Showing posts with label Rhodesia was awesome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rhodesia was awesome. Show all posts

Saturday, October 9, 2021



And That's Just The Start

We've come to this critical part of the evening where we're talking loadout. What can and should you carry when SHTF in an EOTW scenario or even, kyrie, actual warfare. What do you carry and how heavy should it be?

Current US doctrine says something in the region of >100 Lbs, plus water, ammo, helmet, yet more ammo, weapon and all the rest. Very, very heavy. Maybe as heavy as the fighter himself. So there you have all these guys humping at least 100 Lbs of stuff around. Nightmare, you're so heavy you can't operate, to say nothing of no knees in the future.

So whaddya do? Stash the unnecessary kit in a hole somewhere, a "cache," and march on with what you actually need. Point being, take what you need. Maybe that's just an FN and some stupidly short shorts.

All this in mind, no, I did not go running with an 80 Lb load the other day, but I did cook some delicious mac cheese. Yum. Caveat, fall upon your enemies and destroy them utterly.

Travel Light,


Wednesday, April 21, 2021



Ma'Khia got herself shot because she was a "very loving, peaceful little girl," until she tried to stab another girl. And that's just it, she probably was a loving little girl, with all that that entails, until something went wrong, drastically wrong. Then she became a stabba.

The problem here runs deep. Force, in the end, will solve it because we've apparently run out of reason. In the meanwhile, here's my kid from the Army in South Korea, "Dad, could your generation please sort it out, before we have to."

I'm afraid, Son, that the boat has sailed.

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

She's A Rainbow

Until she's a backstabbing, knife in the back psycho.  What then? Fall back to your last RV, regroup, and advance to contact. Or simply run like fury :)
