Showing posts with label Kamala Harris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kamala Harris. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2024




Oops, but what about Wendy Davis, the attractive Abortion Barbie who was gonna sweep the Lone Star State? What about her? Let's see, here she is en Vogue:

She was was well put together but a Satanist, who failed to take Texas

Abortion Barbie lost, so did fake Mex Beto in the Dem's relentless push to turn the Lone Star State into a Corporate Maoist autocracy. Check it out, on Vanity Fair, no less.

What a rich kid Dem fag. And guess what, Texans didn't vote for this super rich, faux Mex, fraudulent, no one liked you anyway, faker leftist rich kid. So.



Monday, November 4, 2024

The Election


You may have noticed that our nation goes to the polls tomorrow. Who will win? The Cackling Whore or the Golden Golem of Greatness? I have no idea and won't pretend to prophesy with any amount of accuracy; who knows, maybe it'll be too big to rig. 

I doubt it, though it'd be pleasant to be proved wrong. More likely this: massive contention leading into January with all that that might entail.

Regardless, here's Winston Churchill:

At the bottom of all the tributes paid to democracy is the little man, walking into the little booth, with a little pencil, making a little cross on a little bit of paper-no amount of rhetoric or voluminous discussion can possibly diminish the overwhelming importance of the point.

Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those others that have been.


Yes, and the question is: does the little man, with his little pencil, and his little ballot and all of that, count for nothing or something? I guess we'll see tomorrow.

A friend, a pol science Baylor prof no less, once said, "We'd be a Constitutional Republic if we were, in fact, a republic." Well he had a point.

Your Buddy,


Thursday, October 31, 2024

Halloween Scary


I'd imagine many of you think Halloween is Satan's birthday, but you'd be wrong in thinking that. No, Halloween is the Eve of All Saints, a Feast which marks the victory of God, of light over darkness in the sanctified lives of His holy people. But that's for tomorrow, in the meanwhile, the demons are allowed to play. And what a play they make.

Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here

Here in this small Texan rural community they mostly run around asking for candy, many it seems in the safe space of 1st Baptist car park. A living parable of the world around us, perhaps. Here, let me leave you with something scary. Maybe you remember all that "joy."

Out Demons Out,


Monday, October 28, 2024

Who Are These Ciphers?


They don't even bother to campaign.

La Malinche

And why would they?

Because the result is fixed. But the question is, fixed towards whom. Maybe that's up for debate, wewait with bated breath, or not. Game of Thrones, anyone? As always...

Your Call,


Monday, August 19, 2024

Democrat Convention 2024


Weirdly Empty

Some of you may remember the Democrat Convention in '68, when Mayor Daley's enforcers sensibly beat up hippies in the windy city. I remember it, just, but not the DNC's anointed figurehead, Humphreys, who lost to Nixon. Flash forward to today and see how history rhymes, with an estimated 100,000 leftist protestors heading to Chicago to stick it to the Man.

Well, not the Man as such, because that would be mysogynist hate speech terrorism, see the UK, but most certainly the DNC's Israel supporting leadership. Killer Kamala, chant Transexuals For Palestine as masked up Pantifa beat their shields whilst larping the Yippies of yesteryear. Who knows, maybe they've been reading Play Power along with Mao's little red book.

So let's see how the DNC Elite and their Overlords resolve such cognitive dissonance, such disturbance in the force. For that matter. will the chosen figurehead of Strength Through Joy remain sober enough to give a speech. Perhaps, dare I say it, she/hers is influenced by the Kremlin?



Sunday, August 18, 2024



Why don't you post anything positive and uplifting, so-called "LSP"? you ask in that complaining kind of way as you hoist a mint julip in derogatory salute. Good question and you know the slogan, "Train Hard, Think Positive, Fight Easy." Think positive. So let's set the record straight.

One of the first positive things I think when I think about La is joy, about her joyful laugh, her joyful day drinking at the pool vibe and her, above all, joyful message. There she is, smiling, drunk, laughing, kacklin' with unrepressed joy, because she's so totally joyful. And isn't that what our great nation needs so desperately, joy?

Of course it does, and our entirely free, objective, independent cadre of truth seekers in the Press, that envy of the modern world, agree. Here, have a look.

You see? They all agree, which is why we know it's true, follow the Science. So here's to La and Kuddly Koach Walz, the very harbingers of joy, and not just to us, to the whole world.

At the risk of being extradited, yours joyfully,


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Beware The Rainbow Pony


We're supposed to go to war, not least against China, which we've outsourced all our industry to. And why? Because we have to defend Western Values. What are these? In the old days, they used to include freedom of the Press and Religion. 

