Showing posts with label Pentagon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pentagon. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Get Off My Ship


Maybe this sheer, risible, traitorous trans idiocy is about to end, please. Like really, they say this idiotic buffoonery increases "force lethality"? Try not to throw up in your mouth. Then there's mechanics, engines, and the F 150.

Keen-eyed readers, all five of you, might recall some redneck mechs dropped a new engine in my 2018(!) Fiddy, but there it is. You might also be pleased to know that the new 5.0 V8's running like a champ, not unlike 47's onslaught against the Deep State and its utterly corrupt apparatchiks in our hallowed, sacrosanct, beloved corridors of power. 

USAID yesterday, FEMA today, maybe Medicare, Medicaid, and the mighty Pentagon itself tomorrow. Surely, my dear friends, there's no inefficiency, waste, skulduggery, fraud or malfeasance in the latter.

Perhaps you've been waiting for this day. In the meanwhile, deranged Dems are playing whack-a-mole, and a young Sergeant's visiting from Fort Hood and playing some kind of video game, in which imaginary warriors kill imaginary enemies on the internet. This seems to involve lots of shouting; in fairness, Sgt. LSP is actually a soldier. So there is that.

Mind How You Go,


Sunday, December 8, 2024

What's With Syria?


OK, it's the second Sunday of Advent and you're probably reflecting on John the Baptist's voice in the wilderness crying out, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord." In other words, repent. Speaking of which, what's with Syria?

It seems Assad's regime has fallen with barely a fight. Some kind of deal between Turkey, Russia, the US and Israel or what? I'm at a loss. All of a sudden, as if out of nowhere, a resurgent ISIS/Al Qaeda rises from the sands and topples Assad without, apparently, any real opposition. So what's it all about. Help me out here, punters.

War Pigs,


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Kim Dot Com


Here's Kim, he's on a bit of a rant:

The 2014 coup with the help of Nazis and CIA snipers, endless propaganda and lies, breaches of the Minsk accords, murder of 15,000+ ethnic Russians in Donbas, provoking war with Russia via NATO expansion with plans to station nuclear capable missiles 400km from Moscow, arrogantly ignoring Russias warning to back off, acting surprised when Russia invaded Ukraine “unprovoked”, blowing up the NordStream pipelines in an act of international terrorism, unleashing thousands of sanctions against Russia to force “regime change” (unsuccessfully), bankrupting Ukraine with loans and by wrecking the Ukrainian economy, ripping off the US tax base and paying the Military Industrial Complex for sending old and ineffective arms stockpiles to Ukraine, causing millions of Ukrainians to flee to Europe, falsely promising Ukraine “unwavering support for as long as it takes”, preventing a peace agreement with Russia, causing 600,000+ Ukrainians to die in a US proxy war, losing 20% of Ukrainian territory and $10+ trillion of proven natural resources to Russia, controlling western mainstream media and lying to the world by falsely claiming that Ukraine is winning and that Russia is about to fold, using EU politicians as puppets who sold out and will never win re-election, de-industrialization of Europe and luring Gas dependent Industries with unfair subsidies to the US, costing EU taxpayers 120+ billion for funding a US proxy war and causing trillions in future economic losses for the EU, getting Germany to send tanks to kill Russians after the Soviets sacrificed 27 million people in WW2 to stop Adolf Hitler, getting Putin charged for war crimes by the western funded International Criminal Court and then backing an actual genocide by Israel against Palestinian civilians, blaming Ukraine for the failed counter-offensive instead of admitting that Pentagon war simulations are garbage, preventing diplomacy because peace and a neutral Ukraine would be a victory for Russia and destroying Biden’s re-election chances, laundering money via Ukraine to US and Ukrainian politicians, the list goes on and on.

Don’t even get me started about the millions of people the US Govt killed by funding the creation of Covid-19 and unsafe vaccines.

Are you supporting the United States Govt and the US Deep State which controls politicians in all parties, the judiciary and big tech?

Are you supporting the Pentagon propaganda media, the US censorship machine and the 5 Eyes mass surveillance regime that constantly collects every bit of data about you?

Are you supporting the US led NATO war machine, chaos by design, global deception and mass murder?

