Showing posts with label evil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label evil. Show all posts

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Listen Up


This is long but worth the watch. Erik Prince tells it like it is, and thanks, LL, for the link, old but gold:

Make of this what you will, and while you're at it, reflect on previous invasions of Russia, not least Kursk.

Your Friend,


Monday, May 20, 2024

Babylon Bee Satan


Is it just me or is the Bee taking over where SNL dismally let off? Here's Satan telling Democrats to tone down the evil:

And there you have it,


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Victoria Nuland Retires


At 50, everyone has the face he deserves. George Orwell

Victoria Nuland is stepping down as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs of the United States. That's right, the very same warmongering uber hawk neocon who drove US foreign policy in Europe and beyond, who only a week ago vowed to "tighten the noose on Putin" is stepping down. What can we say? Perhaps this:

You can read all about it here and here, if you like, and while you're at it ask the question, how much blood does this person have on its hands. Some argue you can even see it on her face.

That is all,


Saturday, August 5, 2023

Wow - Seriously Warning Graphic


This is Salzburg, at a festival of culture, and what a culture it is, a demonic culture characterized by a hatred of truth, love, mercy and life which is focused on its cannibalistic hatred of children. 

Perhaps you recall this verse from the Bible, "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." Woe unto you by which this offence cometh. 

Woe unto you. I won't go on, you call the shot as you see it. In the meanwhile, these satans aren't even bothering to hide.

Thanks, N, for the video.

Out Demons Out,


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Feast of St. Matthew The Apostle


Not only is it beautifully cool in north central Texas and even rained, miraculously, but it's also the Feast of St. Matthew. We all know how Matthew was converted and went from being a wicked tax collector to a holy man of God, an Apostle. Less well known is the great saint's mission to Ethiopia, in which the Apostle confronted two sorcerers, Zaroes and Arphaxat.

Zaroes and Arphaxat were in the habit of secretly enchanting people, causing them to be immobile and then, cunningly, curing their paralyzed victims. It's possible that the adepts used magically conjured snakes in these acts of occult chicanery, regardless, they were hailed as Gods by the incredulous and doubtless made a lot of money.

Matthew, no stranger to fiduciary malfeasance, occult or otherwise, saw through Zaroes and Arphaxat's trickery and went out to meet the sorcerers. These mountebanks of the dark side proceeded to set their two dragons on the Apostle, who promptly put the reptilians to sleep. A 13th century Legend describes the encounter:

Then said Matthew to the enchanters: Where is your craft? Awake ye them if ye may; and if I would pray our Lord, that which ye would have committed in me, I should soon execute on you. And when the people were assembled, he commanded the dragons that they should depart without hurting of any, and they went anon.


Needless to say, the dragons went on their way, Matthew preached a remarkable sermon, the occult mountebanks were thrown in prison, and the Apostle retired to the Queen of Ethiopia's palace. Yes, the enigmatic Candace was his patroness. 

He then raised the king's son from the dead, converted the nation, and was promptly martyred by the king's successor for challenging the monarch's sexual immorality. How dare you take the Virgin Ephigenia?

The evil king then imitated Herod, beheaded the Apostle and burned Ephigenia alive. Perhaps conscience got the better of him, as the Legend tells us he "slew himself with his own hand by the sword." Our friends Zaroes and Arphaxat survived, curiously, and fled to Persia. 

Their spirit is evidently alive, well and kicking. Just ask any country whose money is an IOU at interest to a privately owned bank. 

St. Matthew, pray for us and vanquish the sorcerers and their dragons.

God bless,


Thursday, September 9, 2021

You Satanic Old Fraud


Satanic Fraud

Well here we are in the land of the free and the brave, and the diktat's come down from our rulers, get vaxxed or get fired. Wow. Take an experimental vaccine, what could go wrong, for a disease with a >99.7 survival rate, or lose your job, you peasant.

Leaving aside pharma profit$, consider the lawyers. Dr. Swankenstein texted, "And just like that, a million constitutional lawyers became billionaires." Like no fooling. 

You Liar

But this is wild, we're being ordered to get a vaccine, which doesn't stop you getting COVID, to somehow protect other people from getting COVID even though they may or may not have the vax. Follow the science. What?

This is nonsense. Lying, grifting, tyrannical chicanery, all geared to make our rulers even richer and moar powerful than they already are. And so we come back to the land of the free and the brave. How free are we and how brave are those who are prepared to fight tyranny?

Good question, eh?


Saturday, June 26, 2021

Shouldn't Do That


Steal an election. Shouldn't do that, just don't do it. Pretend you're for the working poor as you open the border to low paid labor and cause a scamdemic to make yourself even richer. Shouldn't do that either. It's wrong, very wrong. Ship all your industry overseas to fund that beach house. Not ethically sound. At. All. Shouldn't do that. 