You Sick Demoniacs

Now? Not so much, more like freedom to desecrate, blaspheme and mock every Christian virtue, see Paris and its satanic glitter rainbow trans Olympics. How degenerate and wicked.

what a vicious little beast!

The same parties who are paying for this deconstruction of Christian virtue are also baying for war. Go figure, their Father was a murderer from the beginning, but would you fight for that, put your life on the very line for this grotesesque mockery? 

Of course you wouldn't, no wonder the US Army faces a massive shortfall in recruits. So, why have the demons gone down this self-defeating path? Because, dear readers, they aren't rational. See Kamala Harris and her forerunner, Biden. And as always, beware the rainbow pony and its vicious thudding hooves.

Your Old Buddy,


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Those Crazy Kids Are At It Again!


Those crazy kids are at it again! /pol:

Something wild is happening, bros. My dad just got back from the lumber yard in Minnesota, and I asked him how the crew was handling the news that ol’ joey had decided to hang up his campaign trail boots instead of running for office again.

He told me that, honestly, a lot of them had been leaning towards Trump for a while. Keyword: had. Now there's a buzz around the yard that's electric.

A lot of the guys are really pumped about Kamala stepping up as the new frontrunner. My dad said that even the yard's legendary prankster, Timber Tim, mentioned that he and his partner donated their entire tax refund to Kamalas campaign just yesterday.

Most of us thought he was setting up another of his classic jokes, but Timber Tim had the receipt to prove it. When the other guys saw that, many of them started pulling out their smartphones and making donations to Kamala too. I can't even begin to describe what the excitement is like here on the ground in Minnesota for Kamala Harris 2024. Ol' Oakland Kam got my vote.

Is the Cackling Whore not the best presidential candidate in the history of history? And don't even think about calling she/her a DEI hire because that would be racist, deeply racist. 

Yes, strange, weird and hideously racist rumours that Kamala Harris is worth a paltry $8MN are entirely unfounded. As are disgusting slurs that her people were a wealthy slave-trading operation in Jamaica. A rich tradition, which Kamala continued by imprisoning slave labor in California.

Just watch as tens of millions vote for this evil, stupid, babbling, incoherent excrescence because always vote Democrat. Like wow. Are you sure, punters, that universal franchise is a good thing? 

And while we're at it, if the Deep State, WEF, Illuminati Global World Order was as dangerous as we think it is, and they surely are, why would they choose such obviously rubbish puppets? Does Satan have a quality control issue?



Tuesday, July 23, 2024

All Hail The Annointed One


notice her possessed eyes and scabrous lower lip

Gentlemen and women, do you think, at this point, that there's some kind of relevance in voting, at all? And while we're at it, is that a nasty flesh eating skin carcinoma on Harris' lower lip? Looks pretty flesh eating to me, and what would you expect from a creature who belongs to SATAN.

Who knows, perhaps Christians around the country will actually tear themselves away from Joeal Osteen and go out and vote. Same applies to you, so-called catholics. In the meanwhile, isn't she/her beautiful. Dear God, we've come to this.

Kyrie Eleison, let's put it right and have this back, please.

Dear friends, forgive this barely coherent post. I was and remain aghast.

Your Best Pal,


Monday, March 4, 2024

What's With Nikki Haley


What's with Nikki Haley? Per Tucker Carlson, “She’s so transparently weak and sort of ridiculous and doesn’t know anything, and just thinks that jumping up and down and making these absurd blanket statements, and repeating bumper stickers, is just like leadership. A self-confident advanced society would never allow Nikki Haley to advance.” Uh huh, and yet she continues to run, despite being consistently trashed at the polls.

Jim Quinn comments, via Zerohedge:

Among the dozens of false narratives spun by the black widow spider psychopaths, which include the Ukraine war, Gaza genocide, safe & secure border, safe and effective vaccines, safe and secure elections, the armed insurrection where no one was armed, Russiagate, declining inflation, and strong growing economy, the continuation of Nikki Haley’s ridiculously pathetic campaign for the Republican nomination. If you haven’t noticed, Trump has trounced this warmongering RINO, Liz Cheney wannabe in every primary/caucus thus far. All the other candidates dropped out, as instructed, leaving only Nimarata as the chosen option of the Deep State and their deep pocketed billionaire donors.

When something makes no sense and the behavior of a feckless politician seems irrational, there is something wicked going on behind the curtain and will not be revealed until those running the show decide it will benefit them financially, politically and increase their power over the masses. As Haley continues to pretend to be a viable candidate, with her coffers being filled by shadowy figures meeting in smokey backrooms, I was reminded of another pitiful excuse for a candidate in 2020.

