Showing posts with label skulduggery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skulduggery. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Moar Storm


Well here we are. A storm, yes another one, is blowing in over North Central Texas, as it is over the country as a whole, and about time too. Billions of dollars in fraud, waste, mismanagement and corruption exposed every day. And all, dear friends, billed to you, the taxpayer. For example:

- $10M for "Mozambique voluntary medical male circumcision"
- $9.7M for UC Berkeley to develop "a cohort of Cambodian youth with enterprise driven skills"
- $2.3M for "strengthening independent voices in Cambodia"
- $32M to the Prague Civil Society Centre
- $40M for "gender equality and women empowerment hub"
- $14M for "improving public procurement" in Serbia
- $486M to the “Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening,” including $22M for "inclusive and participatory political process" in Moldova and $21M for voter turnout in India
- $29M to "strenghening political landscape in Bangladesh"
- $20M for "fiscal federalism" in Nepal
- $19M for "biodiversity conversation" in Nepal
- $1.5M for "voter confidence" in Liberia
- $14M for "social cohesion" in Mali
- $2.5M for "inclusive democracies in Southern Africa"
- $47M for "improving learning outcomes in Asia"
- $2M to develop "sustainable recycling models" to "increase socio-economic cohesion among marginalized communities of Kosovo Roma, Ashkali, and Egypt"

Like, what? Long story really short, the US taxpayer was funding global leftism and its purveyors to the tune of billions and making a lotta people inside the Beltway rich. You'll note DC house prices have dramatically declined.

What an exercise of industrial fraud, chicanery and malfeasance levied on the American people. I don't know, I hope there's a reckoning. But I do know this, nothing like it's occurred in our history, whether it's the fraud or its uncovering.

Will the perpetrators be brought to justice? Who knows, but it seems DC searches for off-shore banks, RICO, and defense lawyers are going exponential. As they should. In the meanwhile, Euro Elites seethe and rage as JDV and 47 sideline them for peace in the Ukraine.

Hey, did you vote to give billions of dollars to Ukraine? No, neither did I.

Your Pal,


Saturday, February 8, 2025

Get Off My Ship


Maybe this sheer, risible, traitorous trans idiocy is about to end, please. Like really, they say this idiotic buffoonery increases "force lethality"? Try not to throw up in your mouth. Then there's mechanics, engines, and the F 150.

Keen-eyed readers, all five of you, might recall some redneck mechs dropped a new engine in my 2018(!) Fiddy, but there it is. You might also be pleased to know that the new 5.0 V8's running like a champ, not unlike 47's onslaught against the Deep State and its utterly corrupt apparatchiks in our hallowed, sacrosanct, beloved corridors of power. 

USAID yesterday, FEMA today, maybe Medicare, Medicaid, and the mighty Pentagon itself tomorrow. Surely, my dear friends, there's no inefficiency, waste, skulduggery, fraud or malfeasance in the latter.

Perhaps you've been waiting for this day. In the meanwhile, deranged Dems are playing whack-a-mole, and a young Sergeant's visiting from Fort Hood and playing some kind of video game, in which imaginary warriors kill imaginary enemies on the internet. This seems to involve lots of shouting; in fairness, Sgt. LSP is actually a soldier. So there is that.

Mind How You Go,


Monday, May 13, 2024

Buffoonery Incompetence And Lies


Buffoonery, incompetence and lies. Welcome, dear readers, all three of you, to the State of the Union. Where will we go from here?

Perhaps we can vote our way out of it.

And maybe you'll buy a bridge to Alaska.

Or anywhere else on CONUS.

In the meanwhile, you may have noticed the West isn't reproducing, demographics are drastically down. Solution? Import millions of third worlders who'll vote, as if by LGBTQ+2 magicke for you. Or will they? Good question.

Last I heard, Moslems weren't too keen on gayistry, and South Americans? What can we say, Pinochet was notoriously left tolerant.

Your Old Pal,


Sunday, February 4, 2024

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Diversity Hire Mountebank


Guess what, the guy who's in charge of the transist, globohomo, largest military in the world just went missing, totally out of action, AWOL, MIA, right at the time we're fighting yet another war. Why, you ask, did SECDEF Austin go offline in these crucial hours?

