the rainbow proclamation itself:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.


Wow. They chose Easter, the holiest day of the Christian year, to make such a statement. What deliberate blasphemy and it couldn't be clearer, these people hate us. People who call themselves Christians and vote for this sacriligious wickedness have some serious soul-searching to do. To put it mildly, and you'll remember Baphomet's trans.

Out demons out,


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Liturgical Dance Is So Very Very Awesome

Liturgical dance is so very, very awesome.

Maybe that's why it's inspired so many thousands to go to church. Then again, maybe it's the beautiful altar frontals, nylon vestments and felt applique banners that did the trick. Here's a moving video:

Beautiful, isn't it. In related news, Baron Jacob Rothscild's dead. He once posed for the camera along with America's celebrity art witch, Marina Abramovic. The painting's entitled, Satan Summoning His Legions.

Appropriate, don't you think?

Out demons out,


Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Is Taylor Swift A Devil Clone?


note devil horns

Readers of this low-level kebob stand on the Information uperhighway are no strangers to pop icon, super celebrity, smash hit wonder Taylor Swift. But is Tay-Tay really Tay-Tay or is she a devil clone of notorious Satanist Zeena Lavey?

Zeena Lavey and Tay-Tay

Photographic evidence shows Swift and Lavey looking eerily similar, so similar that pundits claim the two women are one woman, an infernal clone bred on the dark altars of the Satanic Temple. Others are more prosaic and suggest Swift is simply Zeena's secret daughter.

the great replacement

Others again, replacement theorists, believe the billionaire leftist superstar has been replaced by a Luciferian construct who looks like the devil clone of Zeena Lavey but is, in fact, a kind of Illuminati golem.

Devil Clone? You be the judge

Here at the Compound we believe Tay-Tay's a Devil Clone. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best solutions. But that's just us, what's your call?

Out Demons Out,


Friday, December 22, 2023

No This Is Not Sexy


Those merry satanic pranksters are at it again, this time in Michigan where the Satanic Temple's set up a Baphomet Goat Skull Idol, right in time for Christmas. All very Mr. Rogers festive cheer as Christians around the world get ready to celebrate the birth of Christ, but it didn't take long for a Democrat to get down and dirty on the Horned God.

Democrat staffer Samantha Storka wasted no time kissing the idolatrous Goat Skull Idol (GSI), posting on social media,  “In the name of Satan, I claim the sexy satanic baphomet [SIC.] goat altar at OUR Michigan Capitol. Amen.”

Storka later deleted her Devil Witch post on Elon Musk's X but didn't hesitate to follow up her Baphomet worship with a shout-out to pagans, "Don’t forget to wish a Pagan a happy Yule and a bright solstice."

You'll be utterly amazed to know that Michigan Democrats passed legislation allowing abortion up to the point of birth. Here at the Compound we wonder why they don't advance the date of child sacrifice to birth itself, or beyond. Good pagan practice.

Just remember, kids, it's all a larf until the Wicker man's on fire and you're inside.

Out Demons Out,


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Oh Look, It's A Satanic Goat Skull And Pentagram In The Iowa State Capitol


Perhaps you've been following the story, viz., Iowa's Governor Kim Reynolds allowing a satanic goat head idol shrine to be set up in the State Capital. Nice, Hail Satan and right in time for Christmas. You can imagine the Satanic Templars polishing their pointed teeth in ironic glee, "Take that, you stupid Christian bigots." But others weren't so keen.

"Nothing much to see here, just a Satanic Baphomet horned goat skull in a cape and a blood red pentagram on display in the Iowa State Capitol. Pretty much par for the course in government buildings at Christmas now, right?" posted Iowa State Representative Brad Sherman on social media.

Exactly, just a Satanic Baphomet horned goat skull in a cape and a blood red pentagram on display in the Iowa State Capitol, in Advent. What an offensive mockery of the Faith, seemingly endorsed by the State of Iowa in the name of religious freedom. Can you imagine such a thing sitting well with the framers of the First Amendment?

Of course not, and it didn't sit well with reserve Navy pilot Michael Cassidy, who drove to Iowa and beheaded the blasphemous Baphomet idol in an act of "Christian civil disobedience." Cassidy then handed himself in to Capitol Security and has been charged with criminal mischief. 

