Showing posts with label DPR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DPR. Show all posts

Monday, March 6, 2023

Is This The Greatest Debate Ever?


Keen-eyed observers of Ost Front will be aware of DPR militia celebrity Igor Strelkov (Girkin) and Yevgeny Prigozhin, commander of Russia's increasingly infamous Wagner PMC. It seems, gentle readers, that the two don't get along.

Here's Strelkov calling for Prigozhin's removal:

The formation (Wagner) must be withdrawn to the rear for replenishment and reorganization, in order to subsequently be used in a more promising strategic direction to break through the front.

But to withdraw Prigozhin himself from the front and COMPLETELY remove him from the leadership of Wagner is urgently necessary. Since his political ambitions (multiplied by psychopathy, the organization of demonstrative war crimes, a tendency to shameless and in many respects false self-promotion and the spread of rotten "criminal concepts" to the armed forces) only harm both Wagner and the common cause of victory over Ukraine.


Whoa. Wagner's Jefe wasn't slow to fire back:

To discuss Strelkov, in my opinion, is simply indecent. All offers were made to him: to go to the front and work in PMC Wagner. If he wants, he can come to the council of commanders and ask to become head of the Wagner PMC. I agree with all his decisions... he sits and throws feces. Therefore, why should I comment? I do not offend girls. And the fact that Strelkov is a woman, is in my opinion, already clear to everyone.


What can we say, Gogol and Dostoevsky live on.  Dr. Snekotron sums up the exchange neatly:

Strelkov: "Society has standards, sir"

Prigozhin: "You're a woman"

Truly the greatest debate in modern times.


Here at the Compound we agree. In the meanwhile, the battle for the strategic hub of Bakhmut rages on. Wagner and friendlies have it in operational encirclement but haven't closed the noose. The Ukraine, apparently, continues to reinforce what appears to be a doomed position.

Your Pal,


Sunday, June 19, 2022

Women Soldiers - Ukraine Edition


Totally Not a Nazi

Are women soldiers good or bad? That probably depends on the woman herself and I'm reminded of Raven's comment, some time ago, that the Russians fielded notoriously effective female troops in the Great Patriotic War. 

Brave women, you can imagine the consequence of being captured by, say, the Dirlewanger Brigade. Caveat in mind, both sides of the war in the Ukraine feature women soldiers.

Get home safe, Annushka.

Note awesome mascot and enormous knife.

This somehow reminds me of Israel.

Don't mess with her, fool.

Or you'll end up dead.

Be careful out there kids,


Saturday, May 7, 2022

1918 or 2022?


What is this, a colorized shot of the Western Front in 1918?

No, gentle readers, it's Popasnaya 2022.

A strategic height in the Donbas salient, Chechen and DPR troops spent several weeks taking the town with the help of round the clock bombardment.

The Ukrainians had 8 years to fortify this position and did, turning it into a maze of bunkers, tunnels and trenches. You can imagine the ferocity of the fighting. Similar, perhaps, to Japanese positions in the Pacific but more industrial.

That we've come to this, in the 21st century, when we should be enjoying a "peace dividend" brought about by the fall of the Iron Curtain and the Warsaw Pact is appalling. Equally so are the calls for a hot war against Russia, a nuclear conflict which would destroy us and the planet. But what can I say, people who eagerly kill babies in the womb will do anything.

By way of a parting shot, humanitarian aid and war supplies are being sold in the markets of Odessa. No surprise there, more on this anon.