Showing posts with label UKLF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UKLF. Show all posts

Monday, November 25, 2024

Reverse 1776


Here's the thing, we have all these ships, and soldiers, and warplanes. What are they there for? To protect CONUS and by extension the bright light of Liberty throughout the globe. What does that mean, in real time? That we crush tyranny, by force if necessary, after all, we've got it, see Carrier Groups and USMC.

So let's see a couple of Carrier Groups sidle up to the UK and LIBERATE that island. Maybe USMC would be involved, and what would stop them? Precisely nothing, coz UKLF no longer exists meaningfully. 

Maybe trans cops with hi-viz vests will stop our combat teams as they fight through London to free the people from Bolshevik mean post tyranny. Then, when it's all over and the Sceptered Isle thank its wayward son, all will be well.

Let's see it,


Thursday, August 3, 2023

Dwarf Tranny


I know it's not very St. Sarov, but have you noticed we're throwing billions of IOU notes at interest at this East European tranny dwarf NWO puppet? 

Like no kidding, hardly a day goes by but we're sending billions of dollars to this tranny pop dwarf, and for why? Because stop evil USSR conquering Europe and turning us commie? Oops, already are, and someone please tell UKLF that 100 or so ancient tanks doesn't = viable army.

some kind of risible joke?

Risible demise of the  UK's already pathetically weak army aside, our ruling crime syndicate have nothing to declare, they're too busy indicting the only president in decades who didn't take us to war.

Punters, I say again, what utter satans.

Your cheery old pal,


PS. The UK's Wunderwaffe Challengers haven't been seen on the battlefield. Whyever not?

Sunday, January 15, 2023

UK Tank Fleet


The UK presently has 227 Challenger II tanks and will soon have less. 148 of the current tank fleet will be upgraded to Challenger IIIs, with improvements to powerplant, gun, communications and targeting; a vaunted "digitization of the turret" will allow "us to deliver immense warfighting capabilities in battlespaces filled with a range of enemy threats".

So says UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, and perhaps he's right, we'll wait and see if these produced in Shropshire Rheinmetall engines of war produce the goods, all 148 of them. Pause for a moment and ask yourself if appx. halving the UKLF's tank fleet will "deliver immense warfighting capabilitities."

I'd argue no, it won't. This tiny hi-tech, complex, opposite of mass-producible force wouldn't last long on the battlefield and couldn't be replaced quickly enough to make up for inevitable losses. The Germans, when you think on it, had similar issues in WWII viz a vis the Tiger and Soviet T34s.

Immense warfighting capabilities? Or a so-called Conservative UKGOV gaslighting the nation on its defense while they continue to cut actual fighting strength to save money. Hey, all that welfare ain't cheap and odds on, we'll never have to fight another major conventional war again, ever. Right.

Look, moneylaundering variant

Odds on? I'll leave you to throw the dice, and Guinea on everyone's favorite monkey that Whitehall's cost cutting mandarins have backed the wrong dog. But that's as maybe. 

In the meanwhile, the UK's sending 14 of its 1998 vintage Challenger IIs to the Ukraine. Rishi Sunak's also sending 30 self-propelled guns to Zelensky. By way of context, the UK has 89 of these tracked howitzers.

Make of this what you will,


Monday, June 20, 2022

Rule Britannia


Great Britain's newly appointed Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Patrick Sanders, has issued a challenge to the country's armed forces. These along with their allies must be "capable of... defeating Russia."

"The world has changed since the 24th February and there is now a burning imperative to forge an Army capable of fighting alongside our allies and defeating Russia in battle," stated Sanders in a June 16 message to civil servants and all ranks.

With total respect to General Sanders, what a tall order. After several decades of cuts and the decimation of once proud regiments, such as the Glorious Gloucesters, the British Army amounts to some 76,000 men and women. But not to worry, it has a whopping 227 tanks, 5015 AFVs, 89 self-propelled guns, 89 towed guns and 126 rocket systems. 

Like what, 178 guns? 200 tanks? Wow, at least there's some rockets. But what does this mean. That by 2025, according to the UK's Army, the Sceptered Isle has one, yes one and only one combat ready battle group of maybe  25,000 troops. There you have it, and to put it another way, a meaningless force without US heavy firepower. And by way of context, several months fighting has cost belligerents in the Ukraine more casualties than UKLF has members.

More on this and the Western European gamble of never having to fight another major, industrial war again (read the link, not long) anon. But I'd argue Sir. Patrick Sanders has a lot on his plate right now, as in rebuilding the British Army. Good luck to him. 

Rule Britannia,


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Imagine We Win


Just look at all these Defense Ministers! No fooling, these are the people nominally entrusted with managing the Armed Forces of Europe. Behold their feminine prowress, and how large and effective do you think the armies these women control are? Hint. Tiny. Pardon GeoStrat genius but without the US they're exactly nothing.

Feel free to disagree and you'll note that the mighty strength of UKLF isn't represented above. OK, the Sceptred Isle doesn't have more than a motor pool of 1st Cav in their armored, snerk, division but still, they're fierce. The UK's military, I think, hasn't been completely turned over to tranny lesbyterianism.

That in mind, imagine our proxy Ukraine winning the war against Russia. Triumphant rainbow flags in Red Square, Pussy Riot playing accompaniment. No more prayer in schools, the army or prisons, oh no that's illegal, free sex-changes for one and all and, guess what, you all have to wear masks because Science. And on.

Picture them, rainbow marching through the Kremlin as Putin and Kadyov are beheaded. That's what we're fighting for, our way of life. Freedom to have a government subsidized sex-change. Think about that and while you're at it on Pharma profits, follow the money.

I don't know about you but I get the feeling Putin's going to resist such a fate. I think the last Christian country in Europe is going to fight against the Rainbow tooth and nail. Well, they're getting there(ish) right about now.