Keen-eyed readers will note that destroying statues of heroic gentlemen, like General Lee and JEB Stuart is applauded by today's polity. But goat head satan idols? Not so much, they get a pass.

Mark me well, it's all a larf 'til you're in a Wicker Man and it's on fire.

Out Demons Out,


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Cher - Time To Leave


Smash hit super celebrity pop icon Cher, 77, has threatened to finally leave America if Donald Trump is reelected. That's right, no more Cher if El Senor gets back in the Oval Office and Melania's once more in charge of White House aesthetics.

According to Breitbart, the aging singer "almost got an ulcer" when Trump defeated Hillary in 2016 and if he returns Cher will "leave":

“I almost got an ulcer the last time [Trump was elected],” Cher told the Guardian in an interview published Wednesday, adding, “If he gets in, who knows? This time I will leave [the country].”

Megastar Cher famously supported Joe Biden in his hugely successful run for President in 2020 and even reworked a song for his campaign, the mass hit, "Happiness Is Just A Thing Called Joe."  However, even though Old Joe won the Presidency, Cher still wasn't happy.

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, massively popular Cher rode the doomsday clock, declaring that  SCOTUS would be “responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American women.” Yes, a veritable female slaughterhouse because biological women wouldn't be killed in the womb.

Unsurprisingly, the talented singer songwriter of classics like the Shoop Shoop Song and Heart of Stone was outraged by Texas' recent pro-life legislation, shouting on social media, “WOMEN WILL DIE” and “DEMOCRACY WILL WITHER & DIE, & DICTATORS WILL THRIVE.”

Is Cher a Moloch worshiping, Illuminati Devil Witch with a whopping socialist net worth of $380 million or a simple pop genius with a social conscience? Either which way, she's out if 45 becomes 47. 

Here at the Compound and by way of serious analysis, we wonder if this isn't reason enough to vote for El Senor. Not that voting actually seems to matter much, but still.

Time you left, Cher.


Friday, September 29, 2023

St. Michael Defend Us In Battle

I think it was Gladstone or someone like him who said, "As it now stands, no power on earth can save the Church of England." The Grand Old Man had a point, that year maybe ten people and a dog turned up for Mass at St. Paul's Cathedral in London on Easter day. But that was then, in far-off C19, today?

Gladstone's words apply not just to the venerable if shrinking  COE but to the entire, Godless, corrupt, malfeasant, inverted, insane culture we live in. No earthly power can save it, problem. Solution? We need heavenly power to save us. So here's a prayer:

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.


This Archangelic prayer in mind, do you think apostate earthly power, which is at heart demonic power, can withstand the terrible swift sword, the implacable, all-bright, relentless blade of divine truth wielded by the angelic host? No, like smoke, like chaff, like the dross it is, it will be blown away.

Do you think God has prolonged the time? It is clear, to me at least, that he has, as foretold, and the message is clear, repent, "turn and live."

Your Friend on the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel,


Friday, September 22, 2023

This Is Getting Weird


Totally Not Satanic

Have you seen? Vladimir Zelensky, popularly known as "Cocaine Dwarf" and President of the Ukraine, has asked America's top art witch Marina Abramovic to act as an ambassador to his beleaguered country. Seriously.

Really Not Even Slightly Satanic

Abramovic is famous for satanic performance art, not least Crowleyite Spirit Cooking, and was palled up with the Podestas and presumably all the rest of the Clinton campaign crew. Because this is a family blog I won't post photos of her devil art but it's readily available on the scrying stone that is the internet.

Nothing Demonic About This At All

But why, you ask, is ABRA invited to drowning man Ukraine by Cocaine Dwarf? Leaving aside Clintons and Global Initiative, it's to "help the children." I kid you not. Kyrie Eleison and you know what they say.

Out Demons Out,


Saturday, July 15, 2023

Harvard Skulls


Looks like a prominent Ivy League school's been selling body parts. The shocking revelation came to light when FBI agents raided James Nott's apartment in Kentucky, finding 40 human skulls. 

