Showing posts with label Ost Front. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ost Front. Show all posts

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Troon Down!


Keen-eyed readers will have noticed that Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, Ukraine's English speaking Territorial Defense Force spox has been fired. Why? Because the murderous, unhinged, off-balance US Intel asset was going rogue and off-page, calling for hit job assassinations on anyone who disagreed with it.

My, what a bloodthirsty killer troon! And now it's fired. Perhaps blasphemous parody of a woman "Sarah" will have to go to Ost Front, to clear mines with shir feet. Or will it move back to the US and an anonymous rainbow safehouse in, say, Salt Lake City.

Mene Mene Sarah,


Saturday, July 22, 2023

The War


All eyes are fixed on Ost Front and the war, where Ukraine launched an offensive in June in the hope of driving to the Black Sea and severing Russia's land bridge with Crimea. But the offensive stalled in the face of Russian air power, artillery dominance and massive minefields. 


NATO trained and equipped mechanized brigades floundered and died before they even reached the first  fortified lines of Russkie defense. Why, how could this happen? They had Leopard tanks, Bradleys, AMV 10s, MWRAPS, Mastiffs, M113s, HIMARS and so much more. It's cost you, the taxpayer, billions. That's right, billions, and it didn't break through. Why?

you fat, mad, fraud

Obvious answer. NATO equipment needs NATO officers like Major Rachel Jones to operate correctly. UKR needs to diversify if it's going to increase force lethality. Got that? Because diversity is our strength, see Major "Rachel" fake woman Jones above.

our depressed, suicidal command, trans them all

I say again, if we're gambling on never having to fight another big war again, why are we calling for moar war? Serious question, have we been driven insane by Satan?

In Hoc Signo,


Monday, March 6, 2023

Is This The Greatest Debate Ever?


Keen-eyed observers of Ost Front will be aware of DPR militia celebrity Igor Strelkov (Girkin) and Yevgeny Prigozhin, commander of Russia's increasingly infamous Wagner PMC. It seems, gentle readers, that the two don't get along.

Here's Strelkov calling for Prigozhin's removal:

The formation (Wagner) must be withdrawn to the rear for replenishment and reorganization, in order to subsequently be used in a more promising strategic direction to break through the front.

But to withdraw Prigozhin himself from the front and COMPLETELY remove him from the leadership of Wagner is urgently necessary. Since his political ambitions (multiplied by psychopathy, the organization of demonstrative war crimes, a tendency to shameless and in many respects false self-promotion and the spread of rotten "criminal concepts" to the armed forces) only harm both Wagner and the common cause of victory over Ukraine.


Whoa. Wagner's Jefe wasn't slow to fire back:

To discuss Strelkov, in my opinion, is simply indecent. All offers were made to him: to go to the front and work in PMC Wagner. If he wants, he can come to the council of commanders and ask to become head of the Wagner PMC. I agree with all his decisions... he sits and throws feces. Therefore, why should I comment? I do not offend girls. And the fact that Strelkov is a woman, is in my opinion, already clear to everyone.


What can we say, Gogol and Dostoevsky live on.  Dr. Snekotron sums up the exchange neatly:

Strelkov: "Society has standards, sir"

Prigozhin: "You're a woman"

Truly the greatest debate in modern times.


Here at the Compound we agree. In the meanwhile, the battle for the strategic hub of Bakhmut rages on. Wagner and friendlies have it in operational encirclement but haven't closed the noose. The Ukraine, apparently, continues to reinforce what appears to be a doomed position.

Your Pal,


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Ost Front


The Russkies have taken Soledar, in Mosul, Fallujah style. What can we say, all hail Wagner, and let's see how this develops. Probably in a Bakhmut kind of way. Regardless, and food for thought.

Has anyone ever underestimated Russia? Napoleon and Hitler, I'm looking at you. Just a thought. In the meanwhile, pray hard for the boys on both sides of the meat grinder. Pray harder still for the dark souls who sent them there.

Your Pal,


Saturday, June 25, 2022

On The Way


One of the crew ended up in hospital the other day with a heart condition, but by the grace of God he survived and one pacemaker later was back in his newbuilt home today, recovering. I drove out to see him, and I tell you, it felt good to be out in the country. There it is, lying there in the searing heat, Texas. Good too to find my friend in good spirits and recovering, though weak. We prayed for a full recovery.

In other news, the Russkies had a good week, capturing Sverdonetsk along with neighboring territory and look set to capture Lisyshansk (across the river from Sverdonetsk) shortly. Smart UKR troops made it out of the encirclement, on foot?, and fell back to the Bakmut/Kramatorsk defense line. Expect RF forces to move West to test this after securing their rear. Or not. Here's a map from Rybar:

It's similar, when you think of it, to a mini version of Operation Bagration, but at a company and battalion level as opposed to divisional, and both sides seem to be operating on something like the 1944 playbook. Mini or not, it's no joke when it's your kid who dies in the fury of thing. And die they have, to the tune of tens of thousands. 

This is hideous, unlike Blue's new friend who's cute as all get out. But here's the thing. No cats in the house and this one's going to a different home after being rescued from ghetto street life by a soldier. 

He calls it "Bobby," which is sweet, but "Bobby" is not taking up residence, plaintive, sentimental, unrealistic, pugnacious protests notwithstanding.

Your Pal,


Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The War


Reliable OSINT sources like the Daily Mail, Sun, Telegraph, Bloomberg, FT, NYT and ISW tell us the Russians are about to lose Crimea, Moscow and all the rest. Such Russian idiots. They invaded the Ukraine and now they're about to be driven back by our brave Rainbow Warriors to the borders of their capital city. Such corrupt, idiotic, ignorant, Orcs.

But they keep fighting. Well, that's orcs for you, just don't know when they're beat.

Too bad they can't make tanks, missiles, computer chips, electronics, engines, literature (ahem Dostoevsky, Gogol, Tolstoy, Ed.) IFVs and all the rest. You'd think they'd surrender asap, but no, they keep on fighting, ignorantly, stubbornly, orcishly. Sila.



Tuesday, May 24, 2022

God's Pronouns


I always thought they were He/His. Oh well, now we know. And here's some social media back up from the inclusively shrinking ACOC (Anglican Church of Canada).

The excellent Anglican Samizdat exclaims, "Antediluvian throwbacks like me who have always thought of the Holy Spirit as 'He' had no idea that the third person of the Trinity had undergone a gender transition." Yes indeed, but will there be a special baptismal rite for the pneumatic sex-change? Perhaps in England.

In related news, have you noticed how the aggressive chevrons on the LGTBQ++ flag are eating up the original rainbow? Like some kind of... takeover.

In the meanwhile, the same people who gaily fly this flag are championing all out war with ORCFORCE. Vicious rumors that trans refugees attempting to flee the Ukraine have been turned around and sent to Ost Front are entirely that, vicious rumors.

Over the Rainbow,