Showing posts with label Zelensky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zelensky. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Not One More Cent


I don't recall voting to give Cocainsky a single cent. Here's Douglas McGregor:

Let's keep in mind Zelensky represents transgender-ism, LGBTQ on steroids, the destruction of religion in his own country and widespread censorship.

All of these things were celebrated by the elites in Europe who are now angry that they have been excluded. 

All of these people are on borrowed time.


In the meanwhile, European rulers and the marionette MSM are seething and raging at the prospect of peace in the Ukraine and broader American/Russian detente. Seethe and rage all you like, you irrelevants, as you remember NATO without the US amounts to effectively nothing.

Not One More Cent,


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Ukraine War Infographic


Maybe you had too much too fast?

Don't tell me this town ain't got no heart for at least two wars. Like no kidding. Pray for our kids who are being deployed and everyone else.

Your Old Pal,


Friday, September 22, 2023

This Is Getting Weird


Totally Not Satanic

Have you seen? Vladimir Zelensky, popularly known as "Cocaine Dwarf" and President of the Ukraine, has asked America's top art witch Marina Abramovic to act as an ambassador to his beleaguered country. Seriously.

Really Not Even Slightly Satanic

Abramovic is famous for satanic performance art, not least Crowleyite Spirit Cooking, and was palled up with the Podestas and presumably all the rest of the Clinton campaign crew. Because this is a family blog I won't post photos of her devil art but it's readily available on the scrying stone that is the internet.

Nothing Demonic About This At All

But why, you ask, is ABRA invited to drowning man Ukraine by Cocaine Dwarf? Leaving aside Clintons and Global Initiative, it's to "help the children." I kid you not. Kyrie Eleison and you know what they say.

Out Demons Out,


Thursday, August 3, 2023

Dwarf Tranny


I know it's not very St. Sarov, but have you noticed we're throwing billions of IOU notes at interest at this East European tranny dwarf NWO puppet? 

Like no kidding, hardly a day goes by but we're sending billions of dollars to this tranny pop dwarf, and for why? Because stop evil USSR conquering Europe and turning us commie? Oops, already are, and someone please tell UKLF that 100 or so ancient tanks doesn't = viable army.

some kind of risible joke?

Risible demise of the  UK's already pathetically weak army aside, our ruling crime syndicate have nothing to declare, they're too busy indicting the only president in decades who didn't take us to war.

Punters, I say again, what utter satans.

Your cheery old pal,


PS. The UK's Wunderwaffe Challengers haven't been seen on the battlefield. Whyever not?

Sunday, July 16, 2023

God Save The Tzar


What can we say? Bravo au chef d'orchestre, Mr. KARABANOV! And then there's NATO, which totally isn't a captive US arms market. See Zero:

What can we say? War's a racket.



Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Brazen Transfer

Do you remember our rulers giving Zelensky's Ukraine >40 BN? Sure you do, bipartisan effort. GWB comments:

Don’t be surprised if that $40 billion we’re sending him ends up in the pockets of his pals."

Not a penny will leave the Beltway. You see, help for Ukraine has to be built first — here.

Ever wondered why there was such bipartisan support for the measure to the tune of appropriating even more than asked for? A brazen wealth transfer. It’s not Zelensky’s pals who are lining their pockets. In the US, interest in the war will start fading. The goods have been delivered. 

It’s monkey pox time!



Don't forget pride month, GWB!

Realpolitik forever,


Saturday, May 14, 2022

Poland - Revenge!


Draw Your Own Conclusion

Birds sing, roosters crow, someone's grill fills the air with the smokey aroma of BBQ and all's well with the world. Well, not really, but this little part of it's doing alright even though gas has shot through four bucks a gallon and looks set to climb higher still.

Whatev, here in the North Central Texas Military Zone all's pretty much under control, for now. But what about Poland? Here's this, from the American Conservative:


Ten weeks after the conflict began, it is instructive to re-examine the strategic picture. The war against Russia in Ukraine has evolved, but not in the way Western observers predicted. Ukrainian forces look shattered and exhausted. The supplies reaching Ukrainian troops fighting in Eastern Ukraine are a fraction of what is needed. In most cases, replacements and new weapons are destroyed long before they reach the front.

Confronted with the unambiguous failure of U.S. assistance and the influx of new weapons to rescue Ukrainian forces from certain destruction, the Biden administration is desperate to reverse the situation and save face. Poland seems to offer a way out. More important, Polish President Andrzej Duda and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky have both expressed the desire to erase the borders between Poland and Ukraine.

Unconfirmed reports from Warsaw indicate that after Washington rejected the proposals for a no-fly zone over Ukraine, along with the transfer of Polish MIG-29 aircrafts to Ukrainian pilots, the Polish general staff was quietly instructed to formulate plans for intervention in the Ukrainian conflict by seizing the western part of Ukraine. Naturally, military action of this scale would require Kiev’s approval, but given Washington’s de facto control of the Zelensky government, approval for Polish military intervention should not be a problem.