James Nott and an Harvard Skull

Six other people have been charged with dealing in human skulls, skeletons, spinal cords and more, not least Cedric Lodge, manager of the Anatomical Gifts Program at, you guessed it, Harvard.

Cedric Lodge and his Creepy Wife

Harvard's popularly known as Satan's Vatican and enjoys an endowment of over $49 billion. Do you remember that bit in the Gospels where Jesus says "you cannot serve God and mammon"?



Transgender Empire


Have you noticed how everyone's trans all of a sudden and wondered how this latter day Mengele madness swept through the Western world? This short from Christopher Rufo gives a synopsis of our current, and I'd argue Satanic, Frankensteinian trend:

From Pritzker billions to the slums of Detroit with cultural Marxism at the beginning, middle and end of the Godless project. Imagine the damage, physical and mental, to the victims of this nihilist abhorrence and the mighty profits which accrue from it.

You'd think, in the face of such demonism, that the Church would stand up and be counted but no. Mĕnēʾ mĕnēʾ tĕqēl ūpharsīn, מְנֵא מְנֵא תְּקֵל וּפַרְסִין‎, you've been weighed in the balance and found wanting. God's writing on the wall has, perhaps the weight of a curse, certainly divine judgement.

Out demons out,


Saturday, June 17, 2023

Holy Water


The Devil runs from Holy Water, seriously, I have that on good, established authority. And no wonder, Holy Water is a sacramental made up of exorcised elements, salt and water, with the express purpose of putting demons to flight, and it does.

Here's the prayer of benediction in English, from the Roman Ritual:

P: Our help is in the name of the Lord.     All: Who made heaven and earth.

2. The exorcism of salt follows: 

God's creature, salt, I cast out the demon from you by the living  God, by the true  God, by the holy  God, by God who ordered you to be thrown into the water-spring by Eliseus to heal it of its barrenness. May you be a purified salt, a means of health for those who believe, a medicine for body and soul for all who make use of you. May all evil fancies of the foul fiend, his malice and cunning, be driven afar from the place where you are sprinkled. And let every unclean spirit be repulsed by Him who is coming to judge both the living and the dead and the world by fire.   All: Amen.

Let us pray.

Almighty everlasting God, we humbly appeal to your mercy and goodness to graciously bless  this creature, salt, which you have given for mankind's use. May all who use it find in it a remedy for body and mind. And may everything that it touches or sprinkles be freed from uncleanness and any influence of the evil spirit; through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Exorcism of the water:

God's creature, water, I cast out the demon from you in the name of God  the Father almighty, in the name of Jesus  Christ, His Son, our Lord, and in the power of the Holy  Spirit. May you be a purified water, empowered to drive afar all power of the enemy, in fact, to root out and banish the enemy himself, along with his fallen angels. We ask this through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,who is coming to judge both the living and the dead and the world by fire.    All: Amen.

Let us pray.

O God, who for man's welfare established the most wonderful mysteries in the substance of water, hearken to our prayer, and pour forth your blessing  on this element now being prepared with various purifying rites. May this creature of yours, used in your mysteries and endowed with your grace, serve to cast out demons and to banish disease. May everything that this water sprinkles in the homes and gatherings of the faithful be delivered from all that is unclean and hurtful; let no breath of contagion hover there, no taint of corruption; let all the wiles of the lurking enemy come to nothing. By the sprinkling of this water may everything opposed to the safety and peace of the occupants of these homes be banished, so that in calling on your holy name they may know the well-being they desire, and be protected from every peril; through Christ our Lord.    All: Amen.

3. Now the priest pours the salt into the water in the form of a cross, saying:

May this salt and water be mixed together; in the name of the Father , and of the Son , and of the Holy Spirit.     All: Amen.

P: The Lord be with you. All: And with thy spirit.

Let us pray.

God, source of irresistible might and king of an invincible realm, the ever-glorious conqueror; who restrains the force of the adversary, silencing the uproar of his rage, and valiantly subduing his wickedness; in awe and humility we beg you, O Lord, to regard with favor  this creaturely thing of salt and water, to let the light of your kindness shine upon it, and to hallow it with the dew of your mercy; so that  wherever it is sprinkled and your holy name invoked, every assault of the unclean spirit may be baffled, and all dread of the serpent's venom be cast out. To us who entreat your mercy grant that the Holy Spirit may be with us wherever we may be, through Christ our Lord.  All: Amen.

