Showing posts with label possessed by satan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label possessed by satan. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Driven Insane By Satan?

At last we know. Not Michelle Obama, Susan Rice or even Donna "Corrupt" Brazille. No, none of these. Democrat hopeful Joe "China" Biden has chosen Kamala Harris as his running mate VP.

Kamala's famous for sleeping her way to the top and persecuting the poor as California's AG. Here's Tulsi:

And guess what, she got herself a facelift. Have a look:

Wow. Have you noticed how Satan destroys its puppets? Kamala is a Socialist, that's why her net worth is an estimated $10 million. You'd think she'd be able to afford a better surgeon, eh?

Botox Forever,


Saturday, May 16, 2020

Are They Possessed? By Satan?

One of the tenets of this influential mind blog is that extraterrestrials, yes, space aliens, are alive and well and living among us. Hidden, if you like, in plain sight, often at the very top of Church and State. But tonight I'm inviting you to consider another possibility. Namely this.

Look at the above infographic featuring three important health experts, people in charge of the well-being of millions of US citizens, and ask yourself, are they possessed by Satan?

One's a transsexual, Pennsylvania's Health Minister, another, the Mayor of Chicago, is a lesbian, so they're obviously in good mental health, the third, from LA County, is a social worker. Now look closely at their faces, into their eyes, the very window of the soul, and ask if they're run, operated by the Enemy. Go ahead, you decide.

Then there's Carol Baker, CDC Chair of the Advisory Committee on Immunizations. She's on record as saying "we'll just get rid of all whites in the United States." A Satanist? Sounds that way, why would you say such a thing unless possessed by the Murderer.

Here's another one, Cecile Richards. She used to run Planned Parenthood, the giant, baby parts selling, abortion mill and was touted by something called Net-A-Porter as "woman of the week." Still, she's only worth a paltry $5 million, not much for the weight of all those murdered babies on your mind.

But maybe her mind isn't really hers, maybe it belongs to something else, like Moloch. Again, look into her eyes and face and ask yourself if she radiates love, mercy, compassion and peace. Or something else, something hard and demonic, the defiance, ambition, insanity and grisly, desperate pride of the Pit.

Then there's these goons. They say, see CS Lewis' Great Divorce, that the damned can't stand one another and so they "socially distance," each inside their own circle of judgement. Such is the logic of Hell.


Thursday, June 27, 2019

Castro Trans Abortion Baphomet

Everyone knows that the Democrats are the abortion party and the transsexual party. So why not combine the two into one compelling whole, which is just what Julian Castro did last night. Via the National Review:

“All of you on stage support a women’s right to abortion. You all support some version of a government health-care option. Would your plan cover abortion, Mr. Secretary?” asked MSNBC debate moderator Lester Holt.
“Yes it would. I don’t believe only in reproductive freedom, I believe in reproductive justice. And what means is just because a woman, or let’s also not forget someone in the trans community — a trans female — is poor, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t exercise that right to choose. So I absolutely would cover that right to have an abortion,” Castro said.

Reproductive justice as opposed to, you know, that old fashioned reproductive oppression where women actually have babies. Those days are gone when Castro ascends to power and the poor, starving, exploited, transsexual masses will at last be able to get a taxpayer funded abortion.

So you're a woman who's become a man and you've run out of cash and you're pregnant. No fear, Castro is here, baby gone on the government dime. Or perhaps you're a guy who became a girl and thought it'd be neat to have a baby, only to get buyer's remorse when the pole dancing gig got shut down along with the bank account. Castro to the rescue.

And on. Leaving aside the bizarrely satanic aspect of people claiming they have a right, an inherent human right, to kill their children, we have to ask: Are these people insane? Good luck running on the trans abortion platform, Demoncrats.

This engaging mind blog never ceases to remind its large international readership that Baphomet is trans, as are 0.6% of the US populace.

As above? So very below.


Sunday, November 18, 2018


Apoclypse, that was today's Gospel from Mark 13, the famous mini apocalypse or condensed version of the final wrap we see in the Revelation to St. John the Divine. It's powerful.

Wars and rumours of wars, earthquakes and famine, persecution mounting to a crescendo in the great tribulation, the abomination of desolation in the Temple. 

Antichrist with supernatural, diabolic power to deceive the very elect, the light of the sun and moon darkened and at the climax of the battle, the Son of Man returning as He left, in clouds of glory; all within "this generation." And we have to ask, has any of this been fulfilled and will it be? The answer is yes, and yes.

Jerusalem and its temple were utterly destroyed by Titus and Vespasian in 70 AD, within the generation of Christ's prophecy. And what are the crown of thorns, scourging, mocking, betrayal and crucifixion but the desecration of the temple of Christ's body?

The ultimate sacrilege, Daniel's abomination of desolation waged against the Messiah who rose from the dead to lead His elect through tribulation to the restoration of Israel in His Mystical Body, the Church.

So yes, the prophecy has been fulfilled, partially, but this points towards a greater fulfillment. The sack of Jerusalem and Christ's Passion are moments or gears in the apocalyptic clock which was set in motion at the moment of the Incarnation.

A clock that's racing to its end in the final battle, the apex of the conflict between good and evil. We know the result, victory's assured, but beware the Dragon as its chains are unloosed and the Church, like ore in the fire, is refined to precious metal through tribulation.

Watch, pray and stand fast against the rising tide of evil which would destroy all that's good, true and holy. 

Sermon over, as you were,