Showing posts with label FEMA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FEMA. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Get Off My Ship


Maybe this sheer, risible, traitorous trans idiocy is about to end, please. Like really, they say this idiotic buffoonery increases "force lethality"? Try not to throw up in your mouth. Then there's mechanics, engines, and the F 150.

Keen-eyed readers, all five of you, might recall some redneck mechs dropped a new engine in my 2018(!) Fiddy, but there it is. You might also be pleased to know that the new 5.0 V8's running like a champ, not unlike 47's onslaught against the Deep State and its utterly corrupt apparatchiks in our hallowed, sacrosanct, beloved corridors of power. 

USAID yesterday, FEMA today, maybe Medicare, Medicaid, and the mighty Pentagon itself tomorrow. Surely, my dear friends, there's no inefficiency, waste, skulduggery, fraud or malfeasance in the latter.

Perhaps you've been waiting for this day. In the meanwhile, deranged Dems are playing whack-a-mole, and a young Sergeant's visiting from Fort Hood and playing some kind of video game, in which imaginary warriors kill imaginary enemies on the internet. This seems to involve lots of shouting; in fairness, Sgt. LSP is actually a soldier. So there is that.

Mind How You Go,


Friday, October 4, 2024

Look What Happens...


When you take a break from the hurley burley, a massive, catastrophic flood streams through Appalachia, destroying towns, houses and, most importantly people. What a total disaster. And what do the Feds do, the very same people who tax you. Nothing or very little. 

In fact it's worse than that. They're actively blocking civilian volunteers from giving aid to the communities and people washed away in the flood. Like no kidding, you fly in there on your private chopper or mule train to help these people, like a citizen, and we're gonna arrest you. Wow, we've sunk really low.

You can read all about it on the internet, while it's still legal in this country. In the meanwhile, don't forget FEMA is outta cash coz it gave all its money to illegal immigrants. Quelle horrible vote winning surprise.

Do you think, dear readers, that our beloved overlords really, really hate us? You know, all the way to the nearest Georgetown steakhouse. Let me put it another way. Do you think our rulers care more for our well-being, here in America, or for money laundering schemes in, say, the Ukraine? 

To help us in this simple thought experiment, ask yourselves which action leads to their, our rulers, enrichment. Some might argue we're dealing with outright traitors to their country and people. Gauge the consequence.



Tuesday, November 9, 2021



Cars and strip malls. You can smell it when you park up in front of the credit union, Margeritas To Go, Chipotle, Sonic, Taco Bell and on. There they are, spewing out fast food exhaust as you park in front of the bank. Hey, I'm not judging but it was weird to venture into suburban DFW metrosprawl today.

This, I thought to myself, is how most people live here. Good, bad, indifferent? I don't know, but what I do know is that all it'd take would be one big tornado to strip it all to the ground. Great would be the faux adobe of its fall. But the wind didn't rise, much, and I35 back to the Compound was mercifully clear, result.

Now, food for thought. When everything gets nasty and money, water and food don't work, how are you going to get out of the cities? Will FEMA or the Army help you? Perhaps the apocalypse elves will spring into action and save everyone. Or not.

Here in this rural haven we're cleaning weapons, throwing last year's furniture in the fire, banking crypto and loading mags.

Your Pal,


Thursday, May 8, 2014


It was just another day in Texas until the clouds rolled in, the air turned green, and thunder broke out like the guns of Kursk.

Rare Paved Road, Still Holding

Deluge followed, overwhelming this town's barely functional drainage system, turning potholed, half-paved streets into torrents of churning, muddy water. 

Typical Pre-Storm House.

Homes have been washed away, leaving their occupants to wander, dazed, through the trash-strewn wake of the flood, as looters pick their way through ripped Walmart bags and broken children's toys. 

Emergency Vehicle Park

The church still stands, a testament to the power of brick. So does the Compound.

We will survive this storm, as always, by the grace of God.