Tuesday, May 3, 2022


Apology! The Thompsons on yesterday's post were not from beleaguered Der Bunker Ukraine, they were from Bel Air. Sorry. That in mind, I've always wanted to go to the gun markets of the NWFP (North West Frontier Province). You can see why, Lewis Guns, to say nothing of anything else. Thanks, RHT, for the VidLink. Nice one. 

Shoot straight,



Undergroundpewster said...

Machine guns in Bel Air: Roland laughed his head off when he heard about that.

SgtBob said...

The shooter is Peter Sellers?

LL said...

You'd likely be robbed for your shoes in the NWFP well before you made it to the various arms markets.

Mike_C said...

NWFP? For shame! It's now called Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Land of the Pashtuns and all that.

Old NFO said...

Yeah, I want to know who and how much they paid in Bakhsish to get up in that area in one piece. AND how much to get back out!!!

LSP said...

Pewster, I was thing exactly that and feel it's time, again, to repost the song.

LSP said...

We have to wonder, Sgt.

LSP said...

I had friends that used to visit those places back in the '80s, LL, and they were alright. But I think they had security of one sort or another. Saying that, I recall stories of adventurous young Brits who thought they'd take a "year off" with the Mujahids, it didn't go too well for them.

Perhaps we need to strike a regimental bond with Probyn's?

LSP said...

Dammit, Mike, must report myself, yet again, for wrongspeech.

LSP said...

NFO, I'm guessing a considerable sum.

Wild, wild west said...

Maybe it's like Charlie Sheen said, you don't pay to get in, you pay to leave.

I don't really know that, at all, but that's how I'd bait that honey trap. "After all, we are not Communists."