Showing posts with label smiling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smiling. Show all posts

Sunday, August 18, 2024



Why don't you post anything positive and uplifting, so-called "LSP"? you ask in that complaining kind of way as you hoist a mint julip in derogatory salute. Good question and you know the slogan, "Train Hard, Think Positive, Fight Easy." Think positive. So let's set the record straight.

One of the first positive things I think when I think about La is joy, about her joyful laugh, her joyful day drinking at the pool vibe and her, above all, joyful message. There she is, smiling, drunk, laughing, kacklin' with unrepressed joy, because she's so totally joyful. And isn't that what our great nation needs so desperately, joy?

Of course it does, and our entirely free, objective, independent cadre of truth seekers in the Press, that envy of the modern world, agree. Here, have a look.

You see? They all agree, which is why we know it's true, follow the Science. So here's to La and Kuddly Koach Walz, the very harbingers of joy, and not just to us, to the whole world.

At the risk of being extradited, yours joyfully,