Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Brazen Transfer

Do you remember our rulers giving Zelensky's Ukraine >40 BN? Sure you do, bipartisan effort. GWB comments:

Don’t be surprised if that $40 billion we’re sending him ends up in the pockets of his pals."

Not a penny will leave the Beltway. You see, help for Ukraine has to be built first — here.

Ever wondered why there was such bipartisan support for the measure to the tune of appropriating even more than asked for? A brazen wealth transfer. It’s not Zelensky’s pals who are lining their pockets. In the US, interest in the war will start fading. The goods have been delivered. 

It’s monkey pox time!



Don't forget pride month, GWB!

Realpolitik forever,



Wild, wild west said...

You know what Wal-Mart vendors call the Bentonville headquarters?

Bend-over-ville, for good reasons, and that's why their quality sux.

Kid said...

Honestly man, WHO would think US politicians would just give 40 bln to those idiots in Ukraine without most of going in their pockets and friends and masters pockets.. Feeding frenzy doesn't even begin to descxribe THE US government the last 20 years at least.


Dr. Swankenstein said...

They are keeping 10% for "The Big Guy".

LSP said...

I didn't know that, Wild.


LSP said...

Kid, they're like SHARKS. Traitor sharks to boot.


LSP said...

At the very least, Herr Doktor.