High Stepping Fraud

Because the diversity hire has prostate cancer. Good thing we'll never, ever, ever have to fight another major war again. But in case you're remotely interested, Diversity Austin's net worth is an appx 2MUSD. NICE.

Good Heavens!

Like wow, these people really hate you. A lot, and they're wondering why white people aren't signing up. Regardless, behold buffoon, mountebank, careerist, diversity hire, unfit for purpose Lloyd Austin, the leader under Biden of the world's most powerful military. Good luck with that.



Saturday, December 30, 2023

Presidential Prediction?

You Wicked Old Mountebank

Who's going to be the next President of the, ahem, Free World? El Senor Trump, Joe "Wicked Old Crook" Biden? Kamala  "The Whore" Harris? Good question.

For what little it's worth, I don't see the Crook getting too far, he's just too unpopular, despite his 81 million vote 2020 rig, and he's clearly ancient and demented as well as an old fraud and a crook. No one really likes him, even his own party, why would they. So the 2024 vibe doesn't seem to lie with Pedo Joe. But what about the Cackling Whore? No one likes her either, not a good candidate.

Orange Man Bad

Then there's the Orange Pinata, Trump. He's popular, no doubt about it, the man fills stadiums, but the Uniparty hates him, he's a threat to them. So do you see the Golden Golem of Greatness being allowed by our rulers to ascend, once again, to the Oval Office? I'd say that was unlikely, but even so, there has to be some kind of viable opposition to keep the pretense of our one two party state vaguely credible. You know, your vote counts, sorta thing, which it obviously doesn't, but whatever.

Cynical doomerism aside, who will the Power that controls us run against Orange Man Bad. The Old Witch, Hillary? Surely not, that pantsuit's already sailed. Feeble Joe and the Cackler are clearly a bust, so... who? Mitchell Obama, swooping in from Martha's Vineyard like an ill-omened bat? As a kind of final black Democrat rally before the Latino influx replaces that unfortunate demographic?

How Very Bipartisan

Possibly, but what do I know, not much except this. Trump is surely the only viable GOP candidate, Biden/Harris are a bust and Mitchell's an outlier, which leaves us at an impasse. There has to be someone, some person anointed by Power to act as the figurehead of State and preserve the facade of freely elected governance. Who will it be?

Your Call,


Friday, December 29, 2023

Extravagant Doomerism For 2024


For an extravagantly doomerist set of predictions for the coming year look no further than 2024: Good-Times, Weak-Men, & The 'Secret Sauce' Of Globalist Wickedness, via Zerohedge. Here's the captivating intro:

“I’ve also lost patience with the Sharia of the political left taking over the entire system.”

- David Collum

Historians of the future, flash-frying peccary testicles and mesquite pods over their campfires, will wonder at how the archetypal Shining City on a Hill of America’s storied yesteryear got transformed into the roach motel that our country has become on the threshold of 2024 CE. Will they be as stupidly bewildered as, in our time, the faculty at Harvard, the editors of The New York Times, or the directorate of the CDC? Or will they figure out the score by then?

Which is: the nauseating state-of-the-nation is being driven by a cohort of our own fellow citizens lost in an evil crypto-religious salvation rapture that veils their own self-disgust, moral failure, peevish discontents, petty hatreds, willful profanations, compulsive lying, sexual depravity, fraudulence, venality, cupidity, and all-around want of boundaries. They are wrecking the country on-purpose, led by their chosen figurehead avatar, “Joe Biden,” and the horses of many different colors he rode in on.

The people running things, yanking the levers of power, managing the malign weapon they have made of government (and the law, and schooling, and medicine, etc.), have got to be turned out, and hard. Not a few should find themselves in the courts and, with proper and fair adjudication, be conducted to prison, perhaps even to the special room there where the lives of the wicked are ceremonially concluded.