Did you know that the US Govt has killed over 20 million people in 37 victim nations since WW2? That doesn’t include deaths by sanctions and Covid-19.

Is your nation and are your politicians backing endless US wars, theft and crimes against humanity?

What happened in Ukraine is your wake-up call. This may be your last chance to rise against the evildoers and their corrupt system. Soon @X and @elonmusk  will be forced to comply with censorship or be destroyed and you will have to look for posts like this in the anonymous corners of the Internet.

If you fail to act World War 3 is more likely than not and 99% of humanity would vanish. This isn’t fear-mongering. You need to understand why the US started the proxy war with Russia:

If the US Govt can’t stop the growing multipolar order spearheaded by Russia and China or the de-dollarization in international trade the US will simply collapse because it will no longer be able to print money on the backs of other nations which use the US dollar as a reserve currency.

Printing trillions of dollars was the only way for the US Govt to stay afloat, turning the markets into a Ponzi scheme and managing an unsustainable and rapidly increasing debt-burden. Those days are numbered.


Make of this what you will,


Sunday, August 27, 2023

Mad John Boyd - A Sunday Sermon


Because this is a military blog, we have to ask, have you heard of Colonel "Mad John" Boyd? He was a fighter pilot in the Korean war, flying Sabres, then went on to become a "Top Gun" instructor and more than that, a tactician who wrote on aerial warfare and a strategist whom some liken to Sun Zhu or Clausewitz. Others disagree.

Regardless, he was hated by the military establishment of his day and never made General, doubtless because he called out paper-pushing, careerist, establishment cipher drones for what they were, paper-pushing, careerist, establishment cipher drones.

He had, apparently, a "fork in the road" speech which he invariably delivered to the people who worked with him. You have a choice, you can go this way and get promotion, money and all of that, or you can go that way and do something for your country and Air Force at the expense of preferment. Free will, you see, be somebody or do something:

“And you’re going to have to make a decision about which direction you want to go.” He raised his hand and pointed. “If you go that way you can be somebody. You will have to make compromises and you will have to turn your back on your friends. But you will be a member of the club and you will get promoted and you will get good assignments.” Then Boyd raised his other hand and pointed another direction. “Or you can go that way and you can do something — something for your country and for your Air Force and for yourself. If you decide you want to do something, you may not get promoted and you may not get the good assignments and you certainly will not be a favorite of your superiors. But you won’t have to compromise yourself. You will be true to your friends and to yourself. And your work might make a difference. To be somebody or to do something. In life there is often a roll call. That’s when you will have to make a decision. To be or to do? Which way will you go?”

There you have it, that's the sermon.

Boyd's credited, with others, of transforming the US Military into the force which triumphed on the battleground in the Gulf. No small thing. What would he think about our preparedness today and, more importantly, would such a man even be allowed in the gilded corridors of our beloved Pentagram Pentagon.

Thanks, Wild, for the tip and God Bless,


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

What About The UFOs?


OK. Here we are, and things are pretty weird. You're a rayciss if you think that the color of someone's skin doesn't determine their worth as a human being. You're threatening the very health of our nation if you don't get a vax which doesn't stop you getting the flu. So you wear a made in China mask which comes from a box explicitly saying its masks don't protect you from viruses.

Off-world insane? Yes, and that's just CRT and Covid. Let's not forget a persyn, who didn't even bother to campaign, becoming the President of the US by an epochal efflorescence of votes; more than any other candidate's had in history. So much for democratic process in our constitutional republic. And the people who dared protest the doddering old crook and the power he represents are in DC Gitmo.

Nice little American gulag, and no wonder the Left doesn't object. But that and more aside, what about UFOs? Seriously, the Navy and Pentagon admit they're there. UFOs, UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomenon, all running around and pulling aerial stunts which can't be accounted for by present tech. Media response? So what or ridicule.

You'd think video footage of inexplicable flying craft was pretty big news, backed up as it is by trustworthy sources, gun cams and pilots. But no, evidently not. Who cares if we're being visited by creatures from a different world or dimension. Like, "how ridiculous."

Except that it's not, it's there for all to see. And we have ask ask, who are they, what do they want, and how many of them are walking amongst us, unknown.Terrifying question, eh?