And in the more powerful Latin:

V. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.  R. Qui fecit cælum et terram.

Deinde absolute incipit exorcismum salis:

Exorcizo te, creatura salis, per Deum + vivum, per Deum + verum, per Deum + sanctum, per Deum, qui te per Eliseum Prophetam in aquam mitti jussit, ut sanaretur sterilitas aquæ: ut efficiaris sal exorcizatum in salutem credentium; et sis omnibus sumentibus te sanitas animæ et corporis; et effigiat, atque discedat a loco, in quo aspersum fueris, omnis phantasia, et nequitia, vel versutia diabolicæ fraudis, omnisque spiritus immundus, adjuratus per eum, qui venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos, et sæculum per ignem. R. Amen.



Immensam clementiam tuam, omnipoten æterne Deus, humiliter imploramus, ut hanc creaturam salis, quam in usum generis humani tribuisti, bene + dicere et sancti +ficare tua pietate digneris: ut sit omnibus sumentibus salus mentis et corporis; et quidquid ex eo tactum vel respersum fuerit, careat omni immunditia, omnique impugnatione spiritalis nequitiæ. Per Dominum. R. Amen.

Exorcismus aquæ: et dicitur absolute:

Exorcizo te, creatura aquæ, in nomine Dei + Patris omnipotentis, et in nomine Jesu + Christi Filii ejus Domini nostri, et in virtute Spiritus + Sancti: ut fias aqua exorcizata ad effugandam omnem potestatem inimici, et ipsum inimicum eradicare et explantare valeas cum angelis suis apostaticis, per virtutem ajusdem Domini nostri Jesu Christi: qui venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos, et sæculum per ignem. R. Amen.



Deus, qui ad salutem humani generis, maxima quæque sacramenta in aquarum substantia condidisti: adesto propitius invocationibus nostris, et elemento huic multìmodis purificationibus præparato, virtutem tuæ bene + dictionis infunde: ut creatura tua, mysteriis tuis serviens, ad abigendos dæmones, morbosque pellendos, divinæ gratiæ sumat effectum; ut quidquid in domibus, vel in locis fidelium, hæc unda resperserit, careat omni immunditia, liberetur a noxa: non illic resideat spiritus pestilens, non aura corrumpens: discedant omnes insidiæ latentis inimici; et si quid est, quod aut incolumitati habitantium invidet, aut quieti, aspersione hujus aquæ effugiat: ut salubritas, per invocationem sancti tui nominis expetita, ab omnibus sit impugnationibus defensa. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus per omnia sæcula sæculorum. R. Amen.

Hic termittat sal in aquam in modum crucis, dicendo semel:

Commixtio salis et aquæ pariter fiat, in nomine Pa+tris, et Fi+lii, et Spiritus + Sancti. R. Amen.

V. Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo.



Deus, invictæ virtutis auctor, et insuperabilis imperii Rex, ac semper magnificus triumphator: qui adversæ dominationis vires reprimis: qui inimici rugientis sævitiam superas: qui hostiles nequitias potenter expugnas: te, Domine, trementes et supplices deprecamur, ac petimus: ut hanc creaturam salis et aquæ dignanter aspicias, benignus illustres, pietatis tuæ rore sanctifices; ut, ubicumque fuerit aspersa, per invocationem sancti nominis tui, omnis infestatio immundi spiritus abigatur: terrorque venenosi serpentis procul pellatur: et præsentia Santi Spiritus nobis, misericordiam tuam poscentibus, ubique adesse dignetur. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate ejusdem Spiritus Sancti Deus per omnia sæcula sæculorum. R. Amen.

Exorcists tell me the latter form works best, which implies Satan, like an English schoolboy, abhors Latin. All the more reason to use it, eh? That in mind, I'm off to bless some water by way doing my part, however small, in the war against evil. 