You may legitimately ask: Does America deserve what it’s getting? Well, you know the old maxim about hard times make strong men. . . strong men bring good times. . . good times make weak men. . . . Our national quandary is certainly a case of that, plus the manifestation of well-known terrestrial cycles (e.g., Fourth Turnings), plus the workings of emergence as the dynamics involved in all this sort themselves out. . . topped off by the “secret sauce” of Globalist wickedness, with the aim of severe population reduction and the asset stripping of Western Civ for the benefit of the that moneygrubbing Globalist transhuman technocrat rat-pack.

My natural inclination, you know, is a kind of allergy to paranoid schemes, but one does survey the scene with wonder at how superbly coordinated the fuckery has been — much of the world locking down simultaneously for the Covid-19 op. . .  the global mass vaxx campaign. . . the fiscal lunacy and accompanying central bank shenanigans. . . the broad-based censorship operations. . . the capture of the news media. . . and the war-mongering.

So, the country is in the toilet and it is our job in 2024 to make sure it doesn’t get flushed all the way down the pipe. That’s all the throat-clearing you will hear before we get to the meat of this broadside: predictions for the year ahead.


You can and should read the excellence of the whole thing. For what it's worth, I mostly agree with Mr. Kunstler even though he doesn't deploy the estimable words "malfeasant," "skulduggery," "mendacious," and "satrap."  

Regardless, see what you think and while you're busy reading I'll be reheating medium rare perfection roast beef. This miracle is achieved by wrapping the jolly old beef in tinfoil, preheating your oven to 250 and then turning it off. Place your Faraday Caged beef in the oven for around 20 minutes, then take it out and eat it.

More on this culinary adventure as it unfolds,


Monday, September 25, 2023

Gold Bar Bob


Gold Bar Bob (right)

Federal prosecutors have indicted Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and his wife on a series of corruption charges following the discovery of $480,000 in cash at his home and $100,000 in gold bars. A further $70,000 was discovered in a safe deposit box. Much of the cash was stashed in clothing and closets.

Wow, that's a solid chunk of change, Gold Bar Bob, it surely pays to be a Senator. But everyone knows this, they're all at it in the hallowed halls of our great constitutional non-republic. So what broke the kamala's back in this instance of cash-in-envelope skulduggery and fiscal malfeasance?

Perhaps the sheer, low level, greedy audacity of it all. Gold Bar Bob broke Washington's Goldilocks rule, as in just a spoonful of porridge not the whole dam pot. Zero comments:

(Gov. Newsom (D) recently warned) “If that’s the new criteria, there are a lot of folks in a lot of industries — not just in politics — where people have family members and relationships and they’re trying to parlay and get a little influence and benefit in that respect. That’s hardly unique.”

If these allegations against Menendez are proven, then he violated Washington’s Goldilocks rule. It would mean that Menendez pursued gifts with a reckless abandon, endangering others whose corruption was more circumspect.


Quite. And again:


In a town known for a certain finesse in influence peddling, Menendez broke with industry custom by allegedly accepting direct items like gold and a car. This is classic bribery stuff. There was no labyrinth of shell companies and accounts — just crude old-school corruption, with cash stuffed in clothing and gold bars squirreled away for a rainy day.

Where corrupt figures often refer to getting their beaks wet, Menendez allegedly took a headlong plunge into this pool of corruption. This city has not seen such low-grade alleged bribery since former U.S. Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.) was found with $90,000 wrapped like a po boy in his freezer.


Dammit, Gold Bar, looks like you broke the rules, fella, and now you have to pay. But look, <700K is hardly serious graft or remotely unique in your industry and that's just it. Per Zero again: 

In the end, the problem is not Menendez. It is the array of other politicians who enabled him while dismissing his reputation for corruption. To use Newsom’s words, Menendez is “hardly unique” for cashing in on his position. That is precisely the problem.


Gold Bar Bob, who identifies as he/him, protests innocence and claims all that cash and gold was simply the result of careful saving over thirty years of political life. 

Good call, Bob, we believe you.



Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Tucker & Orban


Check out Tucker and Orban in the circle of truth. It's a little long but value. Here:

Gentlemen and women, we stand against Hell.




Friday, December 16, 2022

And The Show Goes On!


