I don't recall voting to give Cocainsky a single cent. Here's Douglas McGregor:
Let's keep in mind Zelensky represents transgender-ism, LGBTQ on steroids, the destruction of religion in his own country and widespread censorship.
All of these things were celebrated by the elites in Europe who are now angry that they have been excluded.
All of these people are on borrowed time.
In the meanwhile, European rulers and the marionette MSM are seething and raging at the prospect of peace in the Ukraine and broader American/Russian detente. Seethe and rage all you like, you irrelevants, as you remember NATO without the US amounts to effectively nothing.
When Richard Nixon lost the election to John F. Kennedy, Nixon told supporters, “I know Jack Kennedy. He’s a patriot.” Nixon knew that the nation would be safe in President Kennedy’s hands.
Most Americans do not have the same confidence in President Biden. In April 2023, fewer than four in ten U.S. adults (37 percent) said they approved of Joe Biden’s job performance as president, with six in ten saying they disapproved. By a 2-to-1 margin, American voters now believe controlling the U.S. border is more important than helping Ukraine fight Russia. For the first time in 30 years, the U.S. Government’s interest payments on the sovereign debt equal defense spending.
These revelations would shake the confidence of any White House, but there is much more for Washington and its NATO Allies to consider. Alleged efforts by the Department of State to freeze the conflict in Ukraine are dismissed out of hand in Moscow by every knowledgeable observer of the Russian government. In the absence of a freeze, Washington has no idea how to end the 600-day conflict.
The astute and honorable Colonel concludes:
The Washington uniparty (corporate oligarchs, public health officials, mainstream media, social media, deep state agencies, academia, Hollywood, and an assortment of dubious international agencies like the UN/WHO/WEF) swiftly invested trillions to advance globalization with U.S. military power. Whenever the armed forces were committed to action, a series of administrations were always ready to defer to ineffective, even failed, military commanders.
Wasteful defense spending, excessive redundancy in capability, and resistance to badly needed change in force design and modernization are now revealing that the U.S. Armed Forces are ill-suited to modern high-end conventional warfare. The fighting in Ukraine demonstrates that Washington can no longer ignore the influence of geography, culture, and economics, all of which operate as constraints on the use of American military power.
The age of abundant wealth and unconstrained defense spending is nearing its end. How Washington reacts to these realities will determine America’s future.
Wow. Reflect, readers, and I quote: "The Washington uniparty... swiftly invested trillions to advance globalization with U.S. military power." I say again, invested trillions to advance globalization with US military power. Right in the X Ring, Colonel.And at what cost?
Beyond hideous. Hundreds of thousands dead over the last two decades and tens of thousands piling up in Ukraine every month, each one of them a mother's child. Beyond awful. So wherein lies the blame? MacGregor calls it, the DC Uniparty, that Man of Blood, intent on its enrichment at the psychotic expense of everything and everyone.
What amazes me is the way modern Leftists champion and cheer the killing machine, how blind they are to state agitprop. But perhaps I'm naive, maybe they were for this all along, see Lewis' Abolition of Man.
PS. Here's MacGregor chucking his monkey into the fight, via RHT:
Again, many thanks to the kind reader who sent me The Cat From Hue, what an excellent book, read it. That in mind, one of its themes is the author's increasing and in the end utter distrust of the MACV establishment account of the war.
John Laurence came to believe MACV was lying and he was in the right place to know, he covered the war at its sharp end for a solid five years (1965-70). You see, he was being told at press conferences that we were unequivocally winning and he knew we weren't, at least in terms of big picture.
Plaudit aside, things have moved on and the likes of Laurence, Dana Stone, Tim Page, Michael Herr, Sean Flynn et al wouldn't be tolerated. In fairness, why should the US warfighting hegemon tolerate a potentially subversive element. Then again, the reverse side of the medal says that that same hegemon shouldn't lie at the expense of lives and the enrichment of its pocketbook.
So to what extent are we being lied to about the Ukraine conflict? I'll wager the monkey, and he's a vicious little beast, that we shouldn't believe half of what we're told, and that's a conservative wager. Bets on?