Speaking of which, watch Nefarious, a realistic cinematic portrayal of the  Adversary, if a little preachy.

Out Demons Out,


Thursday, May 18, 2023

Pup Handler


Behold, Biden's pup handler's just been arrested, a "fugitive from justice." Why was it on the run? Who knows. In related  news, it's International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia:

So now you know, hope you're celebrating this momentous day of rainbow glee. Blinken had this to say:

On International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia we call for an end to harmful conversion therapy practices, including those that attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex characteristics.

I say again, out demons out, 


Saturday, May 13, 2023

After School Satan


The assault on our children continues with "After School Satan" clubs meeting up in schools. Following a recent court victory in Pennsylvania, outraged parents were defeated and the satanic clubs allowed on school grounds in Northampton County.

Elated satanists were swift to deny any correlation with, you know, satanism. Via ZeroHedge:

"We’re definitely not interested in having children identify as satanists," said satanist Rose Bastet, who has been involved in the Satanic Temple for four years, and is one of the After School Satan Club volunteers at B.M. Williams Primary in Chesapeake, VA. Bastet spearheaded the effort to get the club into the school in October 2020 - a process which took a long time because the school was "giving us the runaround," she said, adding that "they were in the background looking for any way that they could prevent us from meeting."

"One of our meetings a couple of months ago, we learned about Virginia native bats," she said, adding "This last meeting, we had one of the parents in the club volunteer to bring in a bunch of bones and fossils that she and her husband have found in Virginia."


That said, the 'curriculum' could change this fall as the club seeks to integrate the seven tenets of the Satanic Temple, which include "compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason," and that "beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs."

"We just came out with a book that is like the children’s version — or I should say a very sweet way to interpret — the tenets in a very understanding way that children could understand. So we might start actually using this book to talk to the kids about our seven tenets," said Everett, adding "We have a lot of big plans for next school year."


Oh yes indeed.

Out demons out and hands off our children, 


Sunday, May 7, 2023

A Sunday Hypothetical


Here's a Sunday hypothetical for all you gentlemen and gentlewomen to reflect upon in the vesper light. Imagine a person comes up to you and announces they've left denomination X because of its ludicrous and risible slide into rainbow malfeasance.

"Good," you reply, "come to us, we're not about about the rainbow." They nod and ask, "But I'm a Democrat, is that OK?" You answer, "You do know, don't you, that the Democrat party is 100% rainbow and abortion?" Their eyes go out of focus and look into the distance, they typically change the subject. So what's going on?

Clearly their minds are bifurcated, one half Democrat, the other half Christian, and when the two systems collide their synapses shut down and the poor conflicted person goes into a kind of mental stasis. But what does this mean? I called Canada for expert advice.

"The problem is spiritual, LSP, they're partially possessed by some demon, they have a satanic mind block. You need to say a prayer of exorcism over them." 

Good call, perhaps the Archangelic prayer, here it is:

Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae caelestis, in virtute Dei, in infernum detrude satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo. Amen.

Remember, the Devil, like an English schoolboy, hates Latin.

Out Demons Out,


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Another Trans Shooting


You take a day off from mind blogging and what happens? A transsexual shoots up a Christian elementary school in Nashville. Audrey Hale, 28, who identified as a man, killed three children and three adult members of staff before being shot by police. This is the fourth transsexual mass shooting since 2018. 

According to Breitbart:

In November of 2018, Snochia Moseley, a man who identified as a woman, wounded three and killed three after opening fire at his place of employment in Aberdeen, Maryland.

In May of 2019, a Colorado woman who identified as male shot up a school, killing one and wounding eight.

In November of 2022, a Colorado man who shot up a gay nightclub, killing five and wounding 18, was identified as transsexual.

On Monday, 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a woman who identified as a man, entered a Nashville Christian elementary school with a firearm. She murdered three adult staffers and three nine-year-old children.


This latest trans murder outrage comes in the wake of increasing calls for violent transsexual activism including a "Trans Day of Vengeance" on April 1. While we await this curiously scheduled event, people on social media have accused Tennessee lawmakers of being the real perpetrators of Monday's school massacre. Why? Because they've banned the sterilization and genital mutilation of minors in the name of "gender affirming care."