Not content with revealing FBI/Intel agency skulduggery at Twitter and bashing the hated Fauci, Elon went on a tear last night and suspended a slew of Deep State bought and paid for propagandist shills journalists from the influential platform. Here's a few:

1.New York Times technology reporter Ryan Mac

2. Washington Post reporter Drew Harwell

3. Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann

4. Former Vox reporter Aaron Rupar

5. CNN reporter Donie O’Sullivan

6. Mashable’s Matt Binder

Oh dear, what a total tragedy. But why the suspension? For allegedly doxxing Elon and his family, though maybe too for obnoxious, condescending, deceitful, biased, pugnacious, hypocritical smuggery. Either way, leftist heads are exploding all over the universe and we have to ask, don't they like their own medicine?

This humble mind blog remains permanently banned from Twister. I regard that as a badge of honor.

To the Emperor,


Monday, January 24, 2022



Why would the Western Powers, NATO, go to war over a strip of Ukrainian territory, Donbass? How does that, in any way, shape or form threaten our national integrity. It doesn't, obviously, but even the most myopic observers might note that it threatens our ruling elite oligarchs.

How much money has been siphoned off the Ukraine to the Big Guy via his Burisma crack head son? Did Hillary benefit, and how many more. Good questions and we have to ask are they still getting the Ukrainian paycheck or are they scared their perfidy will be found out.

Imagine. Putin launches a "lightning raid" into the territory and seizes Kiev, where he installs a pro-Russian ruler, the kind of guy we got kicked out in our Fascist color revolution. What then? The new premiere exposes our rulers' snouts at the trough corruption. 

Point being, are we beating the war drums, and it is us, the Western powers, the US in particular along with its poodle UK, in a massive attempt to cover up the mafia-like crime of our leaders. Good question.

Perhaps we really think Russia, with a GDP <California is going to start WWIII and we have to protect the "free world," a world in which we're so free you're not allowed to leave your country, buy or sell or work without State permission, what a GloboCorp utopia, is somehow at stake in the Ukraine.

Maybe it is, along with our rulers' malfeasance, skulduggery and corruption.

That's my call and I'm sticking to it.

Your Pal,


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Nothing To See Here


Via Zero:

Among the boldest and eye-brow raising political moves by embattled Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev within the past days that grabbed international headlines was his ordering the arrest of Kazakhstan's powerful former intelligence chief, Karim Massimov, on the charge of high treason.

Indicating that amid widespread fuel price unrest which quickly became aimed squarely at toppling Tokayav's rule there's a simultaneous power struggle within the government, Massimov had headed the National Security Committee (KNB) up until his Thursday sudden removal and detention. Massimov had served as the prior longtime strongman ruler Nursultan Nazarbayev's prime minister and has long been considered his "right hand man". Shortly after, a photo has resurfaced, currently subject of widespread speculation which shows Joe Biden and Hunter Biden posing with the now detained Kazakh security chief Karim Massimov, along with well-connected oligarch Kenes Rakishev.

10% to the Big Guy? Whatever, don't say snouts down, pigs at the trough.



Sunday, December 26, 2021

Boxing Day


It's Boxing Day and the sun shines with balmy light as dogs bark, roosters crow and sparrows and squirrels fight with animal intensity, a feathered, furred apocalypse. All the while Navidad fills the air. I like that and so does Eduardo, who tips up massively felix, asking for a blessing.

"Padre! Bendición!" which is exactly what he gets, miraculously failing to fall off the porch. Brandy?, perhaps, and I ask myself, "What is this, some kind of comedy Tijuana problem farm?" But I can't complain.

Christmas day was easy, fun and came complete with a delicious prime rib. Man that was tasty and cooked just right, to medium rare awesomeness. Beef for Christmas? Yes please, and what great leftovers for a Boxing Day feast.

That in mind,  why aren't unmasked revelers dropping dead here? Is this bucolic fraction of Texan country  immune from the killer Bat Bug? Maybe so, but the Diocese of Quebec clearly isn't, which is why they shut down Christmas worship, along with the ACoC Diocese of Niagara and many more. 