OK, Col. Douglas Macgregor takes a dim view of the Ukraine's chance of success but his point is that Poland, with tacit US approval, moves to, ahem, assist the embattled NATO proxy and so widen the scope of the war. Big drinks, massive checks all 'round and thank Gaia Raytheon's so green.

By way of context. There's little love lost between Poland and Ukrainian nationalists. Cast your mind back to the Volyn Tragedy of 1943 onwards, in which the UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army) tortured and killed between 50,000-100,000 Polish men, women and children, mostly women and children. Stepan Bandera, once and present Ukrainian nationalist hero, leader and Nazi collaborator encouraged this ethnic cleansing. Why? 

Because he wanted a pure Ukrainian state and Poles weren't part of this vision, partly because of that nation's history of control over large parts of what we now call Ukraine. "They ruled and enslaved us," thought Bandera and now we kill them. His people sure did. 

Yes indeed. Poland hasn't forgotten Volyn, or the Russians. Again, I leave you with this:



Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Dallas Goes Full Zelensky


Just back from the metrosprawl and what a good visit, grilling, a custom AR which sadly got lost when the kayak overturned in the Trinity and on. But I noticed something strange, Dallas had gone full Zelensky. 

This is OK Now

All the people in Ma LSP's neighborhood who support BLM, tranny everything, open borders and abortion to the point of birth also support the Ukraine. You can tell this by their ubiquitous flags and annoying yard signs, "I stand with Ukraine."

Just Some Furry

Leaving aside the risible fad of believing the next corporate driven agitprop big thing, we have to ask, "Oh, you do, do you?" Perhaps that's why you support literal Nazis, AZOV, RIGHT SECTOR, AIDAR and on.

Dammit, I told you not to!

Shouldn't that be strange or even dissonant? Apparently not. Our elite Martha's Vineyard rulers' hold on the minds of the ProgLeft is seemingly complete. That in mind, Nancy Pelosi has the sheer gall to get up in Congress and quote the Bible, "I was hungry and you fed me." And no one's called her on a fraudulent $40 billion, maybe they're all innit together.


Tell us, Nancy, and all the rest of our ruling gerontocracy, what are your financial concerns in the Ukraine? And while we're at it, readers, keep some sanitizer handy.

Your Friend,


Sunday, May 8, 2022

Will The Torture Never Stop?


"Have we not suffered enough?" sobbed Annalise Kovalenko over the sonic attack, "Please, will this torture never stop?" Kovalenko is just one of many innocent Ukrainians scarred by what appears to be yet another incident of "friendly fire" in the war torn nation, an impromptu gig by Bono and Edge in the Kiev metro.

The number of civilians injured by the Bono-Edge anti-personnel munition is currently unknown but could reach into the 100s. Codenamed PopStar, the aging Bono-Edge is designed to deliver devastating losses on concentrations of troops and material, but clearly missed its target.

This is the latest example of outdated Western military aid gone awry, following Pelosi, Darth-Blinken, BoJo, DocJill and RainbowJustine "smart" bombs landing on Ukraine's capital city. Here at the Compound we have to ask, what next, the ancient Geldof submunition? 

And perhaps cynically, are we deliberately depleting our outdated military stockpiles with a view to replenishment and profit, all at the expense of Kiev and its people?

Sunday Bloody Sunday,


Monday, April 18, 2022

The Fall of Mariupol, or Total War Cometh?


Here we are, on Easter Monday, and birds sing, the sky is mostly clear of chemtrails, and all's well except for the fact that the most ferocious war on European soil since the '40s is taking place before our eyes. No small thing, and some of you doubtless have friends engaged in the conflict. Get home safe, guys. But what's the story?

I don't pretend to know, though it's curious that Western State agitprop's been lockstep in defending cokehead, actor clown Zelensky. And we have to ask, how many of our overlord$ were making ma$$ive amounts of cash out of this unfortunate eastern European country?

It seems the Ukraine, like some kind of casino where the bank always wins and you are the bank, was jackbot all the way. Regardless. Mariupol's about to fall after an extreme fight, and what next? Phase two of this ill-begotten war. As in Russia goes hard. Let's see how that pans out.

In the meanwhile, Russians With Attitude offer analysis:

They (Ukrainians believe they are) fighting an apocalyptic battle against the forces of evil who are trying to eradicate all of humanity. This is what they sincerely believe, but they also sincerely believe the Russians are not somehow serious about war and will not not fight the war like a war. It's super weird.

Super weird? A bit like the western left ascendancy defending literal Odin Valhalla Nazis on the Donbass front. OK, equivalent to Wagner? Next step, acceleration. Please bring this hideousness to an end.

Your Pal,


Sunday, March 20, 2022

Sunday Sermon - Flying Preacher

An old friend said the other night, "LSP, I respect your education, I really do, but you have no appreciation of Black Heritage." Good heavens! Serious deficiency, and reply, "Darling, what do you mean? I love George Washington, and let's not forget Jefferson Davis."

You can imagine the pause, "They weren't black!" And the response, "What do you mean?" Pause for a moment of stunned silence as you behold the icon of the free world, Vladimir Zelensky.

Try not to throw up in your mouth,