Surely the real perpetrators are the Mengeles, industry, ideologues and their agitprop allies pushing this insanity, to say nothing of the trans killers themselves. May the people Audrey Hale murdered rest in peace.

Out demons out,


Friday, February 24, 2023

Furries & Fascists


Readers of this humble and scarcely read mind blog may have missed it. Viz. Furries, people who enjoy dressing up as animals, are at the forefront of the perennial fight against Fascism. And who are these evil Fascists? Anyone bigoted enough to suggest biological sex might have something to do with gender.

What literal, brazen Nazis, and this includes TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) who turned up in Glasgow last month to protest failed Scots premiere Nichola Sturgeon's hated trans id laws. No, said the women led by Kelly-Jay Keen, women are women and men are men, it's in the chromosomes, and anything else is an attack on women.

Pan to baying, barking, snorting, snuffling, whining, shrieks of outrage from some 1000 assorted furries who were in Glasgow at the same time as Keen's anti trans protest and planned a counter demo. Keen was unimpressed, tweeting:

'If the battle cry of the SfW side could be summarised as ‘I am woman, hear me roar’, the opposing chant must surely be ‘I am Colin in a cartoon animal head, hear me whine through this small air vent’.

Such was the Battle of Furlodden, you can read about it here. But hold on, have we really come to this, are we so degenerate, bored and caught up in illusion as to suppose a gang of furverts are standard bearers of the progleft revolution and that believing men are men and women are women equates to Nazism?

Apparently we are, eat your heart out defenders of Bastogne and Stalingrad and don't say Pritzker billions while you're at it. In related news, a 53 year old Scottish transsexual butcher, Andrew Miller who identifies as Amy George, was arrested last month for abducting and molesting an 11 year old child. 

He, or would that be she, is remanded in custody. Remember, punters, Baphomet is trans and how far off is "we are legion" to "they/them."

I say again, out demons out,


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Behold The Smiling Face Of Gay Evil


Two LGBTQ Atlanta media stars, 33-year-old government worker William Dale Zulock Jr. and 35-year-old bank teller Zachary "Zack" Jacoby Zulock, adopted two young boys. So totally normal, right? Except that it wasn't.

Will and Zach raped, tortured and prostituted the children under their care until they were discovered by law enforcement, who broke down the door of their million dollar faux mansion and arrested them. Makes you wonder, readers, what goes on behind the walls of the real mansions. Don't say Rothschild.

Regardless, Will and Zach are in max security solitary confinement now and you can read all about it here. I won't post the detail, it's too hideous, but Via Townhall:

Nestled within a suburban paradise, the Zulock mansion turned-"house of horrors" had surveillance cameras installed in "every square foot" of the property, the family member told Townhall. There was also a "secret," windowless room the size of a closet without any doors hidden behind a moveable bookcase in the home office that the cops left open, which felt like something out of "a horror movie," the relative said. Another "creepy" interior room devoid of windows was purportedly used as a "home theater."

LGBTQ-pride paraphernalia littered the family's extravagantly furnished four-bedroom, five-bathroom house (plus a packed three-car garage), including a rainbow Mickey Mouse stuffed animal placed atop a "Love Above All" pillow on the foyer's loveseat, where Zachary was swarmed by the SWAT team, and a neon "Love is Love" sign that adorned the kitchen's granite countertop.

The lamp's pro-inclusivity phrase—a mainstream LGBTQ mantra that self-styled "minor-attracted persons" (MAPs) have co-opted in a rebranding campaign that attempts to normalize sexual attraction to children—is one Zachary frequently promoted online.


Will and Zack have been indicted by a "grand jury on charges of incest, aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, felony sexual exploitation of children, and felony prostitution of a minor." Both degenerate, satanist deviants face multiple life sentences for their abominable crimes.

you sick, evil, demonic fcks

They show no remorse whatsoever. In fact, they're worried they won't make payment on their revolting suburban mansion. How did a bank teller and a low-level civil servant afford a million dollar home, complete with pedo torture rooms? Good question.

As is, what are the homosexual/pedophile stats? 

Out Demons Out,