Showing posts with label Fauci. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fauci. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

You Evil Demon


There's serious evil abroad in the world, and America's once highest paid civil servant, Anthony Fauci, was right in the midst of one aspect of it, demon-level experiments in the name of science. Or would that be satanism.

Implanting aborted fetal tissue/organs into animals. Pause for a moment and reflect, what level of utter wickedness is this? And where did this latter day Mengele's cohort get the requisite body parts? From our universities, evidently, which were totally not funded by USAID. You may recall, dear readers, that Harvard is Satan's Vatican. From the Churches? Crickets.

That in mind, out demons out,


Saturday, October 23, 2021

WTF Anthony


Via Zero:

While recent attention has been focused on Dr. Anthony Fauci's National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding the genetic manipulation of bat coronaviruses in the same town as the bat coronavirus pandemic emerged, a bipartisan group of lawmakers have demanded answers over 'sick' experiments on drugged puppies, according to The Hill.

"Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies so that the insects could eat them alive," writes nonprofit organization the White Coat Waste Project. "They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies."


Wow. These people are sick.

Light v. Dark,