A senile, old, corrupt, child sniffing coot, who was nothing more than a laughingstock on the national scene as Obama’s token establishment white guy, making a living as the Big Guy in his crackhead son’s worldwide shakedown operations in Ukraine, China and wherever he could make a buck. In case you didn’t remember, he wasn’t even an afterthought in the 2020 Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primary.


He goes on to suggest that, given the Powers' failure to produce a "Nixon moment, El Senor Trump will get "offed" leaving Nikki as a standing presidential stooge for her deep state neo-con handlers and paymasters. Hey, Kamala Harris patently won't work and the senile, old, corrupt, child sniffing crook laughingstock won't either. Enter, according to Quinn, Nikki.

Quinn concludes in epic Zerohedge doomer style: 

"All I know for sure is the next nine months will be an epic shitstorm, with potential assassinations, civil war, global war, financial chaos and collapse, and possibly the end of our nation as we know it.

"Buckle up, the ride is about to get bumpy."

I'm no expert, but I'd say he has a point.

Your Pal,


Friday, July 7, 2023


Our Vice President Kamala Harris leapt upon the philisophic stage last week at the Essence Festival of Culture, whatever that is. De essentia in mind, a moderator asked Kamala, our second most important ruler, about the nature of culture. She replied:

Culture is, it is a reflection of our moment and our time. Right? And present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment. That is a reflection of joy. Because, you know, it comes in the morning (laughing).

We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too.


Just having a language. You'll recall the godless pride of Babel was confounded, and I'm reminded of a time many years ago in seminary when an overweight young man complained about children being given rosaries in Sunday School.

"I don't like it, it looks really cultic." I looked my adversary in the eye and said, "No culture without cult, look it up, I dare you." Of course he didn't. And here's the thing, get rid of the cult, the worship and belief which undergirds, sustains and propels the people of the West and by extension the world, and you're left with barbarous gibberish or even worse, tyranny.

We've pretty much destroyed our worship here in the West, 2000 years of it, of the beauty of holiness, and behold the result, the confusion of the Pit, which when asked of culture says, "That is a reflection of joy. Because, you know, it comes in the morning (laughing)."

Quite, maybe she was high.

Ad Altare Dei,


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Obey Your Rulers


Are we a Constitutional Republic or a degenerate freakshow, a kleptocracy run by a crew of power lusting oligarchs and their bought and paid for shills inside and outside the Beltway? I present to you the new normal. This is a woman:

Yes, the first ever womyn of its kind elected by the Senate to public office, HHS Assistant Secretary, no less. And this is the most popular President in the long history of popularity. He ascended to power on the strength of not campaigning. He didn't have to, such is the natural charism of the Corpse:

Our aptly named Vice President is popular too, that's why she got so many votes in the Democrat primaries. Kamala, aka the Whore, is famous for keeping POCs in California jails, and here she is:

Scary, isn't it. And don't forget Nancy "Blow Dry" Pelosi and the Baltimore mafia. Let them eat $20 tubs of handcrafted ice cream is her motto. Which is perhaps why she feels the need to surround the Capitol with razor wire and National Guardsmen. Well, there's nothing like popularity. Have a look at this octogenarian advert for plastic surgery:

Reassuring, isn't it, that our nation's in such capable, honest, selfless Millionaire Socialist hands. But that's enough visual torture for now, what gets me is that people are still framing the debate in the language of the past.

Evil top hat, right wing capitalists v. good, for the people socialists. Republican v. Democrat, Left v. Right, Tory v. Labour, when the reality, across the board, is a Uniparty led by gang of voracious psychopaths in suits, hiding behind a thin, faked up veneer of PC driven tolerance. 

To paraphrase a famous author, Winston, I have seen the future, a rainbow colored wellington boot, stamping on a human face forever. A terrifying vision, let's hope it doesn't come to pass. In the meanwhile, obey your rulers.



Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Driven Insane By Satan?

At last we know. Not Michelle Obama, Susan Rice or even Donna "Corrupt" Brazille. No, none of these. Democrat hopeful Joe "China" Biden has chosen Kamala Harris as his running mate VP.

Kamala's famous for sleeping her way to the top and persecuting the poor as California's AG. Here's Tulsi:

And guess what, she got herself a facelift. Have a look:

Wow. Have you noticed how Satan destroys its puppets? Kamala is a Socialist, that's why her net worth is an estimated $10 million. You'd think she'd be able to afford a better surgeon, eh?

Botox Forever,