Watch your cities turn into urban hellholes while you sit back on the profit, but don't worry, trans bathrooms and gay flags. Big mistake. Shouldn't do that. Kill your babies in the womb in the name of freedom. You most especially shouldn't do that, you utter satans.  

Go on, blame your egregious breach of social contract, of governors to governed, on imaginary third parties and watch, Versailles-style, that illusion come crashing down. 

To put it another way, their chicanery, malfeasance, greed and deceit has within itself the seeds of its own undoing. A house built on sand cannot stand and, when it falls, great will be the fall of it.

So be prepared. Space Rock forever,


Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween Fright Night


It's Halloween, All Hallows Eve, the last night that demons and wicked spirits are allowed to roam the earth before being vanquished by the Saints. So we bring you horror.

A terrifying witch

Schooled in the Dark Arts.

Yes, it was her turn, but beware...

The horror of the thwarted Crone.

Try not to have nightmares and remember, Good wins.

Your Friend,


Monday, March 23, 2020

Behold The Face Of Evil

Have you witnessed a more despicable, venal, traitorous, corrupt, lying, malfeasant spectacle than the Democrats derailing stimulus for America in a time of crisis? And it is a crisis, people can't make rent,  payroll, are losing their jobs and don't know, day to day, if they'll be in an ICU tomorrow.

Pelosi and Schumer don't care. Why would they? They're Millionaire Socialists so the affairs of working people, of the underclass who can't afford private jets, adrenachrome and private islands don't concern them. Who cares if flyover country dies while we wax fat off the proceeds in our gated mansions?

Here's Ted Cruz:

Well said, Ted, who may be a fool but /ourfool. In the meanwhile, I know more than a few of the small handful who read this simple mind blog have served. Question. Is there not a unit ready, willing and able to take out the traitors sabotaging our country and the lives of its citizens?

You know, like the way Charles I attempted to take out Parliament but failed, or Cromwell who succeeded.

Thanks in advance for advice.



Monday, February 25, 2019

What Fresh Hell is This?

The Senate did not pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act today, the bill failed 53-44. It would have prevented doctors from killing babies born after a failed abortion, which is apparently legal at the present time. 

Democrats were almost unanimously opposed to the law because they felt it was harmful to "womens health." Several Republicans voted with them and you can read about it here.

There's something stunning, at least to me, about such blatant and unapologetic evil. Hell, if you like, is erupting from the cracks and crevices of the ground we walk on, a ground that used to be Christian and clearly isn't anymore.

The next time someone tells you, "You don't have to be Christian to be good," refer them to the babies that are killed every day with government funding, your funding, right up to the point of birth and beyond. Then watch them twist and turn like a writhing snake in their attempt to justify this horror.

I tell you, Satan openly, brazenly stalks the land. But remember this, the gates of Hell will not prevail against the onslaught of the Church. 

About time she woke up,


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Behold The Face Of Evil

Behold the face of evil, of Eric Schneiderman, New York Attorney General and champion of women everywhere, unless you're one of the women the top level Democrat beat, choked and called his "brown slave."

Some say Schiederman is twisted on Adrenochrome, harvested from fear crazed victims in vivo. Others believe the millionaire socialist Trump hater is demonic, possibly possessed.

Here at the Compound we invite you to look at the pictures and draw your own conclusion. Schneiderman: insanely evil Adrenochrome freak, demon possessed or both?

You, the reader, be the judge.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton, Fly-Ridden Dybbuk

In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk (Yiddish: דיבוק‎, from the Hebrew verb דָּבַק dāḇaqmeaning "adhere" or "cling") is a malicious possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. It supposedly leaves the host body once it has accomplished its goal, sometimes after being helped.

Is Hillary Clinton a fly-ridden dybbuk, a once human entity possessed by the dislocated soul of a dead person? If not, why is she covered in flies?


Surely not because she's dead inside but  walking and talking as though she were a human, possessed, all the while, by a dybbuk. And who has helped the dybbuk? Raddatz and its familar, Cooper?

Remember, even though the dybbuk appears to give life and even great power, it is dead and from the other side, not of this realm.

Flies and destruction are its hallmark.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Vladimir Vladimirov, We Need Your Help!

Mr. Putin, we need your help, the situation is desperate. Hillary Clinton has been cleared by the FBI, even though she broke the law and lied about it. Others would have gone to jail, or been charged with a crime, but not her. It is as though wicked magicians are now running our country and its judicial system.

The Witch Laughs

Save us, Vladimir Vladimirovich, from these heathen wizards and their magic. Release all the information you hacked off of her not-so-private server and break the spell. Help send this witch to prison, for the good of all the world!

The Witch Taunts

I know, you are holding back in case you need to blackmail the magic witch, and that is wise. But sometimes caution must be tempered by brave and daring action. Release the data now! Do not delay!

America, and the world, is counting on you.

Your Friend,