Why, we have to ask, is the deadly virus so much much deadly in these places than it is in Texas or Florida or, for that matter, in our migrating guests. They, you understand, can enter the country without mask, vax or anything else, unlike us. It's the same with postal workers, they're immune and don't have to get vaxxed, but soldiers do, because they're so much more clearly at risk than posties.

In the spirit of Boxing Day, I call BS on this freakish, pugnacious medico-mengele, tyranno-fest of lies chicanery, corruption, greed, smuggery, deceit, vote-dogging skulduggery and malfeasance. Enough, when you think on it, to confuse the very elect.

Stand Fast,


Saturday, July 10, 2021

Utter Disaster

The kid didn't get through Terminal B this morning because of insufficient Canadian id. You know, copies of his citizenship card, mother's birth certificate, Alberta Health Services card etc. weren't sufficient. No, sorry, can't come in. 

What? You say in amazed wonder. Hold that thought, here's the thing. Fully vaxxed Canadians with Canadian id can enter Canada. Anyone else can't, even if they're fully vaxxed. Why? Because science, because COVID. You see, a Canadian passport functions as a VIRAL SHIELD unlike a US passport, which most evidently doesn't.

Net result of this two-bit chicanery? My eldest son and soldier can't go home to visit his mother, brother and sister, whom he hasn't seen for a year and a half. He was a bit upset about that, so to make it up I put down some smoke and we ate burgers. This helped. 

I tell you this, there is a special place in Hell for the people who've foisted this wickedness upon us.



Sunday, March 7, 2021

Sunday Sermon - Moneychangers


If you follow the newfangled lectionary, you'll have heard St. John's account of Christ driving the money changers and associated cattle out of the Temple. Picture the scene. 

There's the forecourt of the Temple turned into a cattle market, replete with FX grifters exchanging secular currency for Temple coin, and making a nice profit to boot.  Why? Because the Jews had to buy animals to sacrifice and the Temple didn't accept secular money. Enter Christ.

Zeal for his Father's house consumed him as he drove the beasts out with a whip, overturning the cattle market casino which had turned the Temple, the holiest place on earth, the focus of atonement as it then was, into a "den of thieves." 

The Temple was defiled and Christ couldn't stand for it, hungering and thirsting for righteousness he drove it out, and the message, on the face of it, is clear. No corruption, grift, skulduggery and malfeasance in the Holy Church of God. But there's more.

Sensing something deeper, bystanders ask for a sign, they want to know what our Lord's actions signify, and he tells them, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." Of course they're confused, but we're not. 

Jesus' cleansing of the Temple is a prophetic act which points to his death and resurrection, to his atoning sacrifice and its attendant victory. He will be the new Temple and its Sacrifice, as one. So Christ drives the animals and the moneylenders out of the Temple. Their time is done.

We're the beneficiaries of this, the blood of the Paschal Lamb is on the lintel of our souls, such that the Angel of Death passes over us. As living stones in the spiritual temple of Christ's Body, the Church, his sacrifice is operative within us, which brings us back to the wicked money changers.

For sure, the Church writ large must cleanse herself of corruption, but what about us, as persons, the Church writ small? Surely the same applies. We're Temples of the Spirit, says the Apostle, and so we are. Message to market?

Repent. Drive those knavish thieves, the world, the flesh and the Devil out of the temple of our souls so that we, clean, may find union with the Cross and the life which flows from it. Therein lies sanctification and beatitude, and herein endeth the Lesson.

Your Old Friend,


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Lawyers Guns And Money

All I've been doing since Sunday is talking to lawyers and bankers. Why? Because a couple of local libs figured they could take a lot of cash out of one of our frozen bank accounts. You know, just take it, and then what, hole up on the Brazos, like no one would notice?

Their malfeasance, literal skulduggery and mutiny is back under control and calm, and cash, is back where it should be.

Libs, don't even think of trying it on again. 

Your Buddy,


Saturday, October 6, 2018


They raged, they foamed, they gushed, they gnashed, they were paid from Soros' immensely deep gilt edged pockets. And still they lost. Now they're wailing and gnashing their pointed teeth.

