Showing posts with label great replacement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label great replacement. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Is Taylor Swift A Devil Clone?


note devil horns

Readers of this low-level kebob stand on the Information uperhighway are no strangers to pop icon, super celebrity, smash hit wonder Taylor Swift. But is Tay-Tay really Tay-Tay or is she a devil clone of notorious Satanist Zeena Lavey?

Zeena Lavey and Tay-Tay

Photographic evidence shows Swift and Lavey looking eerily similar, so similar that pundits claim the two women are one woman, an infernal clone bred on the dark altars of the Satanic Temple. Others are more prosaic and suggest Swift is simply Zeena's secret daughter.

the great replacement

Others again, replacement theorists, believe the billionaire leftist superstar has been replaced by a Luciferian construct who looks like the devil clone of Zeena Lavey but is, in fact, a kind of Illuminati golem.

Devil Clone? You be the judge

Here at the Compound we believe Tay-Tay's a Devil Clone. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best solutions. But that's just us, what's your call?

Out Demons Out,


Saturday, February 5, 2022

Ecce Homo


Behold the face of Canada's Blackamoor Ruler! (What? Does anyone actually say "Blackamoor"? Ed.).  Yes, the same Trudeau who went into hiding from a "fringe minority" of Canadians who just happen to control zhir food supply.

But Canada's beloved blackface isn't worried about European "old stock" Canadians, he'll just replace them. But what about the Sikhs, and all the rest. Point being, disgust at GloboCorp tyranny isn't limited by skin color.  Any human being of right mind can and should be against it, unless hypnotized by, say, Talcum X. Eventually people see through the barrage of lies.

Blackface Racist Trudeau fears this and continues to hide in zhir bunker while regime agitprop streams deceit. But no one's fooled, much. Farmers, cowboys, truckers, patriots, soccer moms, ordinary Canadians are saying enough's enough and joining the street party for freedom.

They're at it now in Ottawa, Edmonton, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver and the list goes on. Looks like an uprising, eh? Let's see it spread.

Ride On,