Ad Astra,


Friday, June 18, 2021



Here in Lspland we take UFOs seriously and so does the Pentagon itself, which is why the Department of Defense is briefing Congress later this month on some 120 UAP (Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon) incidents going back several decades. Why the sudden interest?

Because of a series of Pentagon verified videos from Navy pilots, showing unidentified craft maneuver with capability that's seemingly far beyond our own. Such as the famous Tic-Tac, Sphere and Acorn, as well as the Metallic Blimp and a random flying pyramid.


Some politicians, like Senator "Rat Claw" Rubio, believe the UAPs  are a threat, "The facts are that there are things flying over our military installations. They don’t belong to us. They seem to evidence some technological advancement that we don’t have and have never seen. That would be one heck of a technological leap and a huge strategic surprise, so we have to know what this stuff is."

You might be forgiven for thinking that Rat Claw's beating up some kind of war drum hysteria with his vicious little hands. That uncomfortable image aside, what is this "stuff"? Secret US, ChiCom or Russian tech, visitors from another time or dimension? Literal space aliens? Who knows, maybe it's Space Nazis operating Tesla drive craft, Aryan Vimanas?, out of the center of our hollow earth. Or demons, some people think they're behind the mysterious UAPs.

The Blimp

For what it's worth, I'm inclined towards the US tech point of view, who knows what we've got going on out there on the far reaches of dark money and arcane science. And for goodness sake, the scamdemic's nearly over, so it's high time for another crisis to keep the serfs in order and the profits flowing. 

But the problem with this is that the Pentagon's UAP record goes back a long time, to well before our current microchip utopia, much less hypersonic, gravity defying flyers. Sure, capitalize on the phenomenon and lock the people down forever, but the things which were flying in the '70s and before can't have been ours, surely. Or the ChiCom's or the Russians'. The tech just wasn't there.

A Typical Space Nazi

So maybe it's demons except that why would evil spirits who can move at the speed of thought bother to use a Metallic Blimp for transport, or a Tic-Tac? No, not demons. Then there's Space Nazis, from Hollow Earth. Tempting. Still, we know the Fourth Reich is all about blitzkreig and conquest, and the UAPs haven't done this, fortunately.

That leaves extra dimensional visitors, time travelers or space aliens. So what's the score?

Your Call,


Saturday, April 17, 2021

UFO News


Thanks to our awesome Climate Czar, John "Wooden Top" Kerry, it's freezing in Texas today, so no fishing. All the more time, then, to check out the latest UFO news. And what news it is, featuring Pentagon confirmed footage of an unidentified flying pyramid.

The mysterious airborne pyramid was filmed by the crew of the USS Russell off the coast of California in 2019. Here it is:

Pentagon spokeswoman Susan Gough stated, "As we have said before, to maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information that may be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP." 

Other UFO sightings verified by the Pentagon include three unexplained craft filmed by a Navy pilot in 2019, near Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia. Known as the Sphere, the Acorn and the Metallic Blimp, some speculate that the objects are balloons or foreign drones.

In related news, the US Navy holds patents on inventions that claim to change the "fabric of reality." Are these strange unexplained aerial phenomena off-world alien tech, visitors from another time or dimension, our own, or something else again?

Your call,


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Government Insider Reveals Anglican Warp Technology!

Ex-Pentagon expert, Alan Delgarde, has made astonishing claims about the technology which keeps the Worldwide Anglican Non Communion (WANC) in the air.

According to Delgarde, WANC is still flying because of "energy" and the "ability to warp space-time" and a single, mysterious technology.

"We believe it has to do with a high amount of energy and the ability to warp space-time, not by a lot, but by a little. We do believe all these observables we've been seeing, sudden and extreme acceleration, hypersonic velocities, low observability, trans medium travel, and last but not least, positive lift, anti-gravity – is really the manifestation of a single technology," said Delgarde in an interview with Compound News.

Others aren't convinced: “Are UFOs chasing our jet fighters, as recent secret documents suggest?" opined space boffin, self-described Michio Kaku, “Maybe they are experimental hypersonic drones. Or maybe aliens from outer space? I keep an open mind.”

So what is the Worldwide Anglican Communion, a spacetime warping, anti-gravity vessel from another dimension or just another hypersonic drone?

You be the judge,