Right there on the steps of the Capitol which, notoriously, they don't control anymore. Sorry, Libs, you lost and lost hard. And keep it up, your despicable skulduggery, to say nothing of malfeasance, awakened the MAGA base.

So watch out for that fabled blue wave in the midterms. Whatever, Kavanaugh did well and went through hell to do it. Good work.

More liberal tears, please.



Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Russians Did it! Or Would That be Crowdstrike?

It seems that the desperate, hysterical, faked up attempt by the Democrats to blame Hillary's catastrophic defeat on the Russians is unraveling yet further into a threadbare tale of skulduggery and malfeasance.

Apparently the corrupt as you like  honest as the day's long Dems, and the FBI, and the lying, mendacious, corrupt, venal mainstream media based their Red Menace narrative on the findings of one firm, Crowdstrike.

Crowdstrike's integrity has been called into question, not least for misrepresenting data from the conflict in the Ukraine. Here's Zerohedge:

This is nuts. Are all U.S. government agencies simply listening to what Crowdstike said in coming to their “independent” conclusions that Russia hacked the DNC? If so, that’s a huge problem. Particularly considering what Voice of America published yesterday in a piece titled, Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data:
"An influential British think tank and Ukraine’s military are disputing a report that the U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has used to buttress its claims of Russian hacking in the presidential election.

"The CrowdStrike report, released in December, asserted that Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app, resulting in heavy losses of howitzers in Ukraine’s war with Russian-backed separatists.
"But the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) told VOA that CrowdStrike erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion. IISS disavowed any connection to the CrowdStrike report. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense also has claimed combat losses and hacking never happened.
"The challenges to CrowdStrike’s credibility are significant because the firm was the first to link last year’s hacks of Democratic Party computers to Russian actors, and because CrowdStrike co-founder Dimiti Alperovitch has trumpeted its Ukraine report as more evidence of Russian election tampering."
How is this not the biggest story in America right now?

Good question. Perhaps because truth might get in the way of making excuses for the Democratic Party's epic failure? You can read the whole thing here.



Saturday, October 15, 2016

Christa - Craven Prophets of a False God

Back in 1984, a bronze sculpture of a crucified female Christ, called Christa, was thought inappropriate for New York's Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine.

The then Suffragan Bishop of New York, Walter Dennis, claimed that Christa was "theologically and historically indefensible" and the controversial bronze was removed from the cathedral. It upset too many people, back in 1984.


Now Christa's back up again, with the engaging bronze hanging above the altar of the Chapel of St. Savior in the Morningside cathedral. It seems opinion, like time itself, has moved on. Here's what the current Bishop of New York, Andrew Dietsche, has to say, in the New York Times, no less:

In an evolving, growing, learning church, we may be ready to see ‘Christa’ not only as a work of art but as an object of devotion, over our altar, with all of the challenges that may come with that for many visitors to the cathedral, or indeed, perhaps for all of us.

With all the challenges? How about this one, Jesus wasn't a woman. So who and what are you worshiping in that chapel, Dietsche? Hint, it's not Christ; in fact, it's not anyone at all. There never was a Christa who died on the Cross for the redemption of mankind, like it or leave it, and all the gender advocacy narrative of the Upper West Side can't create one.

Cathedral of St. John the Divine

But it can create an idolatrous blasphemy above an altar in what was once a Christian cathedral. Times have most certainly changed, but maybe not for the better.

As Jeff Walton reports for Juicy Ecumenism and the IRD, the Episcopal Diocese of New York has declined rather sharply over the last decade:

Between 2005 and 2015, the Episcopal Diocese of New York declined from 64,027 members to 53,353 members, a loss of 10,674 members (-17%). During the same time period, average Sunday attendance dropped from 21,723 in 2005 to 16,878 in 2015, a loss of 4,845 attendees (-22%). Baptisms in the diocese declined from 1,612 in 2005 to 904 in 2015 (-56%) and marriages performed decreased from 579 in 2005 to 290 in 2015 (-50%).

A 56% decrease in Baptisms and a 22% fall-off in worshiping attendance?

Go figure. Maybe Christa will help get those numbers back up again. 

Don't hold your breath.