Showing posts with label chicanery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chicanery. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2025



Low level Dem operative Tania Fernandes Anderson's been busted by, of all people, the FBI for handing bags of cash to family members in a toilet, or something like that.


Democrats, you'll note, are enraged by the current attempt to do so. You'll also note Republicans are almost totally silent. Surely the Uniparty's a figment of deluded minds.

Space is Deep,


Sunday, December 26, 2021

Boxing Day


It's Boxing Day and the sun shines with balmy light as dogs bark, roosters crow and sparrows and squirrels fight with animal intensity, a feathered, furred apocalypse. All the while Navidad fills the air. I like that and so does Eduardo, who tips up massively felix, asking for a blessing.

"Padre! BendiciĆ³n!" which is exactly what he gets, miraculously failing to fall off the porch. Brandy?, perhaps, and I ask myself, "What is this, some kind of comedy Tijuana problem farm?" But I can't complain.

Christmas day was easy, fun and came complete with a delicious prime rib. Man that was tasty and cooked just right, to medium rare awesomeness. Beef for Christmas? Yes please, and what great leftovers for a Boxing Day feast.

That in mind,  why aren't unmasked revelers dropping dead here? Is this bucolic fraction of Texan country  immune from the killer Bat Bug? Maybe so, but the Diocese of Quebec clearly isn't, which is why they shut down Christmas worship, along with the ACoC Diocese of Niagara and many more. 


Why, we have to ask, is the deadly virus so much much deadly in these places than it is in Texas or Florida or, for that matter, in our migrating guests. They, you understand, can enter the country without mask, vax or anything else, unlike us. It's the same with postal workers, they're immune and don't have to get vaxxed, but soldiers do, because they're so much more clearly at risk than posties.

In the spirit of Boxing Day, I call BS on this freakish, pugnacious medico-mengele, tyranno-fest of lies chicanery, corruption, greed, smuggery, deceit, vote-dogging skulduggery and malfeasance. Enough, when you think on it, to confuse the very elect.

Stand Fast,


Saturday, July 10, 2021

Utter Disaster

The kid didn't get through Terminal B this morning because of insufficient Canadian id. You know, copies of his citizenship card, mother's birth certificate, Alberta Health Services card etc. weren't sufficient. No, sorry, can't come in. 

What? You say in amazed wonder. Hold that thought, here's the thing. Fully vaxxed Canadians with Canadian id can enter Canada. Anyone else can't, even if they're fully vaxxed. Why? Because science, because COVID. You see, a Canadian passport functions as a VIRAL SHIELD unlike a US passport, which most evidently doesn't.

Net result of this two-bit chicanery? My eldest son and soldier can't go home to visit his mother, brother and sister, whom he hasn't seen for a year and a half. He was a bit upset about that, so to make it up I put down some smoke and we ate burgers. This helped. 

I tell you this, there is a special place in Hell for the people who've foisted this wickedness upon us.



Saturday, June 26, 2021

Shouldn't Do That


Steal an election. Shouldn't do that, just don't do it. Pretend you're for the working poor as you open the border to low paid labor and cause a scamdemic to make yourself even richer. Shouldn't do that either. It's wrong, very wrong. Ship all your industry overseas to fund that beach house. Not ethically sound. At. All. Shouldn't do that. 

Watch your cities turn into urban hellholes while you sit back on the profit, but don't worry, trans bathrooms and gay flags. Big mistake. Shouldn't do that. Kill your babies in the womb in the name of freedom. You most especially shouldn't do that, you utter satans.  

Go on, blame your egregious breach of social contract, of governors to governed, on imaginary third parties and watch, Versailles-style, that illusion come crashing down. 

To put it another way, their chicanery, malfeasance, greed and deceit has within itself the seeds of its own undoing. A house built on sand cannot stand and, when it falls, great will be the fall of it.

So be prepared. Space Rock forever,


Sunday, June 13, 2021

Mirror Mirror - Who's The Fakest President Of Them All?



Surely not Joe Biden, because he got more votes than any other presidential candidate in history. He didn't even have to campaign! And he's a really good Catholic Christian, which is why he champions abortion, transsesxualism, and gay marriage. Such famously Christian doctrines.


Biden's also about helping the poor, so he's opening our southern border because a massive influx of cheap labor is guaranteed to bring wages up. Just you wait and see. Another thing Biden's famous for is his deep, personal, heartfelt concern for the African American, for blacks. They're almost as important to him as transsexuals. That's why Biden never, ever,  boosted a Grand Wizard.


He's concerned with the climate too, the "greatest existential threat" our nation faces. That's right, the weather. As opposed to a gang of self-serving crooks, shills, and hucksters inside the Beltway.

No Klansman in This Photo!

Joe Biden, easily the most popular President ever at 81 million votes, is a socialist with a mere fortune of $8 million. Where did all the rest of the cash disappear? Maybe he just spent it all. Coz, you know, living ain't cheap.

Chicanery & Fraud

What an utter, no-holds-barred, unmitigated fraud. And we have to ask, is anything about this huckster and the governing uniparty he's waxed large on, to the tune of millions, at any point honest or even held accountable?

I'd argue no, it's not. So who's the fakest president of them all?

You, the reader, be the judge,


Thursday, May 13, 2021



Look, cryptically named 'LSP,' you can't hit people with an evil gang music sonic attack on the Feast of the Ascension, even if it does make for an interesting musical parable of civil war and associated wickedness. 

Thus spoke the voice of reason over morning coffee on the back porch and I hit delete, such is the miracle of technology. Then the kid called in from Camp Humphreys in Korea, where he's getting ready to leave for Fort Hood in a month or so.

Part of the "out processing" involved a J&J Covid shot on Sunday, which caused such an allergic reaction that he ended up in hospital. He's recovered, thank God, and it's more than tempting to go on a rant about the evil chicanery that's overtaken us in the name of health and safety. But I won't, here's a prayer for the day instead:

GRANT, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that like as we do believe thy only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into the heavens; so we may also in heart and mind thither ascend, and with him continually dwell, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.


God bless,


Wednesday, April 21, 2021



Ma'Khia got herself shot because she was a "very loving, peaceful little girl," until she tried to stab another girl. And that's just it, she probably was a loving little girl, with all that that entails, until something went wrong, drastically wrong. Then she became a stabba.

The problem here runs deep. Force, in the end, will solve it because we've apparently run out of reason. In the meanwhile, here's my kid from the Army in South Korea, "Dad, could your generation please sort it out, before we have to."

I'm afraid, Son, that the boat has sailed.